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==== Ny'Akide Brigade ====
The Ny'Akide BridgeBrigade is the larger of the two in the Mkænian Liberation Alliance, and is the one with most clear information on. The Brigade was founded by Ny'Sænuri clans, secular Mkænian and heavily supported by [[Kaldrbuth]]. The brigade has been spotted using modern equipment, such as DT-32s tanks and Type 15 IFVs, supplied by [[Kaldrbuth|Kaldrbuthian]] military. The Ny'Akide Brigade also has the political support and backing by the Mkænian Independence Party, despite their use of violence being against [[Akuanism]] as well against the [[Akuan Democracy|Akuan Democratic]] platform the party has. The leader of the brigade, Ny'Isnzki has been quiet compared to the MSLF leader Ny'Mkæn, with only a handful of statements being released to the wider public. Ny'Isnzki first recorded appearance being the announcement of declaring Mkæniszna independence, during the first day of the war being broadcasted in Mkæniszna region in [[East Atlalandr]]. The second recorded appearance being a clarification that the new Mkænian state would only be made up of the Mkænian regions of [[East Atlalandr]] and [[Kaldrbuth]]. Kaldrbuth having given its own region of Mkæniszna to the newform state on the day of the war.
The BridgeBrigade was well known by [[East Atlalandr]] officials, and was a semi-frequent hot point of discussion between themselves and [[Kaldrbuth]]. Though the brigade never committed to any operations within [[East Atlalandr]], with the only record use of the bridgeBrigade being during the [[Ishindale Bombings]] to assist with Kaldrbuthian military in restoring order. The [[East Atlalandr|East Atlalandian]] government believed that the brigade would be used as tool of Kaldrbuth for terrorism within its borders. Though evidence of the Ny'Akide brigade involvement in terrorism within East Atlalandian borders has been lackluster at best, with no investigation into terrorism within the country having been proven. Nevertheless, before the outbreak of the war, [[East Atlalandr]] has several times accused the brigade of operating within the country despite the evidence showing otherwise. The only actually certified time the Brigade entered into East Atlalandr is during the conflict. Politically, the Ny'Akide Brigade has stated that it's only goal is the independence of Mkæniszna and only lands within [[East Atlalandr]] and [[Kaldrbuth]]. It supports the Mkænian Independence Party as the provisional government of Mkæniszna, though it has given concessions to the MSLF in a power-sharing agreement.
As opposed to MSLF, the Ny'Akide brigade doesn't make use of unground networks and fights in a more conventional fashion alongside the Kaldrbuthian military. Acting as a vanguard force within Mkænian region, being supported by Kaldrbuthian army and air force. [[File:NyMkaen.jpeg|thumb|Col. Ny’Mkæn; Leader of Mkænian Socialist Liberation Front]]
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Before the war fully started, MSLF conducted a massive operation on the night of [[East Atlalandr]]'s president Gørn Gerjikdal death. The operation started one hour after his death and ended two hours before sunrise. The operation focused on the destruction of various checkpoints and outposts along the border. Five outposts was completely destroyed by homemade suicide drones, with eight others being attacked with improvised drones and sniper fire. 45 [[East Atlalandr]] soldiers was found dead, with numerous other injured. While use of IED road-traps and sniper fire was frequently used during the attack. The use of 'traditional weaponry' such as bows and swords was noted for its heavy use during the operation. Several autopsies of the soldiers found the soldiers was surprised, showing no signs of defense wounds. MSLF originally didn't claim the attack, and the [[East Atlalandr]] government accused of [[Kaldrbuth]]. [[Kaldrbuth]] government denied any involvement in the attack, and tighten security around the border incase of the spillover. When the war fully started, the MSLF leader Ny'Mkæn claimed the attack during her announcement of MSLF efforts to liberate all of Mkæniszna starting with [[East Atlalandr]].
== CourseThe of theMkænian War ==
=== Pre-Invasion Operations ===
==== Night of Helfire ====
==== Missing Patrols ====
==== Equipment Thief ====
==== Assassinations Conducted by MSLF ====
=== Operation: Mkænian Wings (Invasion) ===
=== First East Atlalandian Counter-Offensive ===
=== Collapse of East Altalandian Front ===
=== Tunnel Stalemate ===
== International reaction ==
Administrators, verified


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