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Jeanne joined the SDF in 2010 while in university, passing the Military Vocational Aptitude Test (MVAT) with average scores. Due her Akuan ethnicity she was considered to be ineligible for combat roles despite her insistence otherwise. While serving in the SDF, she made frequent attempts to change her job within the military and kept insisting she was not a absolutist non-violent like most Akuanists are and believed in self-defense of the state. Despite this, she was repeatedly denied transfer to infantry. After filing a lawsuit with help of a Akuan Veterans group, she filed a discrimination lawsuit against the SDF in 2011, the court case ending in 2012. The defense making the argument that soldiers in combat roles wouldn't trust a ethnically Akuanist in their unit, pointing at various stereotypes that soldiers in combat roles tended to believe about Akuanist however the court ruled in favor of Jeanne and issuing a fine to the SDF. After which, she was assigned to infantry role. In a later interview in 2017, she said enjoyed her service however when she transferred to infantry she was often bullied for having Duval Syndrome, and being an Akuanist in the infantry.
Being transferred into the infantry, she was primary assigned to the rear guard away from direct danger during civil unrest events. Often in guard duty around the hospital or emergency centers during such events, with Jeanne suggesting in a later interview and later confirmed by a SDF senior official. That she was assigned there due to the stereotype of Akuanists being naturally comforting and kind hearted, believing that Jeanne would transfer again into a nurse role rather than staying in the infantry afteringafter seeing it. She didn't transfer and kept her role in the infantry, despite bullying. Throughout her several complain and reports of being bullied, only three out of fifteen of the recorded events was acted on. Jeanne stating in a interview, she wasn't sure how many reports she filed but she knew at some of them 'got lost' in transition to SR.
== Minister of Children, Elderly and Families ==
== Redress Election (2018) ==
=== Collectivization; Not Nationalization ===
Jeanne Pierre's slogan 'Collectivization; Not-Nationalization' reflected her primary promise to reduce regulations and privatize numerous government companies. Changing the state companies to Cooperatives or Rochefort firms, on a decision by decision bases. Pierre during the Redress Election was considered to be the further Rochefortist-economic out of all the candidates, including the Rochefort faction's own candidate put forth into the election. Pierre citing several state-owned companies, the largest being a Entreprise d'investissement Central Lapérouse ([[Codexian]]: Central Lapérouse Investment Firm) and was a frequent target of hers during rallies. One of her most recognizable speeches being at [[Batkong]], reflecting her slogan.
ECL is nothing but a money sink, begging for government bailouts after they get over their head. When our factory workers, our farmers, our office workers have their savings wiped by bad investment. The Government tells them its their fault, that they should have only invested in what they could have risked in the first place but when it comes to companies owned by the state. They take our money, money out of your hands and your children's hands to give it to the suited thieves paid by the state! If the government wants incentive public good in our companies, then we can do it through taxation not through a bunch of children of the establishment in their salaried positions. We're better than that! We demand better than that! We don't need government handing out our tax dollars to pet projects to the little princess of the technocratic establishment. We have better tools to promote growth in our country! ECL has no incentive for public good or profitability because princesses know the government will bail them out! Any sane, honest socialist would demand the leaches to be thrown out of the Government's barn and forced to find its own feeding grounds to be profitable. Collectivization; Not Nationalization! We're not going to pay for their losses when private investment cooperatives and Rochefort firms can do it better and without stealing from the citizens!
=== Campaign Promises ===
==== SpaceCollectivization; ExplorationNot Nationalization ====
==== Special Needs Education & Services Reform ====
==== SpecialFederal Needs EducationGovernment Reform ====
==== Finalization of Party Reforms ====
==== Providing more funds to Child and Elderly Protective Service ====
==== Military Reform Bill ====
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