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Elves are believed to share the most recent common ancestor with humans of any sapient species on Urth, and appear largely identical to humans except for their characteristic pointed ears. According to the [[Bipedaliforma|Unified Bipedalism Theory]], Elvines belong to the ''Primus primus dryadalis'' species in the ''Priminiforma'' subfamily. Elves are also taller on average than humans, and while elves across Urth exhibit large variation in lifespans, a key identifier of elves is their longer natural life span than humans. At the far end of the spectrum, Banto-ShamsianKaohlat elves live an average of 170 years, and Usprian elves can expect to live 200 years or more although life expectancy is affected by environmental and other factors as with any other species. Like humans, elves exist on all continents except for Sempiterna, and they demonstrate variety in external features like skin pigmentation or hair colour. Elves are believed to have originally evolved in central or western [[Yasteria]].
==== Elven Subspecies ====
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Another notable difference is in bone thickness, in which cortial bone - the outer layer of bone - is noticeably thicker amongst Chibian elves, believed to be due to decreased bone resportion (breaking down of bone tissue) which is theorized to be caused by a weakened ability to produce the Parathyroid hormone, which regulates the body's calcium concentration. This has led to Chibian elves being especially vulnerable to calcium deficiency, especially in the periods before dairy animals were brought to the region, a fact many have suggested as a possible cause for the use of almonds in traditional Chibian society as an alternate calcium source, with almond milk - made by simmering ground almonds in water - being notable as a common drink, also believed to have medicinal properties by some cultures in Northern Chibilaba. The lifespans of Chibian Elves average to around 90 to 95, though it is often argued this is due most to societal factors rather than a natural trait, with the likelihood of Chibian elves to suffer material deprivation being one of the highest amongst elf subspecies, especially in countries such as [[Hawa]] and [[Zawadi]].
===== Kaohlat Elves =====
Kaohlat Elves, often known as Banto-Shamsian Elves for their main nations of origin, are a subspecies of elf that migrated south into [[Arcturia]] through the western islands, eventually settling in the nations of [[Banteay]], [[Peragen]], and [[Wed Shams]]. This is responsible for their name, which means Island-Hoppers in Banteayan. Kaohlat Elves are the majority species in both Banteay and Wed Shams, leading to the alternate name Banto-Shamsian. The Alkari-Taurillien Subspecies diverged from the Kaohlat line around the area of modern-dat [[Alksearia]], with Taurillien elves in particular crossing the ocean to [[New Leganes]]. Banto-Shamsian elves have an average lifespan of 170 years, an ear length of seven centimeters, and a 75% chance of heterochromia, possibly as a mutation in the original migratory Kaohlat population. Their eyes are typically brown, gold, or green, and their hair is always brown, although many groups dye their hair to specific colors. Like most elves, they have much slower growing body and facial hair, often none at all. Their eyes are almond-shaped, which, alongside heterochromia, is often the main indicator of Kaohlat heritage.
===== Kromma Elves =====