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Zeibear is the official language of Zeiberland and is spoken by over 17 million native speakers and over 8 million non native speakers.



VOWELS Front Central Back
Close [i]i [y]u [u:]ū
Mid [ɛ]e [ɐ ~ a:/ɑ:]a [ɔ:]ō
Open [æ]æ [ɒ]o
Dipthongs [aɪ] ai [eɪ] ei [ɪə]ea [ou]ou [au]au [ɪə]ia


CONSONANTS labial Alveodental Alveopalatal Velar Glottal
Plosive [p]p [b]b [t]t [d]d [k]k [ɡ]g [ʔ]'
Nasal [m]m [n]n [ŋ]ṅ
Fricative [f]f [v]v [s]s [z]z [ʃ]ś [ʒ] j [x ] h (ɣ)
Approximant [w]w [l]l [j]y
Rhotics [r ~ ɹ ~ ʀ]r
Affricate [ts] c/ts [tʃ ~ tɕ] c /tś


1. Syllable structure CCVʔVCC

C = consonant V = all vowels and dipthongs ʔ = glottal stop

2. Glottal stops can only occur between vowels

3.  [ɣ] and [ʔ] never cluster.

4. [i] can be nasalised if it is followed by [ŋ]. [ɒ],[æ] are nasalised sometimes if followed by a nasal consonant.

5. Only plosives and nasals germinate and germination is fairly rare.

6. 'c' can be 'ts' or 'tʃ' depending on the word. Generally it is 'tʃ'

7. When [x] comes after 'g' (and sometimes 'r'), it turns into (ɣ)



1. Word order

SVO, strictly

2. Grammatical number

Singular and Plural

A noun may be pluralised by adding the following at the end. s, z, ez or es depending on the end of the word.

3. Grammatical Gender

There is an animate/inanimate distinction and every noun is divided into these two genders.


Articles in Zeibear
Before consonants
Singlular Plural
Indefinite yu yel
Definite je le
Partitif del
Before vowels
Indefinite y' yel
Definite j' l'
Partitif del


Subjective pronouns: Objective pronouns Possesive pronouns(sing nouns) Possesive pronouns(plural nouns)
Singular Plural       Singular Plural       Singular Plural         Singular Plural
1st person ma nū(inc) nous(excl)   moi noi(inc) nois(excl)     mon nūn(inc) nons(excl) mes nūs(inc) nos(excl)
2nd person ta(normal)   ta'i(respect) toi(normal) to'i(respect) voi tan(nromal) to'an(repect) von tas(nromal) to'as(repect) vos
3rd inanimate fi sun fea sund fil zun filz zund
3rd animate shi sun shea sund shil zun shilz zund
    impersonalised         n/a ona n/a ond n/a owa n/a oha
Subjective, Objective and Possesive are the only pronoun cases         Possesive pronouns change depending on the number of nouns
3rd person sing is split into inaminate and animate eg- My car - Mon voishur My cars - Mes voishurs
Stress pronouns
Pronoun Before -ir verbs Before imperative
1st per sing mu -
1st per plu incl nu nuj
1st per plu excl nuh nuś
2nd per sing tu tuj
2nd per plu vu vuj
3rd per sing śu -
3rd person plu su -
impersonalised ṅu ṅūj


Modality is conveyed through modals

All verb stems in Zeibear end on:
-ōn/-on These are informally known as (GRP 1 verbs)
-e These are informally known as (GRP 2 verbs)
-ir These are reflexive verbs
-eh These are the modals and auxiliary verbs


Each group conjugates in its own way. There are four irregular verbs- se, avōn, gōn, fōn. (they all conjugate in the same way except the imperatives and simple past)

Imperatives and all -ir verbs have a stress pronoun preceding the verb.

The pase resont (recent past) is vian + verb in simple past

Infinitive Simple present Present continous         Simple past Past habitual Past perfect     Past continous       Simple future     Future continous Future perfect Imperative  
-eh/ah -ih -es -oh -ans -ou -as -ej -us -ea stress



-on/ōn -ont -ouz -oṅ -ans -out -onz -ūj -ūn -uṅ
-e stem or -i -es -o -an -ou -as -ej -us -ea
-ir -ia -ich -iaz -ian -iwn -isez -iz -it -iṅ


Adding 'ne' or 'non' or 'no' before any verbs automatically turns it into a negative verbs. If the modal is not a standalone verb then negation comes before the modal.
