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=== Transparency ===
The Sayqidi government is known to be transparent in their political actions and what goes on behind the scene, even recording meetings and uploading clips.
== Foreign Politics ==
Sayyed has always had foreign relations as a necessity due to its climate being unable to produce common things like certain fruits and vegetables. They always have relied on allies to export things to them, but in turn, they give back luxuries.
=== Mirhaime ===
=== Crimpateia ===
== Economy ==

Revision as of 00:32, 22 September 2022

The Serene Emirate of Sayyed

إمارة السيد الهادئة 'iimarat alsayid alhadia
Motto: "أكرم أولئك الذين جاءوا من قبل"
"Honor those who came before."
Anthem: "The Sands of Sayyed"

Royal anthem"Long Live The Grand Emir/Emira"
StatusUniversally Recognized
and largest city
Official languagesAlsaayqayidu
Recognised regional languagesXuhari
Sha'aidarum (Alsaayqaydiu Dialect)
Alqamarism (70%)
Yekeneskmi (20%)
Xuhar Folk Religion (10%)
GovernmentSemi-Constitutional Monarchy
• Emira
Scheherazade Al Sayyed (2022)
• Grand Vizier
Sheikh Mahmoud Al Ahdal
• Imperial Viziers
Farhad Hanifnejad

Leila Ghorbani

Akeem Ghazali
LegislatureImperial Chambers
Council of Viziers
Council of Pashas
• The Emirate of Sayyed founded
873 AD
• Sayyed transitions into a unique form of government
1693 AD
902,562.02 km2 (348,481.14 sq mi)
• (2022) estimate
GDP (PPP)2022 estimate
• Total
$300 billion
• Per capita
Gini (2022)25
SDI (2022)1
very high
CurrencySayqidi Dirham (SDI)

The Serene Emirate of Sayyed (Alsaayqayidu: اللسان الصايقيدي, 'iimarat alsayid alhadia) is a nation located in the deserts of West Gondwana.

Sayyed is a semi-constitutional monarchy, where the Emir(a) of Sayyed holds the title of both head of government and head of state simultaneously. Most decisions are made with the supervision and acknowledgment of the Council of Viziers (CoV) and the Council of Pashas (CoP) The current monarch of Sayyed is Emira Scheherazade Al Sayyed, who ascended to the throne in May 2022 when her father abdicated in poor health.

The emirate has maintained relations with Mirhaime who they on rely heavily for military support and are important trading partners.

Sayyed’s economy is a developed free-market one. Because of its advanced economy that came from exporting oil from the 1920s, the nation focused on modernizing its infrastructure and its main source of revenue shifted to manufacturing, research and development, and tourism. Sayyed holds a sophisticated welfare system, modern infrastructure, and an advanced, high-technology sector.

The Sayqidi jewelry industry is one of the world’s centers for extracting, cutting, and polishing, and contributes a sizeable portion of the nation’s exports. However, the country depends on imports for resources like fruit. And due to freshwater sources being scarce in the nation, it also relies on importing bottled water from other nations.

Sayyed is known to be incredibly wealthy and to have a low Gini score; most if not all Sayqidi citizens live comfortably, even in luxury. While the prices of basic necessities are low, and basic housing is provided by the government, the costs of amenities are significantly high. Due to the wealth of the nation, the minimum wage is higher than average, and hard labor, in Sayqidi culture, is considered to be extremely valuable and workers in most industries that in most countries, are considered underpaid, are paid rather well in Sayyed.

Sayyed's high-quality university education, as well as the creation of a highly motivated and educated populace, are largely responsible for the country's high-tech boom and rapid economic development by regional standards. The country has built a strong educational infrastructure as well as a high-quality incubation system (which they had adopted from the Haqmi) for new cutting-edge ideas to produce value-added goods and services. As a result of these developments, the country has created a high concentration of high-tech companies across the country's regions. These companies are financially backed by a strong venture capital industry.

Having four sheikhdoms, all of which are culturally different from one another, Sayyed is rather multicultural; all citizens of all Sheikhdoms are treated equally and discrimination of any kind is frowned upon. The current reigning Emira of Sayyed is of Haqmi heritage and grew up with both Haqmi traditions and Atasiyaqi ones.

Sayyed’s history dates back to 1000 BCE when the Kingdom of Ashur was formed by Niiqiarusu the Great, who reformed and developed the city of Salaharkesh, which became the capital of the kingdom and was the foundation of modern-day Al-Salarqa. The kingdom expanded into more of the Atasiyah Desert and southwards to the coast.

Before the last Ashurian king passed away childless, he appointed his Alqamar-following cousin, Muhammed Al Sayyed, as his heir. After the king’s death in 873 CE, Muhammed took the throne and reformed the kingdom into an Emirate, the Emirate of Sayyed, after the Al Sayyed clan he led. His reign marked the beginning of the prosperous desert empire it is today. He helped the citizens of Sayyed through famine and upon the recovery of the emirate, he set his sights on its development. Due to its new and growing wealth, Emir Muhammed was able to invest funds into the construction of Al Mahadiyya Palace, the current residence of the Emira, her family, the court, the Grand Vizier, and the location of the imperial government chambers. Muhammed passed away at the age of 79, just when the 24 years of construction on the palace were completed.

The Sayqidi Golden Age began in 955 CE on several timelines, though there wasn’t a solid date for its true beginning. Due to its ever-increasing wealth, Sayyed began to focus on science, mathematics, art, and literature. This was also a time when the Emir promoted literacy and education; Upon the poet Scheherazade (born Auset) of Khor Sha’aidat’s rise to prominence, she was sent to the court of Al Mahadiyya, where, in exchange for poetry on the life of the palace, she would be supported by the royal family in any endeavor she’d have, as long as it benefited the emirate. With this, she used the funds to build schools all over Al Salarqa, smaller villages in Atasiyah and Khor Sha’aidat, and in her home city of the same name. These crown-sponsored schools helped promote literacy and by 1000, it was reported that most if not all Sayqidi citizens could read and do basic mathematics.

For three centuries, the emirate has focused on expanding their territory, from peacefully forming the Sheikhdom of Khonmani in 1045 to violently sieging the city of Haraman in the mountain region in 1229 and forming the Sheikhdom of Haq as a form of peace. Through history, Sayyed has found itself a multicultural nation with the cultures of each sheikhdom mixing, turning cities like Al Salarqa into a melting pot of "Sayqidi culture".

In 1459, Aghvani Arzumanyan, a Haraman-born noble and Imperial Vizier, was appointed Grand Vizier by Emir Ibrahim Al Sayyed, becoming the first Grand Vizier of Haqmi origins. He made multiple contributions and improvements to the Emirate, including founding the Aghvani Arzumanyan University in Salarqa. Today it is the top university in Sayyed. He also integrated the Haqmi Educational Philosophy (Contemporarily abbreviated as HEP) into the standard Sayqidi education system, which improved the average performance of most students in the emirate.

In 1527, Emir Mirza passed away without a confirmed heir. Due to his popularity, Ngawang Tsamchoe, Mirza’s son via a Xuhari concubine, took the throne instead of Mirza’s son with his chief consort. Thus begin the Tsamchoe Dynasty, where Sayyed (then Tsamchoe) was ruled under Xuhari royalty. This caused a shift in court culture, where Xuhari culture was the major influence. However, the rule of the Tsamchoes wouldn’t last long. In 1610 Sharyar Al Sayyed staged a coup, which ened up being successful and he took the throne, restoring the clan Sayyed onto the throne.

Emir Sharyar's reign was a time of stability after a turbulent time the Tsamchoes left Sayyed in. Though his contributions put his predecessors to shame, he was most known for his love life and harem, which became the subject of many contemporary works in drama and literature.

Emira Abreshmina was a beloved and benevolent Emira, whose 60 years of rule was a time of peace and prosperity. A revered diplomat and a patron of the arts who reformed Sayyed into a semi-constitutional monarchy in 1693 using the foundation Aghvani Arzumanyan created during his term as Grand Vizier in the 15th century, which included the creation of the Council of Pashas, which consisted of officials elected by the people. Imperial Viziers held more power as well after Abreshmina and the Grand Vizier signed the decree.

The Emirs and Emiras of the Hiqbat Jamila were known to be weak, but not unintelligent. The reign of Emira Soraya (dubbed the laziest Emira) marked the time where formal relations with Mirhaime were established as a way to strengthen the Sayqidi military.


Because of its religion and culture, the realm would be named after the ruling dynasty. The name of the dynasty, Sayyed (السيد) means "The Master" in Alsaayqayidu.

-i in Sayyiby, followed by a culture or a nation means "people of", hence Xuhari (People of the Xuhar) and Haqmi (People of the Haq).

Before Sayyed, the preceding kingdom was called Ashur, named after the river that flowed near the city of Salaharkesh (now Salarqa).

The first time Sayyed was ever used to refer to the kingdom was in 873 CE, when King Muhammed al-Sayyed made a speech, referring to the what was then called the Ashur Kingdom as "The Kingdom of Sayyed".


Sayyed is located in western Gondwana, and has a surface area of 900,000 sq km. It is a nation that is almost pure desert, with the exception of the Haqmi Mountainous Region in northern Sayyed. The longest river in the nation is the River Ashur, which flows into the city of Al-Salarqa. (Notes: write about water area once you get the detailed border.)

Sayyed's highest point is Mount Qami, located in the Haqmi Mountainous Region, Qami has an elevation of 10,195 feet.

Had it not been for the multiple oases and the Ashur river, the areas where most important cities are would have been nearly uninhabitable. The Sayqidi deserts are mostly arid, so rain barely comes to bless the land.

However, Sayyed has a lot of rich resources that led to their wealth. Not only do they have a monopoly on oil, their land also contains gold, diamonds, iron, copper, and platinum-group materials.

Sayyed's fauna contains animals like camels, lizards, sand cats, etc. Sand cats and camels have been important in the empire's history and culture.


Sayyed has four sheikhdoms, all divided based off the shared history of its peoples and geographic climate.

  • Atasiyah - Is the largest region in Sayyed, it covers the large Atasiyah Desert and is home to the capital city of the same name.
  • Khonmani Plateaus - The second largest region and home to the Xuhari. Its capital is Quzou.
  • Haq Mountain Region - The highest region in Sayyed. It's home to the Haqmi and their capital of Haraman.
  • Khor Sha'aidat - Sayyed's hottest desert and the home to the Sha'aidarum people. Its capital shares the name of the region.


Ancient History

The first known settlement in the area was found to be Salaharkesh, an ancient metropolis that became the foundation of what would be the city of Al-Salarqa. Archeologists found pottery with traces of spices and honey in them. Archeologists estimate the city's founding to date back to around 1300 BCE. Evidence of an existing writing system and currency system were also found.

In 1000 BCE, the Kingdom of Ashur was founded by Niiqiarqusu the Great who reformed the economy, education, and political systems. Niiqiarusu was regarded as “A wise and dignified ruler who made significant changes to the kingdom and has made an impact so large it is still felt many generations after his passing.” During Niiqiarusu’s reign was when the Ashurian Code was written. A text detailing every law and every punishment for when the laws were broken.

King Issaruutunu III

The reign of King Issaruutunu III is marked to be one of the most impactful reigns in the history of the kingdom. His reign saw the development of a more urbanized metropolis and an improved connection between cities in the kingdom. Issaruutunu was also known to conquer the south, most significantly the region of Khor Sha’aidat, and has developed the city of the same name.

Enheduana I

King Suusaandar IV “the Mad” had a reign of dread and instability. A lot of his decisions displeased the people and were out of madness. So, the people started to turn to his younger sister, Enheduana, to rule the kingdom. The revolts were met with violence, people were killed on both sides. In 150 BCE, Suusaandar and Enheduana had a duel where Enheduana, as described by the writer Baassiia:

“Enheduana sliced Issaruutunu’s head off and placed it on the end of her spear, and paraded it all around Salaharkesh, without words, announcing that she was the new queen. And she proved to be such. However, she has spoken about her guilt of slaying her own kin, but knew it had to be done.”

Queen Enheduana, called the mother of Ashur as the kingdom went under great changes during her reign. Women now played a more influential role in Ashurian society, and she endorsed the young poet Gashansunu, who wrote "The Epic of Ashur", an epic entailing the adventures of "Young Enheduana", which included a lot of figurative speech that put a commentary on Ashurian high society.

The Founding of Sunarhi

It was believed that the prophet, Ibrahim rested under a palm tree one night and heard a voice coming from the moon, saying that he was the true god and his wife shall receive good fortune in the coming days. When he returned home, he informed his wife about what he had heard, however, she, Aaliyah, a huntress, laughed at him, saying that it was probably just a mirage, and if the god were to be real, she desired a bountiful hunt, as to make food and clothes for the poor. The following day, she went out hunting, and brought back what she desired, from meat to eat to animals to skin for pelts. The same day, Ibrahim was working when he found gold, and decided to use the money he got from it to give alms, crediting al'Iilah for the wealth he found. Shortly after, the faith has spread around the village in which the couple lived, and the two were seen as holy vessels.

Spread to the Entire Kingdom

The teachings of Ibrahim from al'Iilah began to spread across Ashur, eventually reaching Salaharkesh, however, despite its popularity, the royal family refused to adopt the common faith.

The First Sayyed Dynasty

Formation of the Kingdom of Sayyed

King Manishtushu died without an heir in 873 AD. Before his passing, he named his cousin, the popular, Sunar-following Muhammed Al Sayyed, as his heir. Much to the displeasure of the King's brothers. Muhammed established the Emirate of Sayyed, and wrote the Code of Emirs, a book containing all the rights and limitations of the Sayqidi monarch. The sudden naming of Muhammed as Manishtushu's heir caused great dissatisfaction among the nobles supporting Manishtushu's brothers and led to great instability in the early years of Muhammed's reign. However, that wasn't the only reason why Muhammed's first years as Emir was unstable...

The Great Famine

Famine hit Sayyed in 879 AD. Known as the "Year of Death" as a quarter of the Sayqidi population starved to death or died of illness. As a response, Emir Muhammed greatly reduced taxes so the population could survive it. This made him more popular considering he also followed the common faith. When the famine ended in 880, the population flourished and Muhammed was renowned as "The Great Emir".

Stabilization of Emir Muhammed's Reign

After several plots against Muhammed's life have been discovered and traced back to Manishtushu's brothers, he ordered their executions and exiled their descendants, eliminating any claimants to the throne and establishing House al-Sayyed as the dominant and ruling house.

Rapid Growth of the Emirate

Following the famine, Emir Muhammed made laws and encouraged the development of domestic and continental trade routes, cities, and the nation as a whole.

The Construction of Al-Mahadiyya Palace

In 896, Emir Muhammed ordered the construction of Al-Mahadiyya Palace, which would become the official residence of the Emir of Sayyed. As Emir Muhammed described:

"The Palace shall be large and fit for a true Emir. However, it should be flexible so the palace is able to change with the times. It shall be lined with great works and tapestries telling the stories of our ancestors."

The construction took 24 years, and by then, Emir Muhammad was on his deathbed, but his final wish was to see Al-Mahadiyya before he passed, and he got his wish.

The Sayqidi Golden age

The Sayqidi Golden Age began in 950 after decades of economic prosperity and stability. Instead of focusing on political matters, Sayyed focused on science, math and literature. Al-Salarqa attracted great minds from all over the Emirate, and education became Sayyed's priority. Schools were put up by magisters who were supported by the royal family. School was no longer a privilege only the children of nobles can have. The wealth of the country made it so that not only can every child attend, but it also ensured quality education, oftentimes free. Students, both male and female, were taught science, geometry, history, and literature. It was encouraged to teach children how to read from a young age. Mathematics was a subject loved heavily by Sayqidi scholars and therefore was a common subject as it accompanied science.

Scheherazade of Khor Sha’aidat

Scheherazade of Khor Sha’aidat was revered as a legend of the Sayqidi Golden Age, as she has written the work Tales and Poems from Sayyed, a collection of stories and poems of Sayqidi legend that were traditionally passed down orally. She has also written books containing her poetry that are studied by scholars today. Scheherazade was also known to, with the support of the Royal Family, have built many schools and encouraged literacy in the country. By the time of her death, almost everyone in Sayyed knew how to read and write.

The Xuhari

Before having been discovered by the Sayidi, the Xuhari were an elven nomadic people that roamed the Khonmani plateaus. They lived their lives in small, isolated communities away from the rest of civilization.

Conquest of the East

The "Conquest of the East" wasn't a conquest but rather a claiming of land, but the Sayqidi prefer to call it a conquest as to make themselves appear stronger. The territory that was known as the Khonmani Plateaus was claimed by Sayyed in 1015, under the reign of Emir Muhammad II. By the time of the claiming, they reported no sight of human habitation, so they decided that it was "free territory expansion" and claimed the territory.

However, a few months later, scouts reported sights of "abandoned, foreign-looking, large camps" in the plateaus, so they decided to look into it. When they arrived at the Khonmani Plateaus, they found a camp that was inhabited by an elven people. These people called themzselves Xuhar, a nomadic elven people who have moved around the Khonmani Plateaus. After an exchange of culture, and an introduction to permanent settlements as a suggestion, the Xuhari and the Sayqidi were on good terms. Which will lead to the...

Founding of Quzou and the Sheikhdom of Khonmani

After a rising Xuhari population, Emir Lateef and the leader of the Xuhari, Nyandak Lhamo, formed the Sheikhdom of Khonmani with Nyandak, now Nyandak Lekhshey as its Sheikh and the new city of Quzou as the capital. This marked the year most Xuhari abandoned their nomadic ways and settled permanently in the area, accepting the Emir of Sayyed as their leader.

The Conquest of the Haq Mountains

The Conquest of the Haq Mountains is considered the bloodiest series of fights in Sayqidi history. Having occurred in 1229 with the help of the Xuhari, the Sayqidi conquered the Haq Mountains from Khor Sha’aidat and slowly went northeastward.

The Siege of Haraman

May 1st, 1229 marked the day that Haraman was sieged. The city was almost razed to the ground and many people were killed trying to escape or fight the invading force. Some women and girls were even taken as concubines for the current Emir. During the siege, heroes like Princess Dzaghig Vardanyan were killed fighting the Sayqidi and Xuhari forces. Two months later, their leader, King Tigran Vardanyan, surrendered to the Sayqidi and pledged alliegance. After two months of merciless and needlesss bloodshed, the Haq Mountains finally belonged to Sayyed and a treaty was signed.

The Treaty of Protection

On the 15th of August, 1229, King Tigran Vardanyan of Haraman and Emir Ibrahim Al Sayyed signed a treaty of protection and vassalage. In exchange for protection, the Haq Mountains will swear fealty to Sayyed. This was also the day when the Sheikhdom of the Haq Mountains was created with Tigran as its sheikh.

Grand Vizier Aghvani Arzumanyan

The Haraman-born Aghvani was appointed Grand Vizier at the age of 36 in 1459 by Emir Ibrahim Al Sayyed. Throughout his tenure of 34 years, he made great contributions to the education of Sayyed and creating an educational system based of the Haqmi Educational Philosophy. He also invested funds from the Imperial Exchequer in the improvement of roads and trade routes. And he set the foundation for the system Sayyed currently rules under, which was fully reformed during the reign of Emira Abreshmina Al Sayyed in the late 17th century. As the first Haqmi Grand Vizier, he brought pride to his people, who suffered a great loss centuries before.

The Founding of Aghvani Arzumanyan University

Shortly after he was appointed, Arzumanyan founded the Aghvani Arzyumanyan University (AAU), using an old but large Madrasa building.

The Tsamchoe Dynasty

In 1527, Emir Mirza Al Sayyed passed away, and to everyone's surprise, the son of Emir Mirza and his Xuhari concubine, Ngawang Tsamchoe Al Sayyed succeeded him instead of Mirza's son with his consort, who was about the same age as Ngawang. This sprouted the Tsamchoe Dynasty, and according to the Code of Emirs, Sayyed would be called Tsamchoe for as long as the dynasty lived. Court culture in what was now Tsamchoe saw a change as the Xuhari courtiers got more and more influential, eventually being influenced by Xuhari art, music and dress. However, the Tsamchoe Dynasty only lasted four generations.

The Tsamchoe Dynasty was ridden with weakness. However, upon the death of her father, Gyalwa Tsamchoe took the throne in 1589, the first and only Emira of the Tsamchoe Dynasty. Her reign was a breath of fresh air, as her reign was seen as stable and calm, "unlike her predecessors."

When Emira Gyalwa passed away in 1603, the throne went to her young son with her younger brother, Tobgyal as regent. After a series of events, Tobgyal usurped the throne in 1605 and became Emir of Tsamchoe. But, his rule proved to be unstable and challenging.

Bloody Salarqa

Late 1609 marked the time Sharyar Al Sayyed gathered enough support to put the Sayyed Clan back on the throne. It started with a letter from Sharyar to Tobgyal, saying that he (Sharyar) was the rightful Emir of (Sayyed), and if Tobgyal were to abdicate in favor of Sharyar being Emir and restoring the Sayyed Dynasty, no one would get hurt. However, Tobgyal crudely responded and refused.

(Note: make a letter from Tobgyal to Sharyar)

So, as a response, Sharyar and his supporters attacked Salarqa from the inside. The bloodshed lasted three days, but those three days saw multiple casualties on both sides, hence the name "Bloody Salarqa". Tobgyal's forces were weakened in Salarqa and Atasiyaqi, Sayyed-supporting men replaced the Emir's forces in the city. The following day, Sharyar planned an attack on Al-Mahadiyya Palace. Fortunately for Sharyar, he was able to get in contact with servants, both former and serving, who were willing to provide information on the palace's layout for a bit of gold. With information collected, he began to strategize: the members of the female-only legion, the Daughters of Aaliyah, would dress as harem maids to access the concubines and young children of Tobgyal, whom they will escort out to safety. A few selected younger soldiers would do something similar to his teenaged sons. The goal was to not harm any of his family or the staff. While the royals are being escorted, saboteurs go around the palace, sabotaging any escape route Tobgyal could take, disabling guards in the process. After the royals have been escorted to safety and the escape routes are secured, Sharyar begins the attack.

The plan was well-executed and as most his men focused on the exterior forces, Sharyar brought a few soldiers with him inside the palace where they located the office. Blood was spilled on royal carpets, and when they got to the office, Sharyar entered alone and saw Emir Tobgyal face-to-face. While no one knows what happened in the office, the doors opened to reveal Tobgyal on his knees, declaring Sharyar as Emir of Sayyed. Tobgyal was put with the rest of his family and everyone celebrated that night.

It was later decided that the Tsamchoe clan be exiled to a remote area in the Sheikhdom of Khonmani and denied any position of influence. The attack of Al-Mahadiyya marked the beginning of the Second Sayyed Dynasty.

Portrait of Emir Sharyar, 1615

The Second Sayyed Dynasty

Most of Emir Sharyar's reign focused on stabilizing the realm after what had occurred during Tobgyal's reign and Bloody Salarqa. He was revered as not only a great military leader, but a man of just. He encouraged free thinking, and helped development in Khor Sha'aidat.

Emira Abreshmina Al Sayyed

Abreshmina ascended to the throne upon the death of her father in 1663, at the age of thirteen, making her the youngest Emira of Sayyed.

"The Redhead"

Emira Abreshmina was known for her vibrant red hair, a though rare, feature amongst the Haqmi. Abreshmina was the daughter of a Haqmi Mir, making her the first Sayqidi monarch of direct Haqmi heritage.

Early Reign

Upon the death of Emir Ahmad Al Sayyed, Abreshmina received the crown. When the news of her father's death reached her, she was recorded to be "Distraught" and to have "not left her chambers for a week".


Abreshmina was coronated two months after the death of her father. The ceremony, as with all Sayqidi coronations, was grand. However at the end of the procession, she was reported to have almost fainted when she stood up from the palanquin because of the heat.

The Formation of the Council of Viziers

The Hiqbat Jamila

The Hiqbat Jamila emerged in the late 18th century when there was a focus on taking inspiration from foreign and neighboring powers, or any ally Sayyed had. It was a time of emerging modern beauty, and works like 90 Days in Al Salarqa by Kelden Norbu were written with the mindset of focusing on the industrial beauty of the nation.

Emira Soraya’s reign caused controversy, as she decided to let the Grand Vizier hold most of the authority on the Emirate while she focused on her vanity. Many people feared that there might be a sudden switch of governments, even when the unique semi-constitutional system the emirate had for centuries had proved to work perfectly. However, something Soraya did to benefit Sayyed was endorsing the involvement of the Mirhamian military in Sayyed from 1916 onwards. The Great War struck fear into the Sayqidi, who never had the need to militarize heavily, so they sought outside help. Mirhaime ended up being a major trading partner with Sayyed in its modern day, and contains the largest Sayqidi diaspora on Urth.

Emira Soraya abdicated in 1926, at the age of 32, with the reason of believing her sister was more capable, and has said to the press that she never wanted to be Emira, and would have abdicated earlier, but felt obligated to stay on the throne. In an interview a year after her abdication, Soraya said:

“It was only ten years later did I gather the strength to write a letter of abdication. I remember so many nights when I would sit down at my desk, paper in front of me and pen in my hand. I just couldn’t get myself to write an abdication letter. Last year, when I resigned from my position, I felt as if a large weight had been carried off my back; I was finally free.”

When Kamaria took the throne, she immediately took back power from the Grand Vizier, who, for the past eleven years had been holding most responsibilities an Emir would. Though she didn’t live long, she spent most of her reign investing in transportation, modernization, and working on regaining the power the Crown lost. She was succeeded by her son, Emir Farzad in 1946, who continued the work his mother began. The beginning of his reign marked the beginning of the modern age in Sayyed. He was the first Emir to not practice polygamy and in fact outlawed it in 1954.

The Salarqa Renaissance

The Salarqa Renaissance began in 1964, and it was a movement of new music, art, and literature genres. Many say that the city of Al Salarqa still is in the era as new artistic revelations and ideas are shared constantly.

Emir Darius Hassan Al Sayyed

Emir Farzad passed away in 1985, and his son, Hassan, took the throne. His reign marked the many and quick changes in Sayqidi modern history and culture. From the return of Kevahenet, a Salovian port city on the Sayqidi coast in 1992 upon its collapse to the rise of social media. Hassan’s reign was considered progressive and accepting of new ideas, and Emir Hassan was (and still is) loved by Sayyed However, due to his declining health, he abdicated on the 16th of May, 2022, in favor of his eldest child, Scheherazade, who is the current Emira of Sayyed, and one of the youngest, being 18 years old at the time of her ascension.

Emira Rabia Scheherazade Al Sayyed


Sayyed is a semi-constitutional monarchy, which means that unlike in a constitutional monarchy, power is divided between the head of state and a government body, in this case, the Council of Viziers (CoV), which is divided into the Chamber of Imperial Viziers and the Chamber of Commons. A lot of decisions, votes, and other actions have to be approved by the monarch if made by the CoV, and approved by the CoV if made by the monarch. The head of government is the Grand Vizier, and beneath them are the Imperial Viziers, who are the direct advisors and ministers to the monarch. Just beneath them are the Realm Viziers, elected by the people and report to the Imperial Viziers.

Government Structure

The Emir/Emira

The title of Emir/Emira is the highest in the Sayqidi government structure, and represents the head of state.

The Grand Vizier

The rank of Grand Vizier is the second highest rank in the Sayqidi government structure. They play the role of Sayyed's head of government. Grand Viziers are usually elected from the pool of Upper Viziers who hold seniority. Though historically, they were appointed by the Emir/Emira themselves, but it gradually turned into the electoral system it is today. The current holder of this title is Grand Vizier Mahmoud Al Ahdal.

Th Grand Vizier is Sayyed's form of the constitutional role of Prime Minister, though unlike a Prime Minister, Grand Viziers usually remain Grand Viziers until they reach the age of 70 or until they either die, resign, or are replaced by the Emir/a. A new Grand Vizier can be chosen upon the crowning of a new Emir/a.

Imperial Viziers

Upper Viziers are advisors and ministers appointed by the Emir/a, Grand Vizier, or the Royal Family. Often times, they are from families trusted by the Royal Family or selected as a Lower Vizier. They are the advisors to the Grand Vizier and Emir/a and often times the head of the branch they serve.

List of current Imperial Viziers
Name Date of Birth Serving Since Branch Appointed by Description
Vizier Farhad Hanifnejad December 11th, 1957 June 7th, 1989 Sayqidi Royal Household Emir Hassan Al Sayyed Vizier Farhad is tasked with managing royal residences, specifically Al-Mahadiyya, including its staff and structure.
Vizier Leila Ghorbani July 16th, 1975 September 29th, 2016 Imperial Chamber of Law Emir Hassan Al Sayyed Vizier Leila is the first female Vizier of Law, and one of the youngest, being 41 years old at the time she was appointed Vizier. She is tasked with reporting on cases concerning the state and drafts laws to be passed onto voting.
Vizier Akeem Ghazali February 2nd, 1969 April 16th, 2004 The Royal Exchequer of the Emirate Grand Vizier Mahmoud Al Ahdal
Vizier Anoush Safaryan June 27th, 1980 January 11th, 2017 Chamber of Education Grand Vizier Mahmoud Al Ahdal Vizier Anoush is tasked with monitoring educational requirements and cultural events. She reports to the CoV on new policies regarding education.
The Sheikhs/Sheikhas

The Sheikhs (fem. Sheikhas) are the rulers of the Sheikhdoms of Sayyed. They have their own viziers and share authority on the sheikhdom. However, the Sheikh/a is not allowed to influence crown politics and thus is not allowed to be appointed or elected as viziers of any rank.

List of Current Sheikh/as
Name Date of Birth Title Tenure Description
Emira Scheherazade Al Sayyed May 23rd, 2003 Sheikha of Atasiyah May 16th, 2022 - present The title of Sheikh/a of Atasiyah is synonymous to the Emir/a of Sayyed. If one becomes Emir/a, they also become the Sheikh/a of Atasiyah.
Sheikh Eman Al Hassanein July 6th, 1969 Sheikh of Khor Sha'aidat
Sheikha Artzouig Vardanyan
September 20th, 1992 Sheikha of the Haq Mountains August 17th, 2017 - present Artzouig Vardanyan was a singer before inheriting the sheikhdom in 2017. Though she still sings and hosts small shows, the duties of being Sheikha limited her free time.
Sheikha Jigme Lekhshey
November 1st, 1979 Sheikha of Khonmani November 29th, 2011 - present The Sheikha of Khonamni, though a political and hereditary title, is also a spiritual and ceremonial one in the eyes of the Xuhari.

Realm Pashas

The Realm Pashas are elected by the people and are often in public service. They usually work in a high position in a branch ran by an imperial vizier. A realm pasha may rise to the rank of an imperial vizier if appointed by the monarch, Grand Vizier, or Royal Family.

The Separation of Faith and Government

According to the Code of the Emirate, matters of the state and religion are separated. A vizier may not use their faith as a justification for certain political actions. This was also set in place because the Haqmi and some Xuhari viziers believed in a different faith, and a Sunar-based law could conflict with their own beliefs.


The Sayqidi government is known to be transparent in their political actions and what goes on behind the scene, even recording meetings and uploading clips.

Foreign Politics

Sayyed has always had foreign relations as a necessity due to its climate being unable to produce common things like certain fruits and vegetables. They always have relied on allies to export things to them, but in turn, they give back luxuries.




Oil Industry

Fashion Industry

Jewelry Industry

Sayyed is known for its robust jewelry industry, exporting billions of dollars worth of jewelry every year. Sayqidi jewelry has found itself a favorite among royals in other countries.

Trading Partners


The Royal Family

Main article: Al Sayyed Family

The Al Sayyed family reached a large level of media significance after the hit show Keeping Up with the Al Sayyeds, which show the personal lives of the royal family. It received praise for its transparency and how honest the family members seemed to be.

The royal family holds a large amount of influence in the parliament, specifically the Emir/Emira.

The current family members include:

Hassan Al Sayyed - The former Emir of Sayyed and father of the current Emira. He is the current head of the house of Sayyed.

Dikranouhi Jalalyan - The Queen Mother of the current Emira and the wife of Hassan. Born in Haraman.

Scheherazade Al Sayyed - The current Emira regnant of Sayyed and the eldest child of Emir Hassan and Emira Consort Dikranouhi.

Hakim Al Sayyed - The current heir presumptive to the throne and the eldest son of Emir Hassan and Dikranouhi.

Zahra Al Sayyed -

Mostafa Al Sayyed -

Antaram (Antamaria) Al Sayyed -

Tigran Al Sayyed -



Education in Sayyed has been modeled off the Haqmi Education Philosophy (HEP), which promotes independence and hands-on learning. The philosophy was adapted for widespread use in 1459 when Aghvani Arzumanyan was appointed Grand Vizier.

Sayyed has two levels of compulsory education: Madrasat Saghira (Small School) and Almadrasat Althaanawia (Upper school). For Madrasat Saghira, the average class size is 15, and for Almadrasat Althaanawia, the average class size is 20.


The focused subject of each school varies, but every school is required to teach five main subjects:

  • Literature (Staynish and Sayqidi)
  • History (Regional, then National, then World)
  • Mathematics
  • Language (Sayyiby + Local language if any)
  • Art and Music

Upper Education

Upper Education in Sayyed is considered essential.


Ethnic Groups

Sayyed has four major ethnic groups represented on its flag. These are: the Atasiyaqi, Sha'aidarum, Xuhari, and Haqmi. The Atasiyaqi being the largest followed by the elven Xuhari population.

Tribes and Smaller Minorities

Sayyed has multiple tribes that come from the Sheikhdoms. Usually they're related to one of the four larger groups, like the Dihobja, who are culturally related to the Sha'aidarum. The Xuhari also have multiple cultural minorities considering their size and variety. The Haq Mountains also have towns that are culturally different from the mainstream Haqmi culture which comes from Haraman.

Groups of Mixed Ethnicities

It is no surprise that many Sayqidi are of mixed heritage considering its cultural diversity. They are most populous in Al-Salarqa as many choose to move there for more opportunities.




(Sayyed has multiple ethnic groups, and therefore many cultures, the largest being Sayqidi, followed by the Xuhari. This section will discuss Sayyed's culture in general.)


Literature has always been something sacred to Sayqidi hearts. It played an important role in Sayyed's history and a bigger role in its culture. There have been many famous writers and poets, who have written great works. As an example, Scheherazade of Khor Sha'aidat wrote the Tales and Poems from Sayyed, a collection of Sayqidi and Sha'aidarum tales and poems, in the 10th century. Contemporary works like 90 Days in Al-Salarqa (1893) by Kelden Norbu have also been considered classics and are read in schools.


Musicians in Sayyed have always been treated with respect, as music is integral to its culture. It is the nation's oldest art form, having existed since the dawn of the Ashur Kingdom. Sayqidi music has always been considered "ethereal" by outsiders.

Traditional Music

Sayqidi traditional music mainly consists of wind and string instruments, like the kawalah or the kanun (zither). Traditional music dates back to the early days of the Kingdom of Ashur, as part of festivals and ceremonies.

Modern Music

Modern music in Sayyed emerged during the beginning of the Salarqa Renaissance in the 1960s. Many movements happened at this time, too. Genres like pop, rock, hip hop and its subcultures all found popularity during this era. The invention of multiple computer-powered music software later in the 20th century gave opportunities to a more diverse music scene. As of currently, the most popular music genre is punk pop and ethno-pop.

TV and Drama

Sayyed is known for its dramas, both from streaming services and TV. When the television was introduced in the 20th century, Sayqidi playrights and writers immediately began to write films, mostly relating to drama, but genres like action, comedy, and romance are also popular.

The most popular Sayqidi drama is Al Mahadiyya: Imperial Secrets (2011- present), which depicts the harem of Al Mahadiyya Palace during the multiple eras of the Second Sayyed Dynasty.

List of popular Sayqidi dramas:

Name Original Release No. of Episodes Director(s) Starring Description
Al Mahadiyya: Imperial Secrets March 22nd, 2011-present 1230 Maryam Arakelyan, Farah Bilal, Ismail Dawoud, Commonly called "Imperial Secrets" or "AM:IS", it is the most successful and longest-running drama on Sayqidi TV. Imperial Secrets begins in 1609, just after Emir Sharyar Al Sayyed retakes the throne of what was then Tsamchoe. The drama mainly centers his harem, while adding scenes that include Sharyar and his council, which explain the political climate of Sayyed at the time. Other monarchs that have been portrayed in the show are: Emira Abreshmina, Emir Hussein II, Emir Anwar, Emira Aaliyah III, Emira Khadija, etc.. The most recent seasons of the show depicts Emira Soraya Al Sayyed, who reigned in the early 20th century.

The show has been praised for its historical accuracy; adding well-written drama that deviates from history while still keeping true to any major historical facts. Another thing it has been praised for is the accuracy the costumes. Its lead costume designer, Jamila Adel, has spoken on how she was able to integrate modern aesthetics and visual storytelling devices in a way that doesn't ruin the praise the show has gotten for being historically accurate.

ANTAMARIA August 19th, 2022 8 Milena Ghazaryan Antaram Al Sayyed The Sayqidi princess playing her namesake. The web show follows Antamaria Shahinyan, a teenage girl who studies in one of Urth's most revered boarding schools. She struggles with accepting herself and finding the "right crowd". While keeping up with school expectations, she also had to keep up with the trends events the students like to hold.

Despite facing multiple criticisms amongst the older generation considering Princess Antaram's involvement and its themes being deemed "too inappropriate", the show was a success among teenagers for its realistic portrayals of mental health, body image, and school pressure. Antaram herself was praised for her uncannily realistic performance. The show has also been praised for its cinematography and emotional scripting. Director Milena Ghazaryan, a former student at the school the show was set in, said she pulled scenes from her own personal experiences, and that she wanted the mood of the scene to perfectly match the mood of the characters and the script, which many say she has succeeded in.

FEILIM: The Fefsen Empress June 20th, 2015 - present Leila Gasparyan In collaboration with a Mirhamian studio, FEILIM tells the story of the reign of Empress Feilim, a Trinter empress who reigned for a huge portion of the 14th century. It featured a mostly Dakorian cast, with half-Fefsen half Haqmi actress, Leila Gasparyan, playing the role of the empress. It was a success in both Sayyed and Mirhaime, both nations having been close allies for a century.

Teen Dramas

Teen dramas (dramas that circle around teenagers) have been around in Sayyed since the early 2000s, but has gained popularity in more recent years due to the rise of social media in Sayyed.

In more recent years, due to the rising popularity of Sayqidi television in other countries, most teen dramas have been performed in Staynish.


Antamaria is a 2022 Sayqidi teen drama starring Princess Antaram Al Sayyed, who plays the title character, Antamaria Shahinyan, a student at a globally revered Corstesian boarding school. Antamaria navigates her life of being a teenager far away from her country, dealing with school pressure, parental expectations, her own mental health issues, and peer pressure.

The show has been praised for its realistic portrayal of hard-to-process topics, emotional script, cinematography, and its trendy costumes. The costumes have also caused controversy, especially that of the main character, which the princess played, as they believe that it was "too revealing for her to wear". Antaram has also credited the way she acted to her actual mental health struggles, which she shares with the protagonist.

"ANTAMARIA" reached almost overnight success, having blown up on social media only a week after its release.

Visual Arts

Portrait of Emir Behrouz Al Sayyed



Sayyed has a long history of art, one of the oldest art forms in history. Famous painters include Samira Hedayat, Anoush Vardanyan, Prince Ibrahim, etc. In its history, there has been multiple art movements during the Sayqidi Golden Age and the Salarqa Renaissance. Many styles emerged, such as watercolors, reliefs, oil painting, and charcoal are popular mediums in Sayyed.



Beauty, as a concept, has been around since the dawn of Sayqidi civilization. In both men and women, it was desirable to look on the softer side, as a sign of wealth. A rounder look meant you had the wealth to eat quality food regularly, which, what was then the Kingdom of Ashur, a privilege only the wealthy can afford. Even after the growing wealth of the nation after that, to when what was considered a privilege in Ashur became common in the average household as they got wealthier.

During the Tsamchoe dynasty, courtiers desired paler skin, which, in Xuhari culture, was a symbol of wealth, which displeased the Tsamchoqi (Sayqidi) people as they were naturally, drastically darker than the Xuhari.

As modelling became a sustainable industry after the rise of globalization which helped the popularization of international fashions in the 20th century, a skinnier frame became more "on par" with the ever-changing fashions of Sayyed.

When Emira Scheherazade Al Sayyed ascended to the throne in 2022, the tradition of following the Emira in her ways of beauty came into question: Scheherazade was seen to be "too thin", which concerned parents who didn't want their teen to replicate something that could possibly harmful.

Makeup and Cosmetics

Makeup for most of its history in Sayyed has been used to enhance features. A very popular cosmetic item for both genders is kohl, black eyeliner made from charcoal. It's most common in the Sheikhdom of Khor Sha'aidat as a huge focus was put on the eyes of a person. In Al-Salarqa, many women favor contouring and smoky makeup looks, there's also a similar trend in Haraman. In Quzou, looks including the color red became extremely popular during the rise of social media. Also in Quzou, it became popular to add glimmering highlights to one's under eyes, they referred to it as "smiling eyes".

Fashion and Clothing

Due to its wealth and diversity, Sayyed has had a lot of fashion trends and traditional garments throughout the years. Good quality clothes are a stable in Sayqidi social culture, as designer Aaliyah Bakir said:

A Sayqidi would save up for a better quality garment than immediately buying a lower quality alternative, not just because it lasts longer, but because it would give them the respect of members of the Sayqidi elite, and will usually give them opportunities. In Sayyed, good clothes make good impressions. — Page 13, The Fashion of the Sayqidi People by Aaliyah Bakir

Because of this, a lot of Sayqidi people prefer high-end and quality brands. As of 2022, the average household in Al-Salarqa has a few high-end items.

The line between what's a luxury item and what's not is blurred to the Sayqidi, as the average household can afford high-end pieces without sacrificing their wealth. There are also a lot of other factors as to why that line is blurred, such as how a lot of the clothing the average Salarqi wears usually come from brands that are associated with high fashion. — Page 20, The Fashion of the Sayqidi People by Aaliyah Bakir

Sayqidi fashion is also shaped around the desert climate, cooling outfits are what seem to be popular.

Fashion History

A painting depicting a woman playing the zill, mid 18th century.

Sayqidi fashion as we know it emerged during the Sayqidi Golden Age, when luxuriant materials were in abundance. The beauty standards also affected how people dressed. The cut of garments, which usually hugged the waist and flared at the skirt, gave women a curvy appearance in accordance to the beauty standards. From the 15th century, garments began to be more structured with the discovery of boning and more ways to layer to achieve the fashionable silhouette. "Palace dress" was used to refer to the style of dress with the hem being floor length, and is commonly worn by noblewomen when at home, as to not soil the long hems.

When the Tsamchoe Dynasty took the throne, the fashions in the Empire changed: while silhouettes stayed somewhat similar, court fashions were heavily influenced by Xuhari garments. Wrap dresses came into fashion, as well as hairstyles that integrated braids. Beads also became a popular accent during this time. For palace women, long and large sleeves became popular, as well as tulip-shaped layered skirts.

The 17th century saw a change in silhouette, while the cinched waist and flared skirt silhouette stayed the same, the bodice became straighter and the skirt was held up by a stuffed roll. The dresses got more intricate and brocading came into fashion. Along with the gowns, the head dresses and hats got more intricate. Pearls were a common decoration, and were often seen everywhere in an ensemble. Sirin Emira Abreshmina al-Sayyed was known to have influenced the Sayqidi court fashions of the later half of the 17th century.

For most of the Industrial Era, Sayyed took inspiration for its high fashion from neighboring powers and trade partners, but adding a cultural twist. In the 20th century, when Sayyed became a constitutional monarchy, the fashion reflected the more liberating political philosophies that ensued in the following decades. Short skirts and shorts were a thing for both genders. The 1980s was a time of exaggeration. A small waist, complimented by larger skirts, high-waisted jeans, large hair and shoulder pads.

Traditional Clothing

Traditional clothing, in a modern sense, is what is worn during traditional events, or clothing based of what people wore from the past, before the existence of mass production, and made with either culturally aesthetic or deep symbolisms.

Traditional wear in Sayyed always had a sense of luxury. Considering its history of wealth and trade, it is no surprise why we associate it with such. Traditional wear is what we see the noble characters in art wear, and today, a lot of traditional garments, as in authentic true-to-the-original patterns, are handmade and hand embroidered, which causes them to be very costly, considering the time it takes to hand craft every single piece of it. — Page 5, The History of Traditional Wear, by Jamila Adel


The traditional garments of a the Atasiyaqi people are heavily associated with wealth. Colors are usually bright with an emphasis on luxuriant materials and intricate brocades. Sayqidi traditional clothing varies in style but the aforementioned values are what tie into what is considered the traditional garments of the Sayqidi, such as the cemetery iris, the nation's national flower, and the peafowl, the national bird. Veils are common accessories, alongside pearls, gems and decorative metals. Like most traditional garments, a lot of pieces were made and decorated by hand.

For almost its entire history, Sayyed has always had a fascination with the grandiose and wealth. It was associated with power and respect, plus they knew that it wouldn't harm those "below" them as lower classes were almost non existent in Sayyed. This is what caused the millennium-long rage of hand-embroidered coats, brocaded skirts, gorgeous and gaudy jewelry, and plumed hats. Though the silhouette changed, the trends of grandiose fashions stayed the same. — Page 5, The History of Traditional Wear, by Jamila Adel

The Salarqi Jacket is a known fashion phenomenon. It's in the style of an empire waist garment, and the sleeves are in the style of a Salarqi dress. It is known formal wear among the Salarqi elite. It was designed by then fashion student, Cairo Mostafa and was first worn in the public eye by then princess Scheherazade al-Sayyed. Since its debut in 2018, it has been a symbol of the Sayqidi Icon.


Xuhari traditional clothing is usually a wrap-style garment, with a variety of muted and deep colors, the most common being red. A common theme on Xuhari garments is embroidery representing a story either from folk myths or family tales. Beaded jewelry is a common companion to the traditional garment. Beads were seen as vessels to keep away evil spirits and to bring in good fortune and blessing. Even when the Xuhari wear contemporary clothes, they wear a few beaded pieces.


The Haqmi live in colder climates, and that is reflected in their clothing: bear fur is a common feature is Haqmi dress, as well as thicker materials. Tall, decorated hats are also part of the culture's traditional clothing. These hats usually have veils as well. Silver accents are also common. Warm colors are also popular amongst the Haqmi, purples, browns, and oranges being common colors in traditional wear.

In Haqmi culture, warm colors were associated with the sun and they believed that those colors would bring more warmth. It also had a sense of welcoming, something the Haqmi are known to be.


Khor Sha'aidat is the hottest part of Sayyed, and the traditional clothing reflects that. Sha'aidarum clothing usually covers up the wearer to protect them head to toe from the sun. A very common color for the garments is black with red embroidery. A face veil is often worn to protect the face. Belts on women's garments were often at the waist and often were made of the same material as the veil ring. Sha'aidarum garments are traditionally elaborately embroidered, usually at the hem and neckline. The cultural color of the Sha'aidarum is black and red, which is seen on their clothing. The black is worn out of practicality for the heat, and the red embroidery is used to reflect upon one's own family history, the blood of their kin.

Modern Fashion

A sketch depicting casual fashion in Al-Salarqa

Trends in Sayyed operate differently than in other countries. Though there are many subcultures, a theme in the fashion is sophistication.

Regardless of the subculture you identify with, in Sayyed, that subculture would often have a touch of sophistication. Not modesty, but elegance. Wear as short a skirt or tight a dress as you wish, as long as you look smart and clean, people will respect you. For this reason, blazers, pencil skirts, button-downs, and dress pants are common. At least in Al-Salarqa; people in different regions dress depending on the climate, for example: it would be very impractical to wear a blazer on a day out in Khor Sha'aidat, so blazers aren't the thing there. Instead, they wear looser garments in light colors to keep themselves cool during the day, but at night, one might decide to wear warmer clothes as the Sha'aidari Desert gets very cold that time of the day. But even if they dress looser, there is still a hint of sophistication in their everyday outfits. — Page 14, The Fashion of the Sayqidi People by Aaliyah Bakir

Modern fashion was also influenced by the region, not only was the type of clothing influenced, but also how it was styled and the colors. For example: the Haqmi tend to wear garments with warmer tones and thicker material, and garments are styled in a way so during the winter, people remain fashionable without being cold. The Sha'aidarum people also wear dark clothing as a reflection of their traditional garments. And the Sayqidi from Al-Salarqa tend to wear neutral colors, and the Xuhari youth tend to lean towards looser garments and bright colors.

Fashion Subcultures

The rise of social media in Sayyed caused for multiple modern fashion subcultures such as the Xuhari Alt Movement, which gained popularity in 2020 and diverged from the large goth and emo movement of the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

Haute Couture

Sayqidi haute couture is usually based on the aesthetic values of the Sayqidi. It can be anything grand, regardless of the inspiration behind it. Haute couture garments are usually reserved for formal events and gatherings. These garments are the most expensive in the Sayqidi fashion scene considering their partially handmade and intricate nature.

Sayqidi haute couture takes inspiration from anything, it can be either a beautiful wonder or a household item. Either way, it'll look either very tacky or very beautiful. In Sayyed, you either go very simple or all out, no in between. And these pieces are worn by the Royal Family. I've personally made pieces for royalty, and they do like some personalized and extravagant styles, but it's Al-Salarqa, everyone is a bit luxurious. The haute couture in Sayyed is known for its striking silhouettes and colors. A designer could put random colors onto a gown, but for some reason it just works. — Page 26, The Fashion of the Sayqidi People by Aaliyah Bakir

Notable Brands, Designers and Fashion Icons

Designers and Brands
Name Brand Notes
Aaliyah Bakir Aaliyah Bakir One of Sayyed's most prominent modern designers. The current queen of fashion. She has made a remarkable about of fashion design learning material. She personally works for the al-Sayyed Family.
Jamila Adel Adel A designer from Khor Sha'aidat. She takes inspiration from Sha'aidarum traditional wear and adds a contemporary twist.
Cairo Mostafa CAIRO Unlike other Sayqidi designers, Cairo focuses on casual fashion for the wealthy youth, which made him popular to names like Emira Scheherazade al-Sayyed.



Since the 12th century, the Sayqidi has been using falconry as a way to hunt. However, nowadays it has been a display of extreme wealth and a sport that the current Emira participates in. The title and position of Imperial Falconer is also in use for a person who manages the falcons of the royal family.