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=== Kaldrbuthian Intervention ===
The Kaldrbuthian queen, Astrid XI in response to the [[Ishindale Bombings]], equipment robbery and the [[East Atlalandr]] [[Einarism]]-Military coup. The queen ordered a military intervention into the [[East Atlalandr|East Atlalandrian]] Mkæniszna with a speech. The intervention completely overwhelmed East Atlalandrian military still suffering issues of administrative confusion, leadership change and additional issues stimming from being improperly prepared. The operation code named, Mkænian Liberation went into effect at the end of the speech which saw MSLF attacking border bases and outposts from the mountains while Ny'Akide backed with Kaldrbuthian air power overran the bases. The East Atlalandian Air Force was extremely devastated, nearly 60% of military aircraft was destroyed within first day of the intervention and static defensives such as bunkers, anti-air, ect was completely ineffectual against the superior technology used by Kaldrbuthian military.
The rapid collapse of East Atlalandian defensive land results in a panicked retreat to fall back lines. The retreat was unorganized, leaving equipment and soldiers. The East Atlalandian soldiers left behind during the panic, would takeover administrative buildings, homes, and infrastructure. Taking civilians has sapient shields, as well as looting of homes. The East Atlalandian soldiers left behind in addition to the looting, would torture and/or murder civilians. Moreover, Gen. Hundedrag ordered during the retreat to 'leave nothing behind for the separatists' which resulted in the retreating East Atlalandian force to raze the region as they left. The order caused wide-spread mutinies, officer fragging and surrendering of units. The largest mutiny case was Colonel Bjarte Olesen, who rejected the order given by the general as unlawful and unbecoming of the military.
To add to the logistic problems [[East Atlalandr|East Atlalandrian]] military had, fifteen out of the eighteen routes through the East Atlalandrian Mkæniszna was blocked or collapsed. The three routes into the country, two was small roads unable to have heavy vehicles pass through and the single road that could have heavy vehicles pass through was the Gørn Gerjikdal's Memorial Tunnel. The tunnel was the primary road in and out for [[East Atlalandr]], having four-lane roads and a railway. The tunnel did suffer damage from the sabotage resulting in the train tracks needing to be repaired. The other routes, the fifteen routes was mixture of tunnels and roadways. The Roadways suffered from rockslides from the mountains and attempts to remove the rumble, would suffer from ambush attacks by the MSLF far away from the front.
==== Queen Astrid XI's Speech ====
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