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==== Kingdoms of Almonia, Daria, and the Visidarians ====
For thousands of years prior to the Kingdom, the region had been a tumultuous and chaotic area. The three major kingdoms that made up what is now Almodaria were the Almonians (Modern day Tuvaria and parts of Aranistan), Darians (Aranistan, Almodor, Parts of Skavari), and the Visidarians (Varatistan, Most of Skavari). These three kingdoms had been warring with eachothereach other for resources and power for a long time now but by 56 CE, times were changing. Rising to the throne at only 16, Ivan II was showing to be another grand King of Daria. His father, Ivan I, led many campaigns against the Visidarian Barbarians in the south and he himself was also another grand and highly respected King. Ivan II had a different approach to the conflicts of the day and focused on bringing on the unity of the Almonian kingdom and his own. A strong, united realm would be capable of smashing the Visidarian soldiers in the southern regions and bring an end to the bloodshed. And so, many years after his coronation, he brought his grand army to the front gates of Visidarian territory in 40 CE. They called for an ultimatum where the Visidarians would give up their arms and swear fealty to the Kingdom. However, this didn't do anything and the Visidarians simply declined their offer and returned to business as usual. After this humiliating failure of a conquest, Ivan II decided to focus on uniting the Almonian-Darian Collective Identity back home.


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