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[[East Atlalandr|East Atlalandian]] military was aware of the likelihood of Kaldrbuthian intervention, however due to the leadership of the garrison being replaced several times, sudden shift in orders and series of systemic failures in discipline, corruption and lackadaisical approach to basic military protocol. Resulted in being completely overwhelmed by the intervention, which in addition to the lost of their static defensives, left behind important East Atlalandian military equipment and intelligence. Most importantly [ SPAAGs] and artillery pieces that was stationed further away from the border, was captured by the MSLF and the Kaldrbuthian-Ny'Akide forces, which later was turned against [[East Atlalandr]]. General Hundedrag knew of the possibly of the threat, but was still in the process of moving to Mkæniszna via train and majority of the command staff was still located at [[Atlalandr|West Atlalandr]] front. The [[East Atlalandr|East Atlalandian]] general was giving orders via the train, heavily relying on their smartphone and laptop. The laptop later ended up breaking, needing repairs and forced the General Hundedrag to only be able to use their phone to give out orders during their transit to Mkæniszna region. Resulting in confusing and misinformation being rapid, resulting in the infamous 'leave nothing behind' order given.
The military operation pushed through series mountain passes along the border, and the 'Eternal Concordian Friendship Valley' (Later renamed to the Flørian Valley by the MIP). It was believed valley would have been the most well defended, and the valley itself was established with a series of bases as well as fortifications. However on the day of the operation, the valley was the first one to be completely overwhelmed. East Atlalandian soldiers garrison at the valley was in rotation, Gen. Hundedrag wanting to replace previous garrison forces with newer brigades from the capital. Further adding to the logistical differences of East Atlalandian military. Mountain passes bases themselves was rapidly over taken.
==== Collapse of East Atlalandian Air Force and Defensive Lines ====
East Atlalandian military garrisons failed to hold the established defense lines, for numerous reasons but another key aspect was the inexperience of the East Atlalanidan garrison forces. The garrison division was made up of conscripts, primarily from rural regions drawing from East-Altalandian Mkæniszna, non-Mkænian population and surrounding areas around Mkæniszna. Conscripts stationed in Mkæniszna, was renowned for their lack procedures even before investigation by Gen. Haugstad. The unprofessional culture of the East Atlalandian garrison fed into the poor performance of the East Atlalandian defense. Defensives lines themselves, such as bunkers or artillery placements was long over due on maintenance, which the process only started the day before the operation. As a result, when the East Atlalandian garrisons tried to use their defensive batteries in most cases, they failed to operate to full capacity or not at all.
East Atlalandian air force during the operation scrambled to counter the invasion. The focus being on assisting the retreating East Atlalandians with air cover rather than attempt to directly challenge Kaldrbuthian supremacy in the air. Kaldrbuthian HK45 and advanced technological aircraft, absolutely utterly devastated the East Atlalandian air force with 60% of East Atlalandian aircraft was destroyed within the first few days of the operation. The first day a full third of East Atlalandian air force aircraft was destroyed, almost all of which of done by the HK45s. [[Kaldrbuth|Kaldrbuthian]] HK45s was flown non-stop, with pilots being rotated during each mission to avoid fatigue and the [[Norgsveldet|Norgsveltian]] mili-blogger, journalist observing HK45s being rearmament claimed it was more of a [[2024 Series One World Championship|Series One]] pit-crew like speed rather than a normal jet rearmament. [[East Atlalandr|East Atlalandrian]] air force on the 10th of November stated that they will be no-longer perform operations within Mkæniszna.
==== East Atalandian Reprisals on Civilians ====
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