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Lapérouse War of Unification was series of conflicts that took place in the Lapérouse peninsula between 1898-1920. During which the Queendom of Lapérouse was divided between ethno nationalists, warlords, various political movements, Shieldbands, official government of the Queendom and the collective left block. The government, was primary supported by Hirdism and Hjørdist conservatives parliament factions which it supported the government throughout the government. In the beginning, the largest faction of the Collective left block was social democratic and social liberals however the faction switched to majority Monarcho-Socialism control during the conflict. The many ethno nationalists groups attempted secession from the Queendom with heavily mixed results. Shieldbands, which traditionally viewed itself as the hand of the Queen, attempted to coup the government for it perceived lack of morality in the government and anti-constitutionalism. Lapérouse War of Unification was characterized by constant on-and-off conflicts between the factions; liberal use of chemical and biological weapons; large scale combat and industrial warfare.

While it is still debated when the unification war started, many historians and scholars cite the death of the Queen Frida in 1898 as a breakpoint for the various groups. Which triggered a succession crisis between a adult moderate princess niece and a child of direct issue of the queen. Though it should be noted conflicts started even before the Queen death starting back in 1884 within the minority regions of the Queendom. The succession crisis divided mainstream political parties on deciding the new queen. The resulting political turmoil and gridlock led to Hirdism faction swelling in number in the elections. Hiridist faction or the Lapérouse Front in the parliament which while being anti-monarchy, they placed a bigger focus on unifying the cultural identity of the Queendom. Meanwhile the collective left block, became more radicalized as the voter base became more disillusion with the coronation debate as economic inequality and poor quality of life. The Shieldbands, while not in the parliament itself rapidly became radicalized by the liberal policies of the government and placed the directed the blame of the country's issues on the constitution itself, calling for a return to absolute rule by the monarch and a regency to be installed.

The Lapérouse War of Unification formally ended in 1920 when the Socialists negotiated with the Hjørdist conservatives for a ending of the conflict favoring the creation of the socialist state of the Federation of the Southern Coast. The Socialist faction went ahead without the rest of the collective left approval. The conservatives did this as well without the parliament approval, with the two factions making a agreement to align together and end hostilities. After a brief purge of each other's factions, the war came to a close resulting in the Socialists creating the government provided the Socialists would place a Frida Dynasty as the Queen of the Federation. The Royal Worker's Party went back on the deal for a various reasons with the main one being already having a agreement with Gustaf the 3rd to place him as the monarch of the Federation, which didn't take place until 1937. Leading to the new government of the Federation of the Southern Coast to purge itself of conservative party in 1922 in preparation, believing they would have the Norgsveltian monarch on the throne much sooner. The agreement the socialists and conservatives made was all incompsing including protections for several members of parliament, insuring certain noble rights to the nobility and allowing the Hjørdist Gustafism to continue operations without persecution.