Worker’s Spirit in the Economy

Revision as of 21:00, 11 August 2023 by Norgsveldet (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''Worker’s Spirit in the Economy (WSE)''' was an economic policy promoted by the former prime minister of Norgsveldet, Johan Ludvig. Being put into force with approval by parliament in 1922, with Ludvig claiming the main goal of the plan being to “promote the worker’s spirit to ensure our nation prosper”. With the “worker’s spirit” being a term used by Ludvig to refer to what he saw as the Warrior’s Spirit within the Norgsveltian wo...")
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The Worker’s Spirit in the Economy (WSE) was an economic policy promoted by the former prime minister of Norgsveldet, Johan Ludvig. Being put into force with approval by parliament in 1922, with Ludvig claiming the main goal of the plan being to “promote the worker’s spirit to ensure our nation prosper”. With the “worker’s spirit” being a term used by Ludvig to refer to what he saw as the Warrior’s Spirit within the Norgsveltian working class and as the general work ethic in Ulvriktru societies.

The main pillars of the PWE being the promoting and funding of religious worker cooperatives and labor unions, creation of the Norgsveltian Welfare State, market regulations, distributionist wealth policies and higher taxation on non-religious institutions and businesses. With heavy emphasis on fixing Norgsveldet’s unemployment after the Great War as millions of soldiers were demobilized. Ludvig’s economic policies would prove extremely popular among the Norgsveltian working class and were successful in dealing with the unemployment crisis, with the nation exceeding economic output then prior to the war. Despite said successes the PWE has been criticized by socialists and liberals within Norgsveldet. With the former criticizing Ludvig’s policies for refusing to nationalize major industries and discrimination against left wing and minority labor organizations. With the latter criticizing the policies for cutting the military budget and lack of further economic investments into Norgsveldet’s Crown Realm which they claimed hurt the nation’s international standing.

Ludvig’s policies remains popular among many UD politicians to this day, and remained a major part of economic debate within Norgsveldet. With the economic model of Hælan Capitalism having many of its origins in said policies, though far more moderate as a compromise with liberals in Norgsveldet.




