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|author = Beda of Easþrena
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===Flight from Ulvrikia===
''Deorwine'' begins with the funeral of the Ulvrikian eorl Beorhtmund, a kinsman of the last Fylkir of the recently collapsed [[Ulvrikian Empire]]. Beorhtmund's young son Deorwine makes an oration over Beorhtmund's funeral pyre recounting how he secured the lands under his rule amidst the chaos of the Ulvrikian collapse, after which Beorhtmund's soldiers proclaim Deorwine the new eorl. Shortly after the funeral, the Gothir present, Ecgstan, reminds Deorwine of a prophecy: shortly after his birth, a seeress told Beorhtmund that Deorwine would bring his people to a peaceful, bountiful land west beyond the Concordian Ocean, and that he should seek favor from [[w:Njörðr|Nærð]]. Deorwine tells Ecgstan that he does not believe that the time is ripe but that he will seek to do his divinely mandated duty and will begin to prepare for the task set out for him. He orders the planting of many trees in preparation for the great fleet that he will need to build.
About a decade later, Deorwine receives Nori, on his return journey from many years of traveling throughout Ulvrikia. The two discuss the state of affairs in Ulvrikia since the [[Toré eruption|volcanic winter and famine of 512]], which Deorwine compares to the ''[[w:Fimbulvetr|Fifelwinter]]''. The topic of their discussion slowly drifts over to Nori's travels, at which point Nori brings up his intent to write down everything he had picked up on his travels into a great saga in an effort to restore order to Ulvrikia. Deorwine responds enthusiastically and urges Nori to do so. He arranges a meeting between Nori and Ecgstan, where the two discuss the gods and Nori's own teachings, before Nori sets out again.
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===The sea===
===Langeyjar and Ostretheia===
<!--probably some hijinks in Langeyjar I'd have to talk with Norgs probably-->
After setting out from Langeyjar, Deorwine's fleet arrives in Sæfæst (Saefastr), the westernmost Ulvrikian settlement. Deorwine is warmly welcomed by Sæfæst's king, Sægar, his son Wigheard, and his daughter Osflæd. Osflæd in particular is described as being blessed by [[w:Freyja|Frowe]] with incredible beauty and beloved by all the people of Sæfæst. Deorwine recounts his journey and mission in Sægar's court, after which Sægar gives him permission to stay in Sæfæst as long as suited him. He hears from traders of a land across the sea further to the west and believes that it is his destination. While Deorwine initially prepares to set out immediately, he decides to tarry and help the construction and development of Sæfæst before he continues.
Meanwhile, Osflæd falls in love with Deorwine, and when Deorwine initially doesn't reciprocate her feelings, she appeals to Frowe for help. Frowe is reluctant to grant her request, as she knows that granting her request will lead to great strife, but she eventually does so. Deorwine begins to develop feelings for Osflæd, and soon Osflæd sneaks into Deorwine's chambers at night and seduces him. Osflæd is unable to bear the idea of leaving Sæfæst behind even for Deorwine, so Deorwine resolves to stay.
A couple weeks later, as Deorwine is walking along the beaches of what will become Ostretheia, he encounters Nærð. Nærð reminds him that he must carry out his duty even if it would be ruinous to him, recounting [[w:Týr|Tiw's]] sacrifice of his hand and noting the numerous gods who are fated to die in ''Ragnarök''<!--I can't be bothered to translate it rn--> and who nonetheless will still march unflinchingly into battle. With new clarity of purpose, Deorwine gathers his host and prepares to set sail again. As he is about to embark on his ship on the harbors of Sæfæst, Osflæd finds him and pleads to him not to go. With a heavy heart, Deorwine tells her that his fate lies not in Sæfæst but further westward, embarks on ''Sæ-wægn'', and sets sail. Osflæd runs to a cliff overlooking the sea near Sæfæst to watch as Deorwine's fleet disappears over the horizon, and, despairing, throws herself into the sea and drowns herself.
Osflæd's body is claimed by [[w:Rán|Ran]], but Frowe convinces her to give it up. Osflæd's body washes up on the shore the next day, causing immense grief for the people of Sæfæst. At her funeral, Sægar and Wigheard vow to extract a great wergeld from Deorwine for Osflæd's death, not now, but when Deorwine and his descendants have grown wealthy off their lands, such that far more gold can be taken from them in recompense. The entire population of Sæfæst follow suit.
===Landing in Tretrid===
Hildweald, the king of the Crenings, is paid a visit by Tiw and is informed of Deorwine's approach. Tiw advises Hildweald to welcome the fleet with open arms and to accept Deorwine like he would a son. Soon afterwards, Deorwine lands at the Crenish coast, close to where Sigested would be. He is greeted by [[w:Odin|Woden]] in the guise of a hermit, who tells him briefly of the history of the land, and that it is held close to Tiw.
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