Æthelwine Heardesunu

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Æthelwine Heardson is a Tretridian politician and diplomat who is the current Secretary-General of the League of Novaris.

Heardson spent most of his career serving in the Tretridian foreign service, and rose to prominence serving as Ambassador to Nordenpunto from 1997 to 2000, when he was elected to the Witenagemot. He served as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2003-2009, and so played a role in creating Tretrid's place in Novaris after the Novaran Cold War.

Heardson served as Ambassador to Kuthernburg from 2015-2017, where he played a role in the creation of the League of Novaris. He was then reassigned to represent Tretrid at the Novaran Council, before being elected to serve as the Secretary-General.