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The advent of steam-powered ships caused the rapid expansion of [[Tretridian Southwest Gondwana]] in the late 19th century.
The political situation would continue to develop back in Tretrid, as the Social Democratic Party of Tretrid (SDÞÞSD) was founded by a group of trade unionists in 1879 to try to establish socialism through democratic means. The party rapidly grew due to discontent within the Tretridian working class to the point where the government had to create welfare programs to make it harder for the nascent party to attract people. Despite efforts made by the other parties, by the end of the 19th century, the SDÞÞSD had become one of the largest political parties in Tretrid.
===Great War===
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The situation changed in 1906 after Eadweard V's death. The next King, Ælfric II, was much more headstrong, and slowly aligned Tretrid more and more with the Imperial Powers. This culminated in late 1907, when, as the result of diplomatic talks with Norgsveldet, Tretrid agreed to join the war on the side of the Imperial Powers with the promised reward of the partition of Asendavia's Northwest Gondwanan colonies between Tretrid and Norgsveldet.
Tretridian entry into the Great War left a lasting impact on Tretridian politics, as the Conservative Party, in power at the time, supported the war. The Social Democratic Party, already mired in infighting, fully splintered into the more moderate SDÞÞSD (M) and the more radical SDÞÞSD (L).
Tretrid committed a few troops in Northern Gondwana; however, most of its operations occured in Novaris itself, as Tretrid and Volscina fought in their first and only total war. For most of the war, the fighting got bogged down into trench warfare along the front between Northrenpynt and Cavellan, though in the later portions of the war doctrinal and technological developments (including the advent of combined arms assault using early armored vehicles) made the front significantly more mobile.
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The Great War caused a great deal of unrest in Tretrid, to the point that Tretrid was affected by an [[Tretridian Revolution of 1919|attempted takeover]] by the SDÞÞSD (L), which had renamed itself the Tretridian Communist Party (ÞCP). To focus on putting down the uprising, Tretrid was forced to give more autonomy to [[Tretridian Northrenpynt|Northrenpynt]], and even outright abandoned [[Tretridian Southwest Gondwana]].
The decolonization of Tretridian Southwest Gondwana has been panned by historians as rushed and careless, as Tretrid's abandonment of the colony was done without any care as to the future of the colony. The region quickly split into smaller states constantly warring with each other.
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[[File:Mr. Shkreli (cropped).jpg|150px|thumb|Æthelred Wulfricson, whose government was heavily implicated in a 2016 corruption scandal]]
Wulfricson's government was eventually revealed to be highly corrupt and more focused on enriching the cabinet ministers than actually governing the country. The scandal would implicate companies in several other countries, including Volscina, the [[Union of Free Cities]], Lapinumbia, and [[Nuova Volscina]]. The most damning evidence turned out to be a ''Cynebury Herald'' article comprehensively documenting systematic bribery and embezzlement within the goverment. After Wulfricson refused to resign, the Witan removed his government through a [[w:vote of no confidence|vote of no confidence]] in December 2016. Snap elections were instituted, but to keep the instruments of state operating, the Leader of the Opposition and Leader of the SDÞÞSD [[Eoforwine Æthelstanson]] agreed to form a caretaker government in coalition with the ADÞ and the MWP. The LDP was purposely left out of this new arrangement.
The [[2017 Tretridian federal election|snap elections]] concluded in mid-January 2017, leading Æthelstanson's SDÞÞSD to form a government with the ADÞ. The new Prime Minister swiftly instuted sweeping corruption probes into the LDP and companies implicated in the scandal. Several leading figures in the LDP ended up convicted for various corruption charges, including Wulfricson himself.
Æthelstanson also started to re-evaluate Tretrid's global position, which had grown precarious from years of neglect. Under the early months of his government, Æthelstanson would start engaging Volscina, Aponivia, Kuthernburg, and Nacata more actively. He also continued Tretridian support of [[Nuova Volscina]], albeit with great reluctance.
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===Post-Auroran Pacific War===
The SDÞÞSD-ADÞ coalition would break apart in late 2017 when Æthelstanson began outreach to [[Meagharia]], which was fresh out of civil war. The government's decision triggered a mass resignation of ADÞ ministers in government. Æthelstanson ended up forming a coalition with the MWP instead to keep himself in government. Tretrid started sending aid to Meagharia and even worked to secure an alliance with the state, something that ended up massively alienating the nominally friendly Norgsveldet.
As a result of generally well-received efforts to reform the government, sound economic policy, and the general belief that Tretrid was doing well, Æthelstanson's SDÞÞSD-MWP coalition would gain seats in the [[2020 Tretridian federal election|May 2020 federal election]].
In June 2020, when [[Rodenia]] supported a coup d'etat in the neighboring country of Puntalia, the [[Union of Commonwealth Alliances|UCA]] and the [[NSTO]] acted immediately, [[2020 Puntalia Military Intervention|deploying forces in Puntalia]]. Tretrid worked with the NSTO in deploying forces, including 30,000 Tretridian soldiers and a naval task force that included an aircraft carrier. Tretrid also successfully petitioned the [[League of Novaris]] to condemn Rodenia. However, the seemingly inevitable war was halted when Great Morstaybishlia's Prime Minister, [[Franklin Barvata]], threatened both sides in the crisis with sanctions unless they would sit down and talk. Tretrid was one of the signatories of the [[Puntalian Compromise Treaty]], as it would become known.
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