
From TEPwiki, Urth's Encyclopedia
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Name Date Remarks
New Year's Day 1 January Celebrates the beginning of the Gregorian New Year
Unity Day 11 January This national holiday was established to celebrate the Union of Staynes and Caltharus and to hold a great feast
International Women's Day 8 March This national holiday was established to commemorate the brave history of women around the world
Sovereign Day 26 April This national holiday was established in 1803 after the death of Rosamund I to celebrate the birthday of the incumbent sovereign, currently Lambertus VII
Labour Day 1 May This national holiday was established to celebrate the economic and social achievements of workers across the world
Winter Celebration Day 21 June From 1980, by Royal Proclamation, this day celebrates the winter solstice
Thaer's Day 15 August Traditional common law holiday
Prophet Matilda's Day 3 September Traditional feast day of the Prophet Matilda
Peace Day 24 October Statutory bank holiday from 2018, celebrates peace in Aurora which is marked by the end of the Auroran-Pacific War
Summer Celebration Day 21 December From 1980, by Royal Proclamation, this day celebrates the summer solstice
Old Year's Day 31 December Celebrates the ending of the Gregorian Year