Majhid is the name for a place of worship in Paxism. Adherents of Paxism are required to make ujh (mandatory pilgrimage) on the month of Ishahan, to at least one of the three sacred Majhids at least once in their lives. Paxists face the holiest majhids, the Memorial of the Jovian Gate, when they make silah (prayer). Many Majhids are administered by the Magisterium of Paxism whose headquarters are the Majhid of the Authority. The Sultan of Packilvania is crowned at the Majhid of the Restoration.


In Central Yasteria there were many different types of structures that were used for the purposes of religious ritual. Evidence has been found in Central Yasteria along the banks of the Ufrata River of stone circles used by premodern civilisations to hold religious rituals including gathering and worshiping. Nomadic people used caves to conduct sacred rituals which they marked with stones and paintings.

They evolved into complex structures. In Paxism as it exists today, a majhid is built by a patron, community or government. It normally contains an area from which the Imam or speaker gives a homily and a pyre from which burnt offerings can he made. Most of the space is dedicated to provided room for people to sit, stand and pray. Usually near the entrance there are bowls for ablution.

List of notable majhids

Name Image Location
Majhid of the Remembrance (luMajhid aluDhakra) or the Memorial of the Jovian Gate (luMabaan luDhakrahadath aluBawaab luJovaan) Akas Akil, Ashura, Packilvania
Majhid of the Restoration (luMajhid aluDhakra) Adrien, Ashura, Packilvania
Majhid of the Authority (luMajhid aluSuvranishme) Bingol, Packilvania
Majhid of the Preservation (luMajhid aluHifaz) Kuter Kebir, Free Pax States
Majhid of the Contrition (luMajhid aluGafriya) Lehasa, Shakar, Packilvania
Majhid of Zygros II (luMajhid aZygros muDusht) Meker, Mekedesh, Packilvamia
Majhid of Ishak I (luMajhid aIshak muBas) Zukaril, Iganar, Packilvania
Majhid of the Abundant Joy (luMajhid aluJubeel) Qadash Kebir, Iganar, Packilvania
Majhid of Ishak IV (luMajhid aIshak muVaart) Akhastar, Iganar, Packilvania
Majhid of Mercy (luMajhid aluRahim) Everyet, Jumhurikesh, Packilvania
Majhid of Charity (luMajhid aluZakaat) Chalaigard, Jumhurikesh, Packilvania
Yasmira Majhid (luMajhid weYasmira)