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The Neuu Arfliee Company (NAC) was a commercial emporium founded in the mid-1500s in the city of Plevoria (Modern New Arsfly), located in the state of Afragola. The company was established by a group of merchants from the merchant empire of Wermont and initially focused on trade in the Gulf of Afragola.



Early Colonization

Over the period of several centuries, the NAC colonized Afragola and tightened its control over the region by engaging in a number of dishonest and fraudulent land agreements with the local Yallo community.

The Kingdom of Arafors, which had control over Afragola since the 1880s, did not like the idea of a private company taking over some of their land. However, NAC was able to use its connections to powerful allies and members of the ruling elite to gain support for their expansion in exchange for personal gain. They also promised the government a share of their profits in order to continue their exploitation activities without interruption. As NAC's power in Afragola grew, the Yallos were forced off their land and made to work in NAC's industries under harsh conditions and mistreatment.

Dømin War

When the Federal Republic of Phoenixia took over from the Kingdom of Arafors in the 1940s, there were claims that the National Afragola Company (NAC) used its power and money to influence government officials to get their support. However, some historians argue that the NAC was too important to the economy of the new republic, which had just come out of a civil war, for the government to risk shutting it down. The NAC was allowed to continue operating in Afragola, despite its history of exploitation and mistreatment of the Yallo people, who were now living in poverty and confined to slums near the factories and plantations.

The First Domin War, which occurred from 1967 to 1970, was likely caused by a combination of factors. One such factor was the extremist views and behavior exhibited by a fraction of the Yallo community - an act that led to their declaration of independence and attempt at establishing a communist government.

War aftermath and NAC disbanding

The war proved to be a slaughter for the populations of Afragola. Afragola itself was reduced to ruins due to systematic human cruelty and suffering caused by the war. However, the federal government with support from Mirhaime was able to counter the self-proclaimed Socialist Republic of Bours.

Even after the war, the Yallo community continued to be mistreated and oppressed by the NAC. They faced discrimination and inequality from the rest of the population, which added to the injustices they had already suffered during the war.

In the 1990s, the state of Afragola underwent a major reform in which the powerful Neuu Arflie Company (NAC) was dissolved and its assets were distributed among smaller companies. The intention was to break NAC's monopoly on the region's power and resources and create a more diverse and competitive economy, as well as establish ethical and labor standards for the Afragolan Yallo and Ny'Gis communities.

However, these efforts fell short. Despite the dissolution of NAC, the smaller companies still held a significant amount of influence and power. According to former veteran Alfeo Romandieri, the reform paradoxically resulted in the distribution of NAC's power among many companies, rather than reducing it, which only complicated the situation.

Studies conducted by the International Observatory of the University of Felixia in collaboration with the Wermont Polytechnic of Technology in 2017, showed that smaller companies continued to exert control over Afragola's economy and resources, hindering competition and participation in the market. Additionally, the legacy of exploitation and abuse perpetuated by NAC remained prevalent, with the local Afragolan community continuing to face marginalization and disadvantage in areas such as education, healthcare, and employment.