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{{WIP}}{{Infobox country|demonym=Nystatinne|capital=NewportNy'Dotsethby|currency=[[Red Krone]]|iso3166code=.NYS|population_estimate=15,000,000|largest_city=NewportTømmer|image_flag=Nystatiszna flag.png|area_km2=|conventional_long_name=The Akuan State of Nystatiszna|today=|HDI_year=2020|HDI=0.427|area_rank=|government_type=Constitutional Monarchy|legislature=Senate|upper_house=Chamber of Nobility|lower_house=Chamber of Commoners|date_format=YYYY/MM/DD|established=* RepublicFree fromBorean 1965 to 2021Commonwealth: 1890-1919
* [[Akuan Socialism|Akuan Socialist]] State of Nystatiszna: 1920 -1964
* Akuan State in 2022 - on going|largest_settlement=Newport|drives_on=Left|time_zone=+2 UTC|religion=[[Akuanism]]|Gini=62|image_map=NYAWIKI.PNG|GDP_nominal=* ♅12,345,000,000 <br />
* Social Republic: 1965 - 2020
* Akuan Republic: 2019 - 2021
* Akuan State in: 2022 - on going|largest_settlement=Newport|drives_on=Left|time_zone=+2 UTC|religion=[[Akuanism]]|Gini=62|image_map=NYAWIKI.PNG|GDP_nominal=* ♅12,345,000,000 <br />
* ¥1,234,500,000,000|GDP_nominal_per_capita=* ♅823 <br />
* ¥82,300|leader_title1=Matriarch|leader_title2=Prime Minister|leader_name1=[[Ingrid the Reclaimer]]|leader_name2=[[Victoria Engebretsen]]|official_languages=[[Nys'tat'en]]}}
The '''Akuan State of Nystatiszna''' or '''Nystatiszna''' is a sea boring country located in Central (sometimes called Eastern) [[Borea]], it is bordered by [[Aduraszna]] to the west, [[Rikevaarland]] to the south, [[Kæra'zna]]''',''' [[Gusanaszna]], [[Rusanru'a]], [[Syrtænzna]], and [[Blaskog]]. Geographically, it is widely varies from the mountainous central regions, with flat plains to the south and artic northern regions. Ny'Dotsethby (Formerly Newport), is the capital of the state, however Tømmer is the largest city and is part of [[Faisluns-Handelvaar-Tømmer|Neo-Fantøm]] metropolitan area. The country is the largest country in East [[Borea]] by landmass, and the most highest populated by international estimations. There hasn't been a census done in the country since the 1940s, as such majority of the population estimates heavily depend on various factors. Since 2022, it was gone under various governmental and economic reforms moving away from the Social Republic policies with the goal of being [[Akuan Democracy|Akuan Democratic]] state. It had a recent election, replacing [[Ayo Hoshi]] with [[Victoria Engebretsen]] as prime minister after the end of [[Syrtænzna Dissolution War]] with Hoshi retiring from his position.
'''Nystatiszna''' (''Ny-stat-is-nuh''), officially the '''Akuan State of Nystatiszna''', is a sea bordering country in the Eastern Central Borea. Nystatiszna is bordered by [[Kæra'zna]]''',''' [[Gusanaszna]], [[Rusanru'a]], [[Syrtænzna]], [[Rikevaarland]], [[Aduraszna]] and [[Blaskog]]. The geography is dominated by the mountains in the north and flat plains to the south, with four large lakes throughout the country. Nystatiszna is estimated to have a population 15 million, though there has been a proper census done by the government since the 1940s.
PopulationThe population of Nystatiszna is predominantly rural, young by Kemonomimi standards and incrediblyhighly religious. Nystatiszna is made up of 23 different surviving Akuan ethnic groups, all which follow religious [[Akuanism]] isbut widely various in form and practice across the country's. The state religion and only onelegalized religion legal inof Nystatiszna being [[Akuanism]], though secular [[Akuanism]] is tolerated within the country. The official languageand ofmost thewidely countryspoken language is [[Nys'tat'en]], but is divided between various forms of it. [[Vaaran]] and Norgsveltian are commonly used in the [[Faisluns-Handelvaar-Tømmer|Fantøm]] in the Nystatinne side, Tømmer. Historically, Nystatisznapost-1965 sincecivil war the warcountry endwas ofunder theheavy influence from [[SecondBlaskog]] Nystatisznaand Nekomimimaintained Revolution|Seconda Kemonomimiisolationistic Revolution]] duringtowards the world. However after [[GreatAyo WarHoshi]] hasrose beento isolationisticpower regime despitein the numerousthen-senate changesto inestablish government.a Withpresident theoffice countryinternational beingrelations mostbeyond diplomatically[[Blaskog]], activeand after Enshrinement of [[Ingrid the Reclaimer]] wasas enshrined aswell the Spiritelection of Borea, later joining the [[RedVictoria Crown Economic UnionEngebretsen]] and becoming more active.
The country was officially founded as Nystatiszna after Naylorbrookiszna, the founder of [[Akuan Socialism]] seized power and over threw the provisional government of Commonwealth of Borean Nations in 1920. Dubbing the nation as Nystatiszna or 'Land of the Middle.' Pre-[[Second Nystatiszna Nekomimi Revolution|Second Kemonomimi Revolution]], the area that makes up modern day Nystatiszna and [[Gusanaszna]] was part of the [[Zreiru'a]] colonial empire starting in late 1700s through a trading company known as [Vaaran name] or in [[Codexian]] as the Borean Trading Company. Then before that, the region that made up various Akuan confederations since pre-recorded history and has the oldest still-standing buildings in [[Borea]] as well the oldest, still inhabitant settlement [[Grand Shrine of Lilith]].
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