Royalistic Populism

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Royalistic Populism

Monarchistic Populism
FounderErik Tangrson
IdeologyConstitutional Monarchism, Traditionalism, and Equality
Political positionWikipedia: Right Wing
Colors  Purple

Royalistic Populism, or also known as Monarchistic Populism is a monarchist philsophy that was started in the 1600s, which later gained popularity again in the early 1900s and modernised as Norgsveltian politicans from Ulvriktru Democrats revived it into a conherent ideology. With Johan Ludvig in 1910, writting the book called 'Folkekonger' (People's kings) on which he argues the populist strenght of constitutional monarchies over that of republics. With also mentioning the weakness of a full democracy. Stating: "Problem that democracies face is that it rarely keep people safe. It allows for dangerous ideas like nationalism, of which I state is the main cause of our politicans blindly getting this nation into this not so Great War. In which hatred and division is promoted more and more. We all equal spirits under the gods, but the more we allow extreme ideologies increase, the less equal we become. Many often think monarchies no matter the kind, goes against the concept equality. I see that as far from the truth. The monarch should be the father of his nation, with us all being his children. As such we all equal under it! Now I am not promoting the monarch having more power, but simply the importance of keeping it. Because a nation with out a father figure is guideless, and loses its unity". In that book Johan also mentions Erik Tangrson's book 'the Law for Kings' that was made in 1456, on which many Royalistic Populist movements base their beliefs from, though in clear modernised view. Royalistic Populism mainly promotes the creation of a Constitutional Monarchy on which the monarch shall largly be a symbol for the nation, however the monarch shall have influnce in military and foreign policy matters. With the added idea that the monarch shall be parental figure for the nation.

Though the ideology has been called authoritarian by critics many political advocates of Royalistic Populism argues that having a monarch is central for the protection of democracy and political freedoms, as the monarch should follow the Concordian enlightenment. With the main belief being in a legislatures representives that is a balance to a monarch's power. Which can vary to nation to nation of what extent. As Erik Tangrson argue in his book "The king shall not make laws, he is only mediator and adviser on them, but never maker. The monarch has to act under the law, if not such a tyranical monarch must be overthrown for a more lawful monarch. He has unquestioned prowess in debate, and interputer of law, but shall NEVER be the maker of it. As must ensure the right of life that his subjects that must be ensured in law." The main aspect of monarchy and how it should funtion according to Royalistic Populists is that of a People's King and that of Lawfull King. As the monarch shall be role model for his subjects and guider, as such he can not be above the law. Conservatism and traditionalism is also major aspects of Erik's views, "The people is unified by clear and continued laws, one shall not change laws of the people drasticaly as it puts the welfare of the people at risk. If laws and structure if ever change, it must be done in a slow manner and structured way under the guidence of the monarch and his people. Not done by small group of idealistic bafoons". Political commentators often point at this being more typical lawfull conservartism that is more focusing on conserving laws and less about cultural conservatism. Though Johan's own conservatism had mixed into this as well, having made the shift towards more cultural conservatism. With the book 'Folkekonger' (People's Kings) stating the following: "To combatan the dividing forces of nationalism, we must promote an conservative outlook instead. That way no matter what species or nationality, can become apart of our nation through following our culture and faith. As such should our foreign policy be, instead of petty rivalries we should embrace and work with our cultural brothers." With many Royalistic Populists often keeping the same views of Johan in foreign policy, and rather promoting international cooperation based around culture. Often rejecting agressive foreign policy decisions. Though the degree can vary to country to country. Economicaly Royalistic Populists can vary greatly in economic beliefs. Some of them might support small goverment and federalist economic values such as many of those in Helslandr. Though most Royalistic Populists often have centrist economic policies and welfare economic values to help promoting familu values, such as the Ulvriktru Democrats. With the argument being that since Royalistic Populism is an mass populist ideology, it should defend the welfare of the people. With many Royalistic Populists within nations like Norgsveldet and Eyjaria being heavily opposed to the more liberal market based parties within their countries. Often creating broad coalitions with Social Democratic parties.

New branch of Royalistic Populism was formed during the Norgsveltian prime ministership of Magrete Kverheim, in which the concept of "Left Wing Royalistic Populism" was formed. In which progressive economic and occassionaly social policies, while still stating the importance of loyalty to constitutional monarchy and the unity that comes with it. Left Wing Royalistic Populists, which has been mostly found in Norgsveldet, often point out the support for a constitutional monarch from the working class as the most important thing to take from the religious and political unity in which the monarch provides. As such many of them not only for interventionist or economic welfare focus in the economy, but also a great focus on labour unions and worker democracies. They also often take more agressive stances towards absloutist monarchies such as those in Asendavia and Packilvania, then other Royalistic Populists.