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==== East Atalandian Reprisals on Civilians ====
Since the beginning of Erik Tårnet presidency and further intensified by the [[Einarism|Einarist]] military coup. The East Atlalandian government and military committed sapient rights abuses against civilian targets. Before and in the beginning of the conflict, the government of [[East Atlalandr]], started to began a policy of reversing autonomy for Mkæniszna and began arresting more outspoken Mkænian separatists. After the coup, the abduction, torture and murder of pro-separatists figures became common place within the Mkæniszna throughout the war. [[East Atlalandr|East Atlalandian]] army fired upon cities, regardless of being unoccupied by the [[Kaldrbuth|Kaldrbuthian]] or MSLF forces. Due to the rapid movements by the alliance and the collapse of East Atlalandian border bases, resulted in civilians in the cities was ill-prepared for the shelling. The apparent reasoning alleged by [[East Atlalandr]] government for the shelling, that it was targeted at MSLF bases within but maintains that due to security concerns, has not publicly disclosed evidence. [[NCIS]] proposed a different reasoning, stimming from Gen. Hundedrag order of 'leave nothing behind' result of which, due to logistical-communication breakdowns and culture of the East Atlalandian conscript-based military combined with lack of leadership resulted in the shelling.
East Atalandian military during their retreat from the [[Kaldrbuth|Kaldrbuthian]] border bases, and the collapse of East Atlalandian Air Force was given a order by Gen. Hundedrag to 'leave nothing behind.' However due communication difficulties she was either unwilling or unable to clarify her order. Furthermore the targeting of officers by MSLF snipers resulted in a lost in leadership among the conscript forces and causing chaos among the East Atalalandian military.
Beyond the shelling, the rapid tactical withdrawal of East Atlalandr forces targeting civilians potentially blocking escape routes in the frontline. East Atlalandian army fired on civilians as they escaped the from the front, seemingly at random. Recordings of the shootings and the shelling was captured by smartphones by civilians, which later [[East Atlalandr]] officially stated they was investigating into the matter, but later in January 2024 declared the footage to be false flag by MSLF.
[[East Atlalandr]] during the early stages of the conflict, conducted mass arrests within [[East Atlalandr|East Atlalandian]] Mkæniszna. While pre-coup East Atlalandr arrested various active separatists, post-coup led to mass arrests among not only separatists activists groups but anyone connected to Mkænian culture in general. Arresting brewmasters, political leaders, historians and various others important figures. Journalists in particular was targeted by police and military officials, in same cases executing them without arresting them.
==== Collapse of Tunnels and Highway Rockslides ====
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