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The '''Mkænian War''' was a war between [[Kaldrbuth]] and [[East Atlalandr]], starting on the 2nd November 2023 after armored divisions from Kaldrbuth invaded the East Atlalandian region of Mkæniszna. With the Kaldrbuthian air force bombing vital logistics and infrastructure targets within the region. With the Kaldrbuthian Queen Astrid XI announcing in a speech the same day that her country will be seeking the independence of the largely [[Akuanism|Akuan region]]. Being the first conventional war on [[Concord]] since the [[Violet Restoration War]]. Currently there is a on-going cease-fire after the [[International Forum]] hosted negotiations in [[Nisserige]], but no formal peace treaty has been signed.
Prior to the invasion the East Atlalandian government of Sanna Vakrela was overthrown by an [[Einarism|Einarist]] military coup on the 1st November 2023 in opposition to the referendum held by the government for the independence of Mkæniszna. Which has led to what has been called the East Atlalandr Crisis, as the Einarist government had to deal with Pro-Vakrela protests and riots across the country. With the referendum being a matter of heavy controversy within the country. Later in the year of 2024, South Mkæniszna unified with Central Mkæniszna to much international controversially, and the unification has only been recognized by [[Kaldrbuth]] and [[Norgsveldet]]. [[East Atlalandr]] and [[Atlalandr|West Atlalandr]] heavily despite the unification, both claiming central Mkæniszna.
Through the help of Mkænian separatist militias of the Ny’Akide Brigade and the MSLF, the Kaldrbuthian Army was able to capture the majority of Mkæniszna within two weeks of conflict. With the MSLF claiming responsibility for previous attacks against East Atlalandian troops prior to the war, and with the collapse of many vital tunnel systems in Mkæniszna. The Mkænian Socialist Liberation Front, and their leader Ny'Mkæn has triggered a international manhunt in attempt to gather information about the organization due to mystery surrounding them. MSLF seemingly having appeared from no-where, being well equipped and trained but without any official sponsors. While the Ny'Akide links can be easily seen and traced, to the [[Kaldrbuth]] military, the MSLF doesn't have clear or direct links to any other party though the investigation is on-going conducted by various Intelligence Agencies.
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