Plaza Verde massacre

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Revision as of 16:11, 1 March 2023 by Pox (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''Plaza Verde massacre''' was a violent attack ordered by Papa Vinnie, a notorious Phoenixian mafia boss, on the Plaza Verde neighborhood in Redows, Afragola, on October 22, 1928. The attack left at least 20 people dead and many others injured, and is considered one of the most violent attacks in Phoenixian history. == History == The background to the massacre can be traced back to a long-standing feud between the Marmotta Clan and a rival...")
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The Plaza Verde massacre was a violent attack ordered by Papa Vinnie, a notorious Phoenixian mafia boss, on the Plaza Verde neighborhood in Redows, Afragola, on October 22, 1928. The attack left at least 20 people dead and many others injured, and is considered one of the most violent attacks in Phoenixian history.


The background to the massacre can be traced back to a long-standing feud between the Marmotta Clan and a rival gang known as the Verde Street Boys, named after the Plaza Verde neighborhood in Redows. The Verde Street Boys led by boss Salvatore La Rosa, had been encroaching on Marmotta territory and challenging their authority, provoking a series of violent clashes between the two factions.

In response to this challenge, Vincenzo Marmotta decided to take decisive action. He ordered his men to carry out a brutal attack on the Verde Street Boys, with the aim of eliminating their leadership and sending a clear message to any other would-be challengers to his authority.


On the night of October 22, 1928, Vincenzo Marmotta ordered his men to carry out a vicious attack on the Plaza Verde neighborhood, which was known to be a stronghold of La Rosa's gang. The attack was carried out by a group of heavily armed men who stormed the neighborhood, firing indiscriminately at anyone they came across.

The attack was brutal and indiscriminate, with many innocent civilians caught in the crossfire. In the chaos and confusion, many people were killed or injured, and buildings were set on fire. The violence continued for several hours before Marmotta's men finally retreated, leaving the neighborhood in ruins.

Results and Victims

The Plaza Verde Massacre left at least 20 people dead and dozens more injured, including many innocent civilians who were caught up in the violence. The aftermath of the attack also had significant implications for the Marmotta Clan and their rivals. While the attack temporarily weakened La Rosa's gang, it also brought increased scrutiny and pressure on the Marmotta Clan, and led to a wider crackdown on organized crime in Phoenixia.


The Plaza Verde Massacre sparked a wave of outrage and condemnation across Phoenixia, with politicians, law enforcement officials, and ordinary citizens all demanding justice for the victims. The government launched a wide-ranging investigation into the attack, and soon uncovered a wealth of evidence linking the Marmotta Clan to the massacre.

Despite this, Vincenzo Marmotta and his associates were able to evade prosecution for years, using their influence and wealth to manipulate the legal system and intimidate witnesses. It wasn't until the late 1930s, when a new wave of anti-corruption reforms were put in place, that the Marmotta Clan's hold on power began to weaken.

In the end, Vincenzo Marmotta himself was never brought to justice for his role in the Plaza Verde Massacre. He died in 1970.

In popular culture

The Plaza Verde Massacre has been the subject of numerous depictions in popular culture, including books, films, and television shows.

In literature, the Plaza Verde Massacre has been depicted in several novels, including "The Blood of Afragola" by Marco Russo and "The Massacre at Plaza Verde" by Francesca Ricci. These books offer different perspectives on the event, exploring the lives of the victims, the motivations of the attackers, and the political and social context in which the massacre took place.

In film and television, the Plaza Verde Massacre has been depicted in several productions, including the hit series "Afragola Vigilante" and the film "Gangsters of the Green Plaza". These works offer a more cinematic and visceral representation of the event, with depictions of the violence and chaos that swept through the square during the attack.

See also