TEPwiki:Current roleplays: Difference between revisions

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* The [[Coronation and Wedding of Thumim V and Saga of Tynam]] concludes. [https://forum.theeastpacific.com/t/the-crowning-moment/16499/39] (2023-01-24)
* [[Tretrid]] lodges a diplomatic complaint to the [[League of Novaris]] in response to a speech made by Secretary-General [[Æthelwine Heardson]] condemning Tretridian foreign policy. [https://forum.theeastpacific.com/t/of-green-and-gold/15709/4] (2021-07-05)
* [[Gyllir Motor Corporation]] buys out the bankrupt Eclipse team ahead of the [[2023 Series One World Championship|2023 season of Series One racing]]. [https://forum.theeastpacific.com/t/2023-series-one-pre-season/16481] (2023-02-06)
