History of Nystatiszna-Gusanaszna Relations

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The history of Nystatiszna and Gusanaszna relations starts at 1920. The two nations relations have only recently been friendly with in 1965 Nystatiszna acknowledging Gusanaszna as a separate state. The source over the land dispute was is found in the Nystatiszna colonial charter, where it is stated that all of the former territories of the Borea Trading Company are transferred over to the Nystatiszna colony. The charter does not specify Gusanaszna as a separate state. Additionally it's a popular belief that Gusanaszna Export Company is a “successor state” to the Borea Trading Company. Leading to tensions with Nystatinne citizens being outraged working with the corporate owned country.

The 1965 Agreement

The agreement in 1965 had the following

  • Non-militarized border
  • Trade agreement for medical material
  • Visa workers
  • Understanding that Gusanaszna is a separate state.
  • Treaty of non-aggression

Modern Times

Renewed interest of the Nystatinne people in removing the corporate government of Gusanaszna had let to fiery screaming matches with in the Nystatiszna senate. With the Imperial Party firmly set on keeping to the 1965 Agreement and the Kurintail Democratic Party leading the charge to revoke the agreement.

Within Gusanaszna the corporate board and CEO dismisses the Nystatinne threat believing that they can either buy off the country or hire mercenaries to deal with the threat.

Nystatiszna Issues with Gusanaszna

  • Popular opinion in Nystatiszna believes that the territory of GUS belongs to NYA. GUS was formerly part of the Borea Trading Company and in the original charter of the colony charter after the company collapsed, lists all territory of the former Borea Trading Company will now be called colony of Nystatiszna. Many interpret this to mean that GUS is rightfully NYA’s land.
  • Kurintail Democratic Party is in favor of revoking this agreement and invading. As well most of the other parties besides the Imperial party. The Imperial Party is okay with working with a megacorp while the rest view it as a threat and a reminder of the past.
  • Popular belief that Gusanaszna Export Company is a “successor state” to the Borea Trading Company. Leading to tensions with Nystatinne citizens being outraged working with the corporate owned country.

Biggest Issues for GUS

  • Reinvigorated concerns about Nystatiszna invading the country with the Imperial Party power is weakening.
  • Concerns about democracy groups being supported by NYA.
  • Concerns about the Bureau sabotaging shipping.