Provisional Government of the Secceran Republic: Difference between revisions

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{{Infobox former country
|native_name = ''VorläufigeGoverno VerwaltungProvvisorio indella SchleschreichRepubblica Seccerana''<!-- Name in a modern syntax of native language(s). Leave blank if name is only in English.
Separate with line breaks<br/> or use Template:Plainlist. If language uses Latin characters, place name(s) in italics. -->
|conventional_long_name = Provisional AdministrationGovernment inof Schlesiathe Secceran Republic<!-- Full name in English -->
|common_name = SchlesiaSeccera<!-- Name to be used in constructing links and category names; not for display -->
|iso3166code = omit <!-- For a country or geopolitical version of a country that ceased to exist prior to the introduction of iso3166-->
|era = [[Arkian Civil War]]<!-- Use: "Napoleonic Wars", "Cold War", etc. -->
|status = [[w:Miltiary occupation|Miltiary occupation]]<!-- Status: see Category list on template page -->
|status_text = <!-- A free text to describe status at the top of the infobox. Use sparingly. -->
|empire = <!-- The empire or country to which the entity was in a state of dependency -->
|government_type = [[w:Provisional government|Provisional government]] under Tretridian military garrison<!-- To generate categories: "Monarchy", "Republic", etc. to generate categories -->
<!-- Rise and fall, events, years and dates -->
<!-- only fill in the start/end event entry if a specific article exists. Don't just say "abolition" or "declaration" -->
|event_start = [[Tretridian intervention into Schlesia]]Proclamation<!-- Default: "Established" -->
|date_start = <!-- Optional: Date of establishment, in format 1 January (no year) -->
|year_start = 2002<!-- Year of establishment -->
|event_end = CivilianConstitution government establishedratified<!-- Default: "Disestablished" -->
|date_end = <!-- Optional: Date of disestablishment, in format 1 January (no year) -->
|year_end = 2020<!-- Year of disestablishment -->
|year_exile_start = <!-- Year of start of exile (if dealing with exiled government: status="Exile") -->
|year_exile_end = <!-- Year of end of exile (leave blank if still in exile) -->
|event1 = [[Tretridian intervention into Seccera]]<!-- Optional: other events between "start" and "end" -->
|date_event1 = 2002
|event2 = Resolution Concerning Seccera
|date_event2 = September 6, 2020
|event3 =
|date_event3 =
Line 41:
|flag_p1 = Schlesia.svg<!-- Default: "Flag of {{{p1}}}.svg" (size 30) -->
|image_p1 = <!-- Use: [[File:Sin escudo.svg|20px|Image missing]] -->
|s1 = SchlesiaSeccera{{!}}Federal Republic of Seccera<!-- Name of the article for succeeding entity, numbered 1-5 -->
|p2 =
|flag_p2 =
|p3 =
|flag_p3 =
|p4 =
|flag_p4 =
|p5 =
|flag_p5 =
|s1 = Schlesia{{!}}Federal Republic of Seccera<!-- Name of the article for succeeding entity, numbered 1-5 -->
|flag_s1 = Schlesia.svg<!-- Default: "Flag of {{{s1}}}.svg" (size 30) -->
|image_s1 = <!-- Use: [[File:Sin escudo.svg|20px|Image missing]] -->
|s2image_flag = Schlesia.svg<!-- Default: Flag of {{{common_name}}}.svg = -->
|flag_s2 flag_alt = <!-- Alt text for flag -->
|s3image_flag2 = <!-- Second flag = -->
|flag_s3flag_alt2 = <!-- =Alt text for second flag -->
|s4 =
|flag_s4 =
|s5 =
|flag_s5 =
|image_flag = The Flag of Tretrid.svg<!-- Default: Flag of {{{common_name}}}.svg -->
|flag_alt = Flag of Tretrid<!-- Alt text for flag -->
|image_flag2 = Schlesia.svg<!-- Second flag -->
|flag_alt2 = Flag of Schlesia<!-- Alt text for second flag -->
|flag = <!-- Link target under flag image. Default: Flag of {{{common_name}}} -->
|flag2 = <!-- Link target under flag2 image. Default: Flag of {{{common_name}}} -->
|flag_type = Left: Flag of Tretrid<br />Right: Flag of Schlesia<!-- Displayed text for link under flag. Default "Flag" -->
|flag2_type = <!-- Displayed text for link under flag2. Default "Flag" -->
|image_coat = <!-- Default: Coat of arms of {{{common_name}}}.svg -->
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|image_map2_alt =
|image_map2_caption =
|capital = MistralCelano (civilian government)<br />Maridea (military command)
|capital_exile = <!-- If status="Exile" -->
|national_motto =
|national_anthem =
|official_languages = [[Arkian]], [[w:OldItalian Englishlanguage|TretridianNorvian]]
|religion =
|demonym = Secceran
|currency =
<!-- Titles and names of the first and last leaders and their deputies -->
|leader1 = Þeodweard Cuðmundsunu<!-- Name of king or president -->
|leader2 = Glædræd Hroðheresunu
|leader3 = Wulfflæd Æðelmundsdohtor
|leader4 = Eadþryð Winheresdohtor
|leader21 = <!--(up to 21 distinct leaders may be included)-->
|year_leader1 = 2002-2006<!-- Years served -->
|year_leader2 = 2006-2011
|year_leader3 = 2011-2018
|year_leader4 = 2018-2020
|title_leader = Commander of SECCOM<!-- Default: "King" for monarchy, otherwise "President" -->
|representative1 = Various<!-- Name of representative of head of state (e.g. colonial governor) -->
|year_leader21 =
|representative2 = [[George Gray]]
|title_leader = <!-- Default: "King" for monarchy, otherwise "President" -->
|representative1 = <!-- Name of representative of head of state (e.g. colonial governor) -->
|representative2 =
|representative3 =
|representative4 =
|representative5 =
|year_representative1 = 2002-2020<!-- Years served -->
|year_representative2 = 2020
|year_representative3 =
|year_representative4 =
|year_representative5 =
|title_representative = Acting President<!-- Default: "Governor" -->
|deputy1 = <!-- Name of prime minister -->
|deputy2 =
Line 122 ⟶ 104:
|title_deputy = <!-- Default: "Prime minister" -->
<!-- Legislature -->
|legislature = Senate<!-- Name of legislature -->
|house1 = <!-- Name of first chamber -->
|type_house1 = <!-- Default: "Upper house" -->
Line 150 ⟶ 132:
|footnotes = <!-- Accepts wikilinks -->
The [[Tretrid|Tretridian]] '''occupation of Schlesia''' came as a result of the turmoil caused by the [[Arkian Civil War]]. Soon after the war broke out, Tretrid announced its [[Tretridian intervention into Schlesia|plans to intervene in Schlesia]], installing a provisional administration operated by the Tretridian military.
[[Category:Tret's links]]

Revision as of 21:03, 15 February 2024

This page (or section) is a work in progress by its author(s) and should not be considered final.
Provisional Government of the Secceran Republic

Governo Provvisorio della Repubblica Seccerana
Flag of Seccera
CapitalCelano (civilian government)
Maridea (military command)
Official languagesNorvian
GovernmentProvisional government under Tretridian military garrison
Commander of SECCOM 
• 2002-2006
Þeodweard Cuðmundsunu
• 2006-2011
Glædræd Hroðheresunu
• 2011-2018
Wulfflæd Æðelmundsdohtor
• 2018-2020
Eadþryð Winheresdohtor
Acting President 
• 2002-2020
• 2020
George Gray
• Proclamation
• Resolution Concerning Seccera
September 6, 2020
• Constitution ratified
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Kingdom of Seccera
Federal Republic of Seccera