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The situation changed in 1906 after Eadweard V's death. The next King, Ælfric II, was much more headstrong, and slowly aligned Tretrid more and more with the Imperial Powers. This culminated in late 1907, when, as the result of diplomatic talks with Norgsveldet, Tretrid agreed to join the war on the side of the Imperial Powers with the promised reward of the partition of Asendavia's Northwest Gondwanan colonies between Tretrid and Norgsveldet.
Tretridian entry into the Great War left a lasting impact on Tretridian politics, as the Conservative Party, in power at the time, supported the war. The Social Democratic Party, already mired in infighting, fully splintered into the more moderate SDÞ (M) and the more radical SDÞ (L).
Tretrid committed a few troops in Northern Gondwana; however, most of its operations occured in Novaris itself, as Tretrid and Volscina fought in their first and only total war. For most of the war, the fighting got bogged down into trench warfare along the front between Northrenpynt and Cavellan, though in the later portions of the war doctrinal and technological developments (including the advent of combined arms assault using early armored vehicles) made the front significantly more mobile.
Tretrid would come out of the war with no gains to show for the losses it incurred for the 10 years it had been at war, at the cost of a very large chunk of its military-age population. In its later years, the war had become extremely unpopular, but efforts made by the Witan to withdraw from the war were shot down by Ælfric II.
The Great War caused a great deal of unrest in Tretrid, to the point that Tretrid was affected by an [[Tretridian Revolution of 1919|attempted takeover]] by revolutionary socialists. To focus on putting down the uprising, Tretrid was forced to give more autonomy to [[Tretridian Northrenpynt|Northrenpynt]], and even outright abandoned [[Tretridian Southwest Gondwana]].