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{{WIP}}{{Infobox country
|demonym=[[Nystapi People|Nystapi]]
|leader_name2=[[Jonas Liljeström]]
|englishmotto=Bound by Blood and Unity
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|conventional_long_name=Jarldom of Lapliszna
|leader_name1=[[Esta the Protector]]
|leader_title1=Jarlynja and Enshrined Spirit
|official_languages=Blaskovian & Nys'tat'en
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|national_motto=Bundet av blod och enhet
|ethnic_groups={{unbulleted list | 88% [[Nystapi People|Nystapi]] | 12% Blåskogar}}
|GDP_nominal_year= 2022
|GDP_nominal_per_capita = 13,000
|government_type=(De jure) ConstitutionalAbsolutist Monarchy; De facto Absolutist Monarchy|currency=Blaskovian Krone}}<br/>
(De facto) Ceremonial Monarchy|currency=De Jure: Blaskovian Krone </br> De Facto: [[United Krone]]}}
'''Lapliszna''', officially the '''Jarldom of Lapliszna''' is a small country located on the northern eastern part of [[Borea]]. It's borders [[Syrtænzna]], [[Blaskog]] and [[Kæra'zna]]. It's a developing country with a incredibly mixed result for standards of living and a struggling social welfare program. Standards for living and social welfare for government employees heavily differ from non-government employees. Concerns have been raised about the employment practices employed by the government with some civil rights organizations stating it heavily favors the elven minority. The government has countered these claims stating they hire who is best for the job regardless of species, releasing a barge of reports showing they have a significant Kemonomimi employment into the government. The government issued a statement that they're making attempts to further Nystapi employment by the government and creating several educational programs to assist with the objective. The economy is sizeable for an eastern Borean country with GDP measuring 67,000,000,000 UKR, primary exporting coal and rare earth minerals to [[Blaskog]] it's primary trade partner. Militarily speaking, the country roughly spends 8% of it's GDP, government citing the alleged large National Republicanists terrorist organization operating with in the country with ties to Hirdist ideology. The National Republicanist group has committed several mass shootings and bombings within the country, which the [[Esta the Protector]] heavily publicized on her various social media platforms.
== History ==
''For history of the Nystapi People: [[Nystapi People#History|Nystapi People History]]''
The Blåskovian government announced the creation of Lapliszna as a [[Nystapi People|Nystapi]] ethnic majority Jarldom in 1972, and later was formally declared as independent in December, 1990. The exact reasoning behind the act of declaring Lapliszna as independent isn't clear, with the Blåskovian government giving different reasoning for it numerous times. However the most commonalty accepted reason was the Nystapi people's act of Niväk in the late 1700s, the closeness of the two ethnic groups, and the loyalty of the Nystapi leaders during the [[Borean Bush Conflict|Borean Bush Conflicts]] in the 1920s-1940s. During the 1970s, the region now known as Lapliszna was considered to be unsuitable and too harsh for elven settlers, but it was decided that the Nystapi 'cultural collective ruggedness' would be perfect to settle the region. This was furthered by the interest in the potential for further oil and natural gas despots though this was proven to be false. However the discovery of diamonds, silver and gold in the early 2000s assist in the further development of the country.
=== '''Pre-Zrei''' ===
Nystapi peoples splintered off of from the Nystets long ago, favoring a more nomadic lifestyle compared to their more farming cultural kin. This isn't to say didn't created permanent structures having created thousands of [[Akuanism|Akuan]] shrines along the northern coasts reaching modern day [[Izria]] and as far as modern day [[Blaskog]] eastern coast lines. The shrines acting both as a rest stop for traveling bands of Nystapi and as a place of worship. The differences in shrines between the native Nystets and Nystapi being small but easily recognizable for devoted Akuanists. Nystapi traveled along side the roaming bands of reindeers before they domesticated them, following closely behind the herds of reindeer and mapping out many of the watering holes they later developed into Vatnavættir shrines.
Blåskovian government in the 1972 both announced the creation of the future Jarldom, but first removed the original Nystapi autonomous region in the northern reaches of [[Blaskog]] and the Blåskovian king announced the region will be first created into a 'Special Development & Autonomous Zone' for the Nystapi people. The special zone was given the same rights as the former Nystapi autonomous region, but with the added benefit of one-time payment moving to the region and subsidize construction of housing in the area. While the removal of the autonomous region was painful experience, the Blåskovian government made small effort to assist Nystapi families to move to the zone with the payments. First settlements was focused on the pre-existing villages and towns but later focused settlement on the known copper and coal deposits.
Later when they domesticated the reindeer, the bond of Nystapi and nature grew to be a part of their culture. Reindeer became as much as part of the community as any Nystapi, as well a symbol of pride and respect for the roaming bands. Having a large herd being seen more prestige, as they could afford a greater population and a greater care for their people. As with each reindeer it could feed more families, more clothing and more devices.
The period between 1972 to the late 2000s was known as the Nystapi renaissance, period of time more than lasting 30 years which caused a reinvention of the Nystapi culture and the creation of institutions. Ideals of self-governance, siblingly ties to Blåskovian culture, and a [[Nystapi People#Post-Niväk|Nystapi Shrine Authority]] being reorganized became anew. Older ideals became replaced as millions of Nystapi across [[Borea]] moved to the region. Which the Blåskovian government saw as a positive. When the country became independent, it was given a care-taking government was managed by the [[Blaskog]] until 2014 when [[Esta the Protector]] was enshrined and coronated as the head of state of Lapliszna. Post-2014, the parliament was primary dominated by the Nystapi People's Party with Jonas Liljeström servicing as prime minister.
=== Zreiu'a Colonization ===
As the Zrei became to colonize and invade the western shores of Borea, the Nystapi found the land which they once roamed to be fenced off and the people unwelcomed. Being forced off their grazing lands infavor of more protective cattle brought by the Zrei. In some cases they was driven off by force and their shrines they kept guard over for thousands of years burned to the ground. Council was held by all bands on the matter of Zrei, which came to the agreement, they will only resist their attempts if they pushed further into Borea. Fearing they wouldn't win a war against a technology better foe.
=== Nystapi Zone Period (1972 - 1990) ===
== Government and Politics ==
The period of when [[Blaskog]], designated the former 'gränsprovins' (''[ Codexian]: Frontier Providence)'' as the 'Särskild utvecklings- och autonom zon' (''[ Codexian]: Special Development & Autonomous Zone)'' for the [[Nystapi People]] is more commonly just called the Nystapi Zone Period. During the period starting from 1970s to 1990s, the Nystapi culture held a renaissance; massive mitigation across [[Borea]] of Nystapi moving to the region which includes the forced moving of Nystapi and Blaskovians to or away from the zone; Nystapi Shrine Authority reorganizing to better suit the coming changes both politically and culturally; and construction projects across the region. During the period, commenters at the time generally in particular Nystapi leaders approach the creation of the zone with a apprehension, as [[Blaskog]] abolished the Nystapi autonomous region at the same time as making the special zone. While they was overjoy by the aspect of being independent nation, many leaders cited concerns about the suitability of the land and the more importantly the abolishing of the autonomous zone, would destroy much of the generational wealth the Nystapi people acquired. While the Blåskovian government made some effort to assist the Nystapi people from the autonomous region to move to the area, it was enough to get to the Neylapdor. In addition, Nystapi living in the former autonomous zone was pressured by the government to sell their property and assets, often incases at prices below the market rate.
[Ethnic Nystapi Republic; colonization; ect; ect]
While migration was poorly handled by Blåskovian authorities, the construction projects with the focus on industrial sectors, utilities and transportation was mostly successful. Focus of the projects being the railways connecting various mining locations, and having them connect to the Blåskovian industrial parks as well a passenger trainline from Neylapdor to Kungstad. The majority of construction projects was managed by the controversial 'Central Myndighet för Utveckling och Bankverksamhet' ''([ Codexian]: Central Authority of Development and Banking),'' Blåskovian-ran economic planning organization, the other aspects such as housing, services and so forth was mainly done by international investments, [[Bjørn Trust]], [[Association of the Servants of Akua]] and Nystapi ran-organizations. The Nystapi organizations in particular was made up of former residents of villages from the autonomous zone, pulling their resources together to have housing constructed or purchased. The [[Bjørn Trust]] and [[Norgsveldet|Norgsveltian]] investments focused on constructing various residential districts, service buildings as well cultural buildings having to work alongside the central planning agency to coordinate projects. Meanwhile [[Association of the Servants of Akua]], while only focused religious or cultural structures such as building of shrines. While international investors like the [[Bjørn Trust]] wanted to construct power plants and factories within the zone. The central planning agency declined stating they will be receiving electricity from [[Blaskog]] and factories would be net-negative according to their reports. Planned cities were designed by [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Côtois]] experts, to much surprise by international observers at the time. The Côtois experts worked alongside international investors, Nystapi organizations and the state-planning agency.
==== Nystapi Renaissance ====
The Nystapi Renaissance was a intellectual, economic and cultural revival of [[Nystapi People|Nystapi]] culture centered in newly constructed city of Neylapdor in modern day Lapliszna. The renaissance lasted between 1970s to 1990s, and it was referred by Blåskovians as 'Litlåttes Rörelse' ''([ Codexian]: Litlåttes Movement)'' however [[Norgsveldet|Norgsveltian]] observers called it the Nystapi Renewal but the Nystapi themselves call it the Nystapi Renaissance. The movement captured both urbanized and rural Nystapi, expressing both a new identity for both of groups further more-so it pushed for Nystapi ''(but not other Akuan ethnic groups)'' civil rights within [[Borea]], more specifically within in [[Blaskog]]. Before the renaissance, Nystapi statically was the richest Borean Akuan ethnicity owing to multiple factors but the largest being Blaskovian scholarships and rulings that not only allowed Nystapi to attend universities but pushed them towards it. It been estimated that 60% of adult Nystapi holds a bachelor degree and 5% held PhDs in the period, being one of the most educated ethnic groups on Borea. Additionally Nystapi own semi-independent financial institutions, allowed more Nystapi on average compared to other Akuan cultures to become business owners and own their own farmland in addition to their education levels. As a result, as the Nystapi people left their former nations across [[Borea]], most drastically in [[Nystatiszna]], [[Syrtænzna]], and [[Blaskog]]. [[Nystatiszna]] outright banning Nystapi from leaving the country due to concerns that the country would be significantly impact the healthcare sector. In [[Blaskog]] while having drastic economic consequences as Nystapi left to move to the modern-day Lapliszna, was welcomed by Blaskovian professionals as it was believed it would increase wages in [[Blaskog]]. [[Syrtænzna]] in a effort to limit Nystapi leaving the country, tried in vain to offer incentives to stay within the country. Later in the 1981 [[Blaskog]] legislature attempted to pass a law to limit Nystapi business moving over to region but it was vetoed by the King and heavily protested against by the Blaskovian [[Ulvriktru]] clergy.
[[File:Jacob Gløersen - Drifting Snow - NG.M.01004 - National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design.jpg|thumb|Ludvig Ny'Ahe (1984)]]
The level of education and wealth by the Nystapi people created the environment necessary to facilitate the wide sweeping changes. The Nystapi intellectuals took inspiration from [[Norgsveldet|Norgsveltian]], [[Queendom of Lapérouse|Lapérousian]], [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Côtois]] and [[Blaskog|Blaskovian]] influences. [[Queendom of Lapérouse|Lapérousian]] influence, was heavily drawn from by the intellectuals owing from [[Blaskog]] own cultural fascination with the [[Queendom of Lapérouse]]. Architecture was in particular was heavily inspired by the [[Gothic Revolution]], neo-gothic structure designs being common feature in the newly developed cities, most of which was inspired by ''(at the time)'' new [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Côtois]] public housing and construction projects taking place during the time. Much the political culture and ideals however tied directly to [[Blaskog]] own cultures, though with influence from [[Norgsveldet]] political establishment.
Art created during the renaissance featured ideal and moral Nystapi living life. Paintings depicted of Nystapi as a hardy people building their cities while their children played in the snow. Poetry describes harsh winter land, and strong spirits that need to be pleased. Nystapi films focused on the rough but well educated Nystapi taming the savagery of the land, drawing on Blaskovian own film scene. Another feature shared across all forms of art, was showing that the Nystapi was the only 'civilized' Borean Akuanists and that in-order to honor the spirits in [[Akuanism]] on [[Borea]] that all other native Akuan cultures must assimilated to the Nystapi way of life.
==== Brewmaster Council of Neylapdor ====
The various Brewmasters who moved to the region, formed a adhoc government for the Nystapi settlers. Brewmasters worked alongside the intelligentsia from the Renaissance movements, business owners and various other important Nystapi moving to the region to hold a council meeting. However, the Brewmaster Council of Neylapdor served a different purpose rather than future governance. It focused on reforming the Nystapi [[Akuanism]] into one that could better service as State Akuanism form.
=== Caretaker Government Period (1990 - 2014) ===
=== First Nystapi Period (2014 - 2023) ===
=== Modern Period (2024 - Ongoing) ===
== Government and Politics ==
== Economy ==
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== Culture ==
''Main Article: [[Nystapi People]]''
Lapliszna being a majority Nystapi heavily reflects it in its culture and language. Being one of the few non-multicultural Akuan states on Urth, while still being Akuan majority country. Regardless of the Blåskovian culture influence within the country, Nystapi culture is still heavily shown across the country.
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