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Most of Tretridian West Novaris had been lost in the war, as the collapse of authority in Cynebury caused no amount of troubles for the colonies. It was only a matter of time before [[Asendavia]] and [[Norgsveldet]] seized most of Tretrid's colonial holdings. Only [[Tretridian Nordenpunto|Nordenpunto]] was left.
===Tretridio-Norgsveltian Wars===
In 17541765, King Gustaf II of [[Norgsveldet]] declared himself the Saint of Asatru, declaring himself the head of [[Asatru]] over the traditional Asatruar leader, the High Gothir. The following religious schism would split the religion into two denominations: Gustafic Asatru, which recognized Gustaf II as the Saint of Asatru; and Gothiric Asatru, which continued to recognize the Gothirs as the religious authority.
Following Gustaf's declaration, King Ælfred IV proclaimed the Edict of Sweoraport, which refused to recognize Gustaf as the Saint of Asatru and instead reaffirmed the authority of the Gothirs. This in effect enforced Gothiric Asatru as the state religion of Tretrid. Ælfred quickly followed this up by decreeing that anyone who believed that Gustaf was the leader of the religion were heretics and were to be punished accordingly. This lead to a 50 year era of religious fervor and state persecution that only ended in 1802 when the newly crowned Queen Eadgyð II revoked the many decrees enforcing religious persecution in Tretrid.
Around the same time, Tretrid waged a number of wars against Norgsveldet to limit Norgsveltian influence over Novaris and to halt the spread of Gustafic Asatru.
===Great War===
''Main article: [[Great War]]''
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