United Compatriots

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The United Compatriots of Mercy (Packilvanian: meSol meIkhtimiy aluRaheem; or simply the Compatriots or meSol) is a non-governmental, non-profit, public benefit organisation registered and based in Packilvania.


Every 4 years there is a National General Conference (NGC, luKhneset luShahitishme luAlmud) which consists of delegates of its branches. Delegates meet for a weekend where they adopt constitutional amendments, and elect the National Executive Committee (NEC, luMijhalis luShahitishme luDonahishme).

The NEC elects the National Working Group (NWG, luKabal luShahitishme luShablam), i.e., the highest 3 officials in the organisation. It is the highest authority of the organisation and meets once a month to deliberate and decide on major issues. The NWG serves concurrently with the NEC and proposes most initiatives and provides collective leadership of the organisation. It consists of the following members:

  • The President (muRayeesqurlea) is the chairwoman of the National Executive Committee and National Working Group, and the highest representative of the organisation. She is elected by the National Executive Committee every 5 years, but in practice this position is always held by the Sultana of Packilvania, currently Saga of Tynam.
  • The General Secretary (muSikhratariya muAlmud) is the chief administrator, running the daily affairs of the organisation. Their office oversees branches, administers membership, and manages logistics. This is currently Prince Thuwalqamir.
  • The Treasurer General (muKhizamiya muAlmud) administers all financial matters a position currently held by Mulwadeem Dohal, the Duke of Lehasa.