Tretrid: Difference between revisions

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''See also: [[Tretridian West Novaris]]''
===War of the Tretridian Succession===
''Main article: [[War of the Tretridian Succession]]
===Great War===
''Main article: [[Great War]]''
The end of the disastrous Great War put an end to any dream of retaking any of Tretrid's lost colonies, and the war caused disinterest in Tretridian colonialism. As a result, [[Tretridian Nordenpunto|Nordenpunto]] was granted dominion status in 1919, and [[Transnalpia]] was granted dominion status in 1926. Dominions were largely allowed to govern domestic affairs, but had to send goods back to Tretrid and were not allowed to declare wars or carry out diplomacy with other countries.
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<!--RIP the Atlantian theater, that was really fun. -Tret-->
Tretrid is mainly situated on the Tretridian Peninsula, and is southeast of the Nalpian Mountains. Tretrid is surrounded by the Bay of Atlantia.
Administrators, verified
