Tretrid: Difference between revisions

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The Monarch is the head of state, and gives royal assent to all laws passed by the legislature. However, in practice, the king does not hold very much sway over Tretridian politics.
The Prime Minister is the head of government, and is elected by the legislature. The legislature makes use of a parliamentary system.
Tretrid's body of law traces its history to the [[w:common law|common law]] passed by the Witenagemot in medieval times. For most of Tretrid's history, law came in two forms: common law, passed both locally in cities and across the kingdom, by the Witenagemot; and royal law, passed by decree from the monarch.
In the 17th and 18th Century, a series of reforms that moved power from the King to the legislature, eventually effectively abolishing royal law.
===Foreign Relations===
Tretrid is a member of the [[League of Novaris]] and an observer state of the [[NSTO|North Shield Treaty Organization]].
Tretrid was a member of the [[South-East Pacific Coalition]], which precipitated Tretridian involvement in the [[Four Days War]].
On May 2020, Tretrid declined an invitation to join the NSTO's Membership Action Plan.
Administrators, verified
