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Republic of Auravas

Flag of Auravas
Motto: 'With Unity We Persevere'
Official languagesStaynish, Auravian
Ethnic groups
Humans: 32.6%, Elves: 27.1%, Ailurine: 19.5%, Other: 10.8%
Atheist/Non-religious: 90.2%, Other religions: 9.8%
GovernmentUnitaryParliamentary Republic
• Prime Minister
Jakia Aneya
LegislatureThe Assembly
• Establishment of Auravas
• Great Red Shift
• 2022 estimate
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
$338.025 Billion
• Per capita
Time zoneUTC-6
Driving sideright
Calling code+710
ISO 3166 codeAUR
Internet TLD.aur


Early History (3500 BCE - 216 CE)

The oldest ruins of a civilization in this area date back to around 3500 BCE, and was a collection of cities and territories. This civilization, dubbed the Horn Civilization due to its location in the Horn of Kaskada was one of the earliest Bronze Age civilizations and had highly developed architecture and cultures, with ornate building spread across the cities. Archeologists believe that this civilization had a relatively strong central authority, as there is a high level of measured regulation in things like the bricks of almost every settlement of this civilization, as well as a sort of currency spread across the horn. Unfortunately, records from this civilization have been lost to time, as they used a writing system still untranslated to the modern day. The Horn civilization prospered for thousands of years before it declined and dissapeared around 1400 BCE. While there is not complete consensus about the fall of the Horn civilization, most scholars believe it was due to invasions of warrior people from Unovia, although shifts and climate are also sometimes attributed to this event.

A period of stagnation occurred after the fall of the Horn Civilization, splintering the Horn and the surrounding areas into a collection of small settlements. This period of history, from 1400 BCE to approximately 800 BCE is known as the Early Aurav Dark Age, and is characterized with a decline in writing, small settlements, and warring clans. Art and cultural development is sparse and often very simple, and smaller settlements suggests a decline in population.

However, there is evidence of economic recovery in the horn civilization, beginning in the 8th century BCE. Offerings at old Shviesist temples in the area became rich with foreign coins, as well as jewels and silks not native to the horn. Iron tools and weapons became much more common, as well as trade making metal items much more accessible. Many settlements saw an increase in population. One more significant change that would characterize the land of Auravas for the next thousand years was the establishment of the city-state, and consolidation of power into a more central authority. In this period we see the first glints of democracy on Urth, with forms of direct democracy springing up in small city states in the 6th century BCE. An intellectual revolution of sorts occurred around 350 BCE, coinciding with the rise of the most powerful democratic city state of the city-state period, the city state of Kiyvuska in 363 BC. A "little golden age" occurred in Kiyvuska and the surrounding areas, bringing scientific and cultural advancement, until Kiyvuska's fall to a coalition of city states in 46 CE. Thy city state period would eventually come to an end after the Kingdom of Aurav conquered the horn in 216 CE.

Kingdom of Aurav (216 CE - 1482 CE)

The age of city states came to an end when the Kingdom of Aurav united the cities of the Horn in 216 CE. Aurav, unlike Kiyvuska, was more authoritarian, with a king and a group of high ranking nobles presiding over the Kingdom. However, Aurav did have some (relatively weak) democratic institutions, such as the citizen's assembly. Even so, the conquering of the peninsula is widely regarded as the beginning of the Auravian golden age. Aurav grew prosperous from controlling trade coming into and out of the Unovian Strait, and Aurav became a center of the arts and the sciences. Famous thinkers, including Astronomers, Physicists, Mathematicians, Philosophers, Artists, Architects, and more poured out of Aurav in astounding numbers. One notable example is the 5th century mathematician, Aileen Sieyanid, who pioneered in the field of calculus. The University of Aurav, one of the largest hubs of learning at the time, was a prominent center of learning and research. The golden age, as well as bringing scientific and cultural development, also accelerated development of ideas such as democracy, and the power of the citizens assembly and other democratic institutions proggressively increased, until in the 8th century, the king was reduced to merely a ceremonial role. Aurav continued to prosper for a time, until 1482, when the Silvs took over the peninsula.

300 Year Darkness (1482 CE - 1764)

In 1482 CE, the region of Kaskada was dominated by a religion called Silvism, which stated that humans were the superior race. A powerful group of Silvist Extremists in the south of the Horn of Kaskada invaded the Kingdom of Aurav. Caught off guard by the sudden attack, the Aurav military did not have time to mobilize and react, and Aurav was toppled by the Silvists. The Silvists established an authoritarian government called the Theocracy of Silv. Thus begun a period know as the 300 year darkness. The Silvist nobility gained immense power and ruled over the land with an iron fist. A mass killing campaign began, to rid the nation of any non humans, which were abundant after the Golden age. It is estimated that 1.5 million people were killed, and another million people fled to the coasts of the mainland to the east of the horn, and to the tip of East Unovia Island. For the remaining people in Silv, inequality and poverty exploded as the nobility abused and suffocated the population. The 300 year darkness ended in 1764 when a revolution occurred, aided by Zemeprievadai, and capitulated the Theocracy.

While these dark times had ceased, the scars left by the Silvs would remain in the region, and to this day, it has one of the lowest religious populations of any nation.

Early Auravas (1764 CE - 1890 CE)

After the fall of the Slivs, A new nation was established, called Auravas, after the Kingdom of Aurav. As a democratic nation, its citizens were much happier under it than the authoritarian system of the past 300 years. However, Auravas was not without its problems.  Free-market capitalism was the economic system in Auravas at the time, and it led to incredible wealth disparity among the people of Auravas, as the powerful upper class manipulated and exploited the masses to their will. The upper class also controlled legislatures, creating an aristocracy.

Great Red Shift (1890 CE)

All these factors led to the Great Red Shift of 1890, where workers around Auravas simultaneously revolted, talking control of the corporations that gave the aristocrats power, and installing new leaders to cause change. These leaders helped pave the way for Auravas’s transition into a [economically ambiguous kwuihewrgkvu] nation.

Late/Modern Auravas (1890 CE - Present Day)

Freedoms and Rights

Democratic Institutions

Auravas's government takes place within the framework of a parliamentary democracy, which brings certain democratic rights. Democratic rights include electoral rights, the right for citizens to take part (directly or indirectly) in government, and the right to equal access to the public service. Associated with these rights is the duty of each citizen to engage in public affairs. Electoral rights are the rights to vote for MPs and run for the Assembly and other positions. Auravas has universal suffrage, utilizing a secret ballot, and all citizens or permanent residents of Auravas who are ages 16 and above may vote (voting age was changed to 16 in 2012 in an attempt to increase participation in the political process). Freedom of association allows individuals to join other individuals and form groups that express, promote, pursue and defend common interests.

Judicial rights

Auravas has a variety of judicial rights. Arbitrary arrest is prohibited and detainees can challenge the lawfulness of an arrest. All persons within Auravas are eligible for a fair and public trial, where publicly funded access to a legal counsel of their choice is ensured. An independent and impartial judiciary is required under Auravasi law.

Capital Punishment

Capital Punishment is outlawed in Auravas.

Prison Conditions

The Auravasi prison system are widely regarded as one of the most exeptional systems in the world, with an incredibly low re-offending rate. In Auravas, the prison model is based on the goal of rehabilitation rather than retribution (another reason capital punishment is outlawed), and a prison officer's role is to mentor and help the rehabilitation process of prisoners. Human rights are guaranteed in prisons, with healthy food, exercise and space, and adequate living conditions. Officer spaces are often cramped, to encourage sharing space with prisoners. Guards and prisoners also eat together and do activities together, to encourage personal connection in the rehabilitation process. Prisons are often designed with a campus layout, with open spaces and different buildings for different things, and an outer perimter wall, rather than one continuous block. Prisons, rather then using excessive metal and linoleum are often built with things like glass, wood, and cork, to let in light and muffle sound. Housing is broken into small communities, with shared kitchens and communal areas, to further increase interpersonal relationships. Windows are common and often show views of nature, to help prisoners keep track of time. Nature is abundant on prison grounds, and tall trees often grow, obscuring the sight of the walls.

Freedom of Expression

Everyone in Auravas has the right to freedom of expression, including the right to seek, impart, or receive any opinion or information.

Religious Rights

While a majority of Auravas's population is Atheist or Non-religious, freedom of religion is guaranteed in Auravas.


The freedom of expression may be limited to protect the rights and freedoms of others, or to protect national security, public order, or public health and morals. Hate speech is prohibited in Auravas.

The right to health

Essential healthcare is free and publicly funded.

The right to education

While there is no explicitly listed "right to education", the right to education is guaranteed in practice due to a number of government functions. All levels of schools are public funding, including pre-school, primary education, secondary education, as well as universities, which are tuition free. The government also provides extra classes on a variety of subjects that adults can take.

Women's rights

Auravas has a wide array of women's rights. Discrimination against women is illegal, as well as rape, marital rape, sexual harassment and domestic abuse. There are dozens of domestic abuse shelters as well as a variety of 24/7 hotlines. Abortion is state funded and legal.

LGBT+ rights

Auravas is very welcoming of LGBT+ people. Discrimination on the basis of gender, sexuality, or romantic orientation is illegal, and the LGBT+ community has a variety of protections. Marriages between any two people are legally recognized, and LGBT+ people can freely adopt children. Education about different orientations and identities are mandatory in Auravas.


Auravas has a rich intellectual and artistic heritage, from the sculptures and "natural philosophies" of the city state era, to the mathematical advancements and artistic development of the golden age, to the scientific progress, and literature of the modern day. Contributions to astronomy, quantum physics, chemistry, electricity, and more, commonly come from Auravas, and Auravasian philosophical texts, poetry, plays, artists, and music have earned international recognition.

Culture and the arts thrive in Auravas due to the high government funding provided, commonly distributed by local governments to directly involve citizens. Auravasi Artists can use their time wo contribute to art, and institutions like museums and theaters are publicly funded/have public support.


Auravas has a long and rich literary history.



Visual Arts


Preforming Arts





Public Holidays


Very important!!!!!!!1!11!1!1!1111!!!!1!


doesn't have context yet :/



The Education system in Auravas comprises of a pre-school for babies and toddlers, one year of kindergarten (5-6) and a 12 year compulsory basic comprehensive school, from ages 6-7 to 18-19. Students have 9 years of common basic education. There is inclusive special education in the classroom and many instructional efforts to minimize low achievements. After basic education, students choose to either take secondary education on an academic or vocational track, for 3 years, both of which give qualification to tertiary education. Tertiary education takes place in the form of Universities. Even beyond tertiary education, it remains an essential part of Auravasi culture, and a wide variety of classes are offered by the government. Education is completely free of charge. The Auravasi education system is consistently ranked as one of the best in the world.

Early Childhood Education

Auravas has access to free universal daycare from ages 7 months to (5-6) years, and a year of kindergarten at age 6-7. The main focus of early childhood education is to explore the world through playing and interacting. It emphasizes respect and care for other people, and a strong sense of community and helping other people. Instead of more formal education, there is more of a focus on learning about their environment and materials based learning. While Pre-school is technically not compulsory, virtually every child attends it.

Basic Comprehensive Education

The compulsory education in Auravas comprises of a 9 year comprehensive education from 1st to 9th grade, followed by a 3 year academic or vocational education. While 1st to 9th grade is technically in the same scHehool, it can be separated into a 6 year primary school and 3 year middle school, a convention commonly used in speech, teacher education, and sometimes even school buildings. Teachers follow state guidelines but are granted a lot of autonomy in teaching, and schools are provided an equal amount of support from the government.. Private schools incredibly rare due to the quality of public schools and low religiosity of Auravas, and have strict regulations on tutuion-levying, are not allowed to carry out selective admissions, and must provide all education and social benefits that public schools do.

Auravasi classrooms do not have many students, seldom more than 20. The school environment is kept extremely clean, so much so that students sometimes take off socks and shoes in school. The classroom environment is related and informal, with some classes even calling teachers by first names. Students in grade 1 to 9 spend a portion of their week's periods taking a variety of classes, ranging from art to cooking to metalworking, and more. Homework is minimal to leave room for extra curricular activities, many of which are offered by the school itself. Students are expected to learn Staynish, Auravian, and one other language. Reading is encouraged, and every school maintains a large library that students can freely use, as well as each classroom having a bookshelf. Schools put more of an emphasis on problem solving and projects, especially collaborative, open ended projects, rather than memorization and tests. Grading generally begins in 6th grade, and is graded on a scale of 4-10, with report cards being received twice a year, at the end of fall and spring terms. Even if a student gets a 4 on multiple subjects, usually the students are provided with extra support and tutoring instead of being held back. High stakes testing is virtually nonexistent.

School students enjoy many benefits, such as a free lunch, which are regularly inspected and kept to the highest standards. Students are also entitled to free books, resources, transport to school. and many free field trips.

Secondary Education

Tertiary Education

Adult education






The Republic of Auravas is a parliamentary representative democracy and a unitary state, in which the Prime Minister is the head of state and government. Executive power is exercised by the cabinet of Auravas, which is presided over by the Prime Minister. Members of the cabinet, called Ministers, are selected by the Prime Minister. Legislative power is excercised by the unicameral legislative, the Assembly, which elects the prime minister. The Assembly consists of 183 representatives, elected in multi-person constituencies through single transferrable vote, and 50 representatives are alloted nationwide proportional to a nationwide party vote. While all citizens can vote once they are 18 years old, people more than 16 years old were allowed to vote in the 2020 election, in an experiment to incorporate more youth into the political process. The current Assembly and government was elected in 2020. The current Prime Minister is Jakia Aneya, a member of the Socialist People's Party. The current government is the Socialist People's Party and the Green Party. Auravas also has opportunities for direct democracy trough organizing referenda in certain situations.



The Assembly

Socialist People's Party101+3
Green Party23-3
Social Democratic Party65-5
Communist Party of Auravas15+3
Auravasi Libertarian Party13-2
Shield of Democracy4+1
Conservative Party11+4
National Party of Auravas1-1


Foreign Policy

Auravas supports diplomatic efforts and demilitarization, as well as humanitarian efforts. Auravas opposes nationalism and isolationism and believes global cooperation is one of the best way living conditions can be advanced. Auravas is a member of the International Forum General Council and of the Council of Gondwana (and it's subdivisions, the Gondwanan Community and the GSRI). Auravas has relatively strong ties with the nations of Gondwana through COG.



Crime and Law Enforcement



Science and Tech

really importabhiuhoijhuijesghiosheupesrhg



Auravas has an extensive and dense rail system.


Tourism to Auravas is relatively large, due to its expansive coastline, diverse landscapes, vibrant culture, and excellent infrastructure. The most visited city is Uravin.




The terrain of Auravas
The rivers of Auravas

Auravas has a rich and varied terrain, with low elevation shore areas and a spine formed by the Kaskadan Mountains.

Kaskadan Mountains

The climates of Auravas in the Koppen Climate Classification


Auravas has 4 different climates according to the Koppen climate classification. The eastern seaboard and the island dominated by Dfa, the western seaboard and northern tip with Cfb, the mountains with Dfc ,and the peaks with Dfd.

The Eastern seaboard and the island of Auravas have hot, humid summers and freezing cold winters, regularly dipping below 0 C. The western seaboard and the northern tip have less extreme weather, with cool winters, with the coldest month having an average temperature above 0 C, and warm summers. Rain and cloudy skies are frequent, but thunderstorms and severe weather are much more rare. In the main portion of the mountains, it is colder, with very cold winters and warm to cool summers. At the mountain peaks, winters are severely cold. Auravas does not have a rainy or dry season.


