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=== Red Crisis ===
In the year 1929, a government ledheaded by Aurelio Marzo Cadrega, an anti-socialist, wastook formedoffice duringamidst a time of greatsevere crisis forin the kingdom. The crisis was largelyrooted duein toa anstark unequaldisparity in the distribution of wealth and power, where thewith wealthy industrialists and landowners had accumulatedholding significantsubstantial economic and political influencesway, while the working class and rural population had littlelacked representation in government.
This led toThe growingmounting callsdemands for reforms and greater social and economic equality, which resulted infueled strikes, protests, and demonstrations, to which the government responded with force, exacerbating the situation. The government's responsehandling wasof tothe usecrisis forceexposed todeep suppressdivisions within the unrestpolitical establishment, whichwith onlysome madefactions supporting the situationworking class and advocating for reforms, while others backed the interests of the wealthy worseelites.
Leone Ausilio, a nationalist politician, capitalized on the situationopportunity byand formingformed paramilitary organizationsgroups calledknown as Hares squads thatto violently suppressedsuppress left-wing political organizations and trade unions through violent means. Ausilio presentedportrayed himself as a defenderprotector of order and bourgeois society, and his squads werecarried responsibleout for violentbrutal attacks on left-wing newspapers, socialist parties, and labor activists.
The situation also highlighted the deep divisions within the political establishment, with some factions supporting the working class and calling for reforms, while others supported the interests of the wealthy elites.
As the violence escalated, the government was forced to makemade significant concessions to the workers in an attempt to restore order., such Theyas passedenacting laws to reduce working hours and createdestablishing new agencies to monitor worker safety and safeguardprotect economic conditions.
Leone Ausilio, a nationalist politician, capitalized on the situation by forming paramilitary organizations called Hares squads that violently suppressed left-wing political organizations and trade unions. Ausilio presented himself as a defender of order and bourgeois society, and his squads were responsible for violent attacks on left-wing newspapers, socialist parties, and labor activists.
At the Watts convention, Ausilio transformedrebranded his violent squads into a political movement called the Union of Arafors, which allied with the Conservative party and obtained agained significant voiceinfluence in the country's politics, gainingwinning 35 seats in the Landsraad in the septemberSeptember general election. The Unionist's rise marked a shift towards more populist and nationalist politics, challenging the traditional parties and their alliances.
As the violence escalated, the government was forced to make significant concessions to the workers in an attempt to restore order. They passed laws to reduce working hours and created new agencies to monitor worker safety and safeguard economic conditions.
In late November 1930, King Pietro VI abdicated in favor of his son Peter I, who was crowned in January 1931., This change in leadership markedmarking a new era for the kingdom, and the challenges facing the country remained to be seen.
At the Watts convention Ausilio transformed his violent squads into a political movement called the Union of Arafors, which allied with the Conservative party and obtained a significant voice in the country's politics, gaining 35 seats in the Landsraad in the september general election.
The rise of the Unionists marked a shift towards more populist and nationalist politics, challenging the traditional parties and their alliances.
In late November 1930, King Pietro VI abdicated in favor of his son Peter I, who was crowned in January 1931. This change in leadership marked a new era for the kingdom, and the challenges facing the country remained to be seen.
=== Unionist Dictatorship ===


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