Rosalie Renaud

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Rosalie Renaud (Born: June 6, 1910) also known as the "finnée" is a Côtois philosopher, endocrinologist and domestic terrorist. She was considered to be a academic prodigy with her works on sapient fertility, in particular to Elven fertility but abandoned her medical academic career in 1970 due to her antinatalism beliefs. Between 1981 to 2014, murdered 23 individuals majority of which was primarily children with only 5 of them being adults and injured 109 others in a nationwide killing campaign targeting daycares, fertility doctors and researchers. She authored, a unpublished 50,000-word manifesto opposing natalism, Anti-Akuanism and advocating for a mandatory abortions in every case. In 1970, Renaud frequency moved around after leaving her position at Centre de fertilité de Batkong, traveling between petite-nations of the Federation and relied on her savings for living. While traveling in Akuan Republic of Miqo'te, Renaud became further radicalized in her antinatalism beliefs and frequently cited her experience in the Akuan republic in her manifesto. In 1981, Renaud became the subject of the largest investigation by the Bureau Fédéral de la Police to date and by the time of her arrest in 2014 was the most expensive investigation in history of law enforcement in the Federation. The press of the Federation, dubbed her 'finnée' or 'end born' in Staynish for her targeting of children, fertility specialists and researchers. In 2000, Renaud sent a letter to the Red Dove promising to end her sniping and bombing operations if the News agency published her manifesto. To which, the Red Dove contacted the BDP to advise to publish it but was counter-order by FPM Judith Ardouin to not published to maintain the policy of non-negotiation with terrorists. Her methods of killing switched between use of a sniper rifle for assassinations and bombing campaign. During her bombing campaign, she frequently changed around her designs and only used parts from scrap yards or electronics Union Square paying only in cash. Due her methods, it was difficult to pin her down and resulted in expanding and reforming the BFP division. Resulting in greatly expanding out investigation methods and tools by the BFP. Renaud was caught after a costly investigation and was arrested at a Union Square parking lot with her rifle in her traveling car.

After her arrest in 2014, Renaud defended herself she was perfectly sane and that everyone else was insane to promote life without consent and into a world of suffering. She pleaded guilty to all charges, and was sentenced to life in prison. There has been several attempts to murder Renaud both by prison guards and prisoners themselves. In one situation where, the courtroom was broken into by a crowd inside attempting to lynch Rosalie Renaud. Resulting in the country having to create a special prison for Rosalie Renaud due to the various murder attempts and be maintained by the military rather than hiring police guards. During the construction of the special hidden prison, by request of FPM Judith Ardouin, Norgsveldet held Renaud in prison until completion of the prison. There have been two large scale attempts to bring back the death penalty in the Federation with the express intent of assigning Rosalie Renaud to it, first time was struck down by the Supreme Court of the Federation and the other attempt vetoed by FPM Judith Ardouin.

Early Life

Childhood and Education

Renaud's childhood apartment in Normand; Torn down in 2016

Rosalie Renaud was born in Batkong, Normand on June 6, 1930, to parents both whom was nurses working at a local hospital. Thierri Granger and Élodie Renaud. The Elven family was raised in a strict Hjørdist faith, and passed it down to their daughter Rosalie. They married on January 9, 1930, having Rosalie out of wedlock. Rosalie described having to go to temple daily, as a awful experience and claimed the Gothir at the temple would regularly beat her though such claims have failed to be proven in court. Rosalie was considered to be unique student, despite her antisocial behaviors as noted by her teachers. She refused to join the Côtois Pioneers, unlike her peers and resulted in bullying her greatly. As she was young, she was by, Côtois standards to be considered unhealthy and that only resulted in further social isolation from children her own age.

Neighbors of the Renaud family, describe the family as polite, and well manner folks. One of the neighbors recalled that despite Rosalie's anti-socialness her parents kept trying to push her to be more involved into after school clubs. The only one that that peeked Rosalie's interest being the shooting club, and the young scientists club. During her higher education, he joined the marching band playing the tuba and furthered her work into the after school clubs. Later joining a Norgsveltian language club and a biology club. Former classmates describe her as: "No one really liked her that much, she would go on rants to anyone who would listen to her and never really wanted to do anything fun. Only really thing people would talk to her about, at least willing was getting help for homework or cheat off her tests." During her teenage years, she became intensely focused on sapient biology and medical field, but still lacked meaningful relationship outside of her parents.

Before university, Rosalie routinely placed head of her classmates academically. She was placed in more advanced mathematic, biology and Frakanic classes and easily mastered the material given to her. While she never skipped any grades, as grade skipping is generally not allowed within the Côtoise education system. She was placed in courses at the same level as students two years above her, and including during her final pre-university semester. For her work credits she worked at a library, which she spent considerable time reading rather than interacting patrons coming into checkout a book. According to Rosalie, she read every book in the library, and that is where her interest was peaked in antinatalism. "Back then, I thought it was just a strange but had some merit. Maybe far to extreme at the time but now I look back at it. I wished I took more of it to heart." Rosaline stated in a interview during her stay in Norgsveltian prison.

In the peer-university in Batkong, she was a prodigy in biology field and later more-so in her education in medical university. Her work credits being earned at a nearby fertility clinic as a nurse and later on as a trainee doctor. She elected to become a medical researcher, and more-so on Elven fertility mostly on a whim. Believing that working on Elven fertility proves to be challenging for themselves.

Medical Research

After her graduation and earning her PhD in medicine sciences with a speciality in reproductive medicine in 1955, she worked at Centre de fertilité de Batkong as a junior researcher and was rapidly promoted into senior researcher only three years later. Her work on Elven fertility, such has IVF procedures are still in use to modern day. Renaud heavily specialized into Elven reproductive medicine as well Tiefling and Orc reproductive medicine. According to her own words during her imprison at Norgsveldet, she focused on those three due to the challenge of it. Citing the difficulties of the three species reproduction cycle, and that she found it enjoyable to solve the issues but always had small hesitant about it. Though she believed at the time it was only imposter syndrome, due to being young for a elf but being one of the most senior researchers.

Renaud was world renowned by 1960, receiving the highest awards given by Kingdom of Tavaris, being the first Côtois receive such award and the first to have awards stripped from her in 1960 and 1981 respectfully. Renaud was knighted by King Zaram III, and introduced into the Knightly order of the Amethyst Order as well issued a emblem by the Herald of the Silver. For her many works in Orc reproductive process and her work is still heavily used today. Norgsveltian crown awarded her Ulvrikian Hammer and knighthood to the Order of the Freyra. Kaldrbuth issuing high award for Queen's Favor and the Iron Axe of Valhalla and in the Federation and she was award the Rose Award among dozens of other awards. All of which was stripped from her during her court case in 1981.