Coronation and Wedding of Thumim V and Saga of Tynam: Difference between revisions

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Arrangements for the celebrations were organized by the specially formed Crowning Committee, which handled the innumerable administrative tasks required to organize an event on par with major international sporting tournaments in complexity and scale. Much of the groundwork was laid in the months following Thumim V's ascension to the throne, and by January of 2023 preparations were well underway with the issuance of formal invitations and the large-scale mobilization of security resources and support personnel to manage the affair. Speculation had arisen in the media that the reshuffling of the [[Council of Ministers of Packilvania]] which saw Princess Abdina move from the Department of Imperial Affairs (which was part of the organizing process) and replace by Duchess Tuhali of Khashar might affect the pace of preparations but such fears were averted as preparations continued unabated.
Several noted Packilvanian, Tynami, and Älemsi fashion designers were commissioned by the respective parties to design and prepare outfits for the events, and thousands of flags and banners were sewn for display.
The final stages of the preparations were hindered when on 18 January the government of Mekedesh shut down road links to the capital on account of a supposed terrorist threat. It later went to court in an effort to halt a Ministry of Transport order to end the blockade, thus prolonging the situation. On 19 January, the Furmeed Coal Power Station in Mekedesh reported a breakdown, and officials from the Energy Inspectorate were turned back by the Mekedesh Energy Corporation, which claimed that it had not been presented with proper credentials. An order from the Ministry of Energy to allow the officials entry resulted in the Mekedesh Energy Corporation similarly taking the case to court. However, both applications were dismissed by the courts, and on 20 January Prince Elam, the governor of Mekedesh, refused to meet with the Sultan. On 21 January the Executive of the Mekedesh Electricity Corporation was fired by the Ministry for Public Enterprises, while Prince Elam was dismissed, arrested, and charged with treason on account of his obstruction, thus bringing the brief crisis to a close.


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