Blokkarim Island

Unincorporated Territory of Vorpest
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Blokkarim Island (Vistarian: Blokkarima, Tvordoma: Šyferdoma, Suvan: Burimyn Aral) is an island south of Itur which is administered as an unincorporated territory of Vorpest, a constituent country of Vistaraland. The island was first colonized by the Suvan Empire in 1631, both for its large deposits of flint and use as a minor trading outpost. These factors would lead the island to be exchanged a number of times between the competing Vistari and Suvan Empires, eventually being formally ceded to the Dominion of Vorpest in 1909, alongside Kamport in the modern day Union of Free Cities.

Blokkarim Island
Blokkarima (Vistarian)
Šyferdoma (Tvordoma)
Burimyn Aral (Suvan)
Blokkarim Island Territory
Flag of Blokkarim Island
"Niets onbeproefd laten" (Vistarian)
(Codexian: "Leave no stone unturned")
Named forBurim Jeder
and largest town



Suvan rule

During the Great War

This period of uncontested rule of the island by the Dominion of Vorpest would be short lived, however, as 1909 saw the brewing of internal conflicts within the Ducal Federation surrounding the election of a successor to Emperor Alfred II. Though the colonial territories had no say on who would take the mantle of Emperor, debates over succession would coincide with disagreements amongst the states comprising Vistaraland over the nation's continued involvement in the Great War. The War of Imperial Succession, as it came to be known, threw the colonial administrations into disarray over who held the legitimate claim to the See of Supremacy and, therefore, what allegiance they had in the overarching conflict.

The Norgsveltian occupation of Vorpest would further exacerbate complications in governing the island, and the Vistari military garrison would eventually begin to coordinate the territory's administration with the Government of Ankbhaja , establishing a civilian administration in Kartesolt to conduct the internal affairs of the island for the duration of the civil conflict in Vistaraland.

Vistari rule


Consistent with the administration set out by the Kartesolt Wartime Governance Act, Blokkarim Island has been self-governing since 1911, primarily through the Burimyner Municipal Council, which the Government of the island answers to. The system of administration for the island was formalized in 1926 as an incorporated territory within the Dominion of Vorpest, now the Grand Dominion of Vorpest as part of the Imperial Vistari Confederation.

In exchange for this large degree of autonomy over internal affairs, the people of Blokkarim Island are not officially represented in the Imperial Parliamentary Council, though they may participate in elections to the Vorpestian Unified Assembly, as with Vistari citizens on Ny'Tewien Island.