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''The Federation of the Mirhaimian Realm'' (Fefsen: ᚠᛟᚾ-ᚨᛁᛗᛖ ᛗᛁᚱᚺᚨᛁᛗᛖ×ᛊᚨ. ''Ansa: Fon-aime Mirhaime'sana Sairna Mirhaimeneg''), commonly referred to as ''Mirhaime (Fefsen: ᛗᛁᚱᚺᚨᛁᛗᛖ)'', is a country located in Novaris consisting of fourty constituent states, two special metropolitan regions and nine islands. It shares a land border with Tedeschi, and Celannica to the East as well as a maritime border with Tretrid to the South, and Galevimland to the West.
Various Fefsen-speaking tries have inhabited modern Mirhaime since antiquity with the very first human, and later elven presence in the country being recorded around 500,000 years prior in caves around the Ga's of Tenkir, and Ytak. These tribes later developed into some of Novaris' oldest advanced civilizations beginning with the human Rytak civilization (1600-1700 BU) in modern day Loren'ka, the Sybak civilization (1600-1500 BU) on Sentinel Island, and the Fefsen-speaking elven Ostka civilization (1400-1300 BU) in modern day Ytak'ga. These major civilizations later fractured into independent teyrnions and kingdoms that existed throughout the period known as Classical Trinteria before being united into the Trinterian Commonwealth around the 1st century CE through the efforts of Aran Feldrot Ke'sed, usurper of the former Patriarch of the Aeter Hierarchy.
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Two weeks later, Carwal's family reported to the local police department of her sudden disappearance. She was soon found deceased by police; she had hung herself using a rope slung over the branch of a tree in the nearby Kadral Forest, her personal belongings, and last words neatly packed using her beige-coloured trench coat. In the 6-page long suicide note which was declassified in 2009 by the Department of Justice, she expressed her love for her family - reciting the memories they had made together - as well as devoting a portion to express her "immeasurable shame and humiliation" of the failures of her administration to prevent the Coup of Draal from occurring. In said portion, she dedicated several paragraphs to her personal opinions on the political climate of the Saekari, she indirectly stated her personal support for Jalo SIinkar, and his vocal attempts to stabilize the administration through constitutionally democratic means.
=== Reformation under Jalo R. SiinkarKairas ===
With the resignation, and death of the former Paragon, the Carwal administration was slowly dismantled as Premier Broin assumed the position of Paragon till the Saekari could organize a nationwide vote to elect a new individual to assume the office. An emergency election was announced in April by the both chambers of the Saekar, and was set to conclude on September of the same year.
The political fallout of the coup tarnished the reputation of candidates previously affiliated with the Carwal Administration, and allowed pro-reformation liberal groups headed by Jalo R. SIinkarKairas nar Pankow'ka, the former Mayor of the city of Pankow, to skyrocket in popularity. Subsequently, on April 5, 1964, SIinkar announced his candidacy for the paragonship nomination. Though some questioned Siinkar's age and political experience, his charisma, eloquence and familial history as the direct descendant of HeraHerad SiinkarKairas earned him numerous supporters even amongst conservative circles. Despite this, however, Siinkar faced several potential challengers, including Senate Majority Leader Anrah Niamh Zarsan, the former Governor of Ytak'ga Aran Ythar Garsan, and Senator Cadwyn Fanar. But regardless, Siinkar remained a popular choice amongst citizens who were set to cast their votes in mid June.
In an attempt to challenge SiinkarKairas's upper-hand in public populairity, Saenad Majority Leader Anrah Zarsan invited him to a televised debate. Siinkar accepted. The series of debates between the two candidates became the first extensive use of what would thereafter become a staple medium of Mirhaimian political campaigns—television. Broadcast live on national television all throughout April, and May, the give debates ultimately provided Siinkar's campaign with a huge boost.
Estimates suggest 93% of all eligible voters watched the first debate. The Majority Leader Anrah Zarsan voters seen on their monochrome television screens seemed pale, anxious, and uneasy. She was fresh out of the hospital after being treated for an infected cut, so she donned a light-colored suit that faded into the gray background; combined with the bright studio lighting that left Zarsan perspiring, she provided a less-than-commanding presence. SiinkarKairas, in sharp contrast, appeared calm, tanned, and telegenic.
[[File:Image 2022-07-04 114358463.png|left|thumb|Jalo R. Siinkar following the conclusion of his inaugral ceremony. Federation Day, September 2, 1964.]]
Following the conclusion of the vote on September 1, 1964, Siinkar won the popular vote in a landslide victory with 88.3% of the votes out of a record number of ballots cast. No oppositions both in the Saedikar, and the Saenad were given to SiinkarKairas's victory.
On the cold morning of Federation Day, September 2, 1964, Jalo R. SIinkarKairas took the oath of office. After the tumultuous events of previous year, and the tense political situation in both chambers of the Saekari, SiinkarKairas realized the importance of ensuring that his inaugural address would reach out to both his supporters and opponents. In the days and weeks before it was to be delivered, he carefully studied famous speeches, such as the Declaration of Federalization, and copied their terse, vivid style. In the speech, he focused almost exclusively on domestic problems such as rapid inflation, unemployment. In addition, he claimed that his election signaled a fundamental generational shift in Mirhaime:<blockquote>''"We observe today not a victory of an individual, but a celebration of freedom and liberty—symbolizing an end, as well as a beginning—signifying renewal, as well as change . . . Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Mirhaimians—born in this century, tempered by the constant threats of war's desolation, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage—and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those rights to which this Nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.”''</blockquote>And he recalled the Federation's origins:<blockquote>''“Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of the Mirhaimian people.”''</blockquote>Siinkar surrounded himself with liberal academics and, in light of the support he had gained, moderate conservatives who believed in the benefits of strong executive government, rational planning, and social science. His cabinet, dubbed the "New Pioneers" filled the Eryas Palace, and the Saekari Complex. They were accompanied by a stream of young, wealthy professionals who came to dominate Loren'ka's administrative sectors, adding to the tone of an Eryas Palace seeking advice from the nation's finest and brightest.
Domestically, SiinkarKairas presided over the worst economy since the start of the century with growing inflation and an economic recession prior to his inauguration. And as such, early in his first term as Paragon, Siinkar began implementing new political and economic initiatives. His supply-side economics policies—colloquially referred to as "Doika" (Renovation)—advocated tax reduction, economic deregulation, and reduction in government spending. The four pillars of SiinkarKairas's economic policy were to reduce the growth of government spending, reduce the federal income tax and capital gains tax, reduce government regulation, and tighten the money supply in order to reduce inflation. He was also a major advocate for nationwide educational reforms which culminated in the Ovon Act which improved teachers' wages, and provide support to children with disabilitites, or those who live near or under the poverty line regardless of race, income, disability, ethnicity, or proficiency in Fefsen. The Act allowed for improved educational quality on public schools in districts with a majority non-Fefsen population, and allowed for enough flexibility for them to adapt within the boundaries of federally-established standards.
Over his first term from 1964 to 1969, the economy saw a reduction of inflation from 12.5% to 2.4% and an average real GDP annual growth of 4.6% (compared to the negative growth prior to 1963). SiinkarKairas enacted cuts in domestic discretionary spending, cut taxes, and pushed for a reorganization program of the Realm Defence Forces which improved bureaucratic efficiency, and eliminated the need for an increase in budget even through the additional deployment of Mirhaimian forces in Sarvimaa throughout the 1960s. The national debt was also lowered by 38% from 1964 to 1969,
Thus, by the end of his first term, the economic recession which had griped Mirhaime for over a decade was practically no more as the Mirhaimian economy begun to see growth for the first time since 1958. This revival of the economy, lowering of inflation, and reduction of taxes ultimately won him yet another landslide victory in his re-election campaigns of 1969, and 1974. According to a poll conducted by the group ''Zaral,'' approval ratings for Siinkar throughout all four of his terms averaged around an astounding 93%.
Internationally, SiinkarKairas represented the Federation in the signing of the Valkoniemi Accord in 1967 which strengthened military cooperation between the two countries, and the intensification of Mirhaimian military presence in Sarvimaa, an act commonly recognized to be in opposition to Tretrid's growing naval presence in the Atlantian Sea. This was later reinforced by the Antien Act which established a free trade zone between the two countries, and allowed for greater ease of business by ways of the elimination of tariffs on key exports, and imports whilst simplifying travel, and the bureaucratic process involved by removing the Visa requirements. Economic, and military cooperation with the Volscine Confederacy was also increased and upheld throughout his tenure as Paragon with numerous trade, and military cooperation agreements. Chief amongst these are the
Simutaneously, however, he spearheaded efforts to normalize relations with the Kingdom of Tretrid, and allowed the resumption - and later the intensification - of trade between the two states. Despite this near cessation of hostility, however, military spending increased by an average of 9.3% per year from 1969 to 1979.
SiinkarKairas also championed and signed the bill that authorized the wide expansion of the "Undod" (Unity) Highway System which was first proposed and constructed during the Paragonship of ''Henwas Wren'' (1940-1950). He justified the expansion project in the Realm Highway and Transportation Act of 1972 as essential to Mirhaime's homeland defense strategy, and national security. It was believed that major population centers would be heavily targeted in the event of war with the construction of the highways allowing for massive evacuation operations to occur as well as facilitate the rapid deployment of manpower, and resources from one location in the country to another.
SiinkarKairas's goal was to create a comprehensive network of easy-to-access highways which would be beneficial for military operations and would also provide a measure of continued economic growth for the nation. And as such, the system could also be used as a runway for airplanes, which would be beneficial to defensive efforts which later became an integral part of Mirhaimian air defenses stratagem with aircrafts capable of STOL being developed and fielded in the 1980s.
During his tenure, railroad transportation was also prioritized with the construction of a high-speed railway network as stated in the Realm Highway and Transportation Act of 1972. Initially built to connect distant regions with Loren'ka SAR with the goal of aiding economic growth, and development. Starting with the Loren-Bafaas Express Line (515.4 km, 320.3 mi) in 1975, the network has expanded to currently consist of 2091.6 km (1,299.6 mi) of lines with maximum speeds of 230–320 km/h (145–200 mph). Metropolitan areas such as Loren, and Bafaas also features 158.4 km (98.5 mi) of mini-sioul lines.
=== Intervention in the Domin War ===
With the political upheavals and subsequent declarationsoutbreak of rebellionviolence from thebetween ethnic-Yallo minoritiesrebel offorces Yellounder andthe unrecognized Socialist Republic of Bours, the oil-rich nationPhoenixian territory of PhoenixiaAfragola quickly collapsed into a three-way civil war as several key cities fell to rebel hands whilst federal forces struggled to establish a cohesive defensive plan. In subsequent months, the average cost of petroleum worldwide suffered as extraction and refining operations in the region of Afragola was threatened by rebel attacks which were steadily increasing in frequency and scale as the separatist Socialist Republic of Bours sought to damage the Phoenixian war efforts. The Mirhaimian Tylach Oil and Petroleum Company (TOPEC), formed in 1904 by Duke of the Canton of Tahri and Knight of the Esteemed Order of our Liege Zakan of Stritau Jatan K. Eskrine was amongst those heavily affected with the intentional sabotages of Oilfields Miran, Kian and Myr. As one of the largest Mirhaimian-based petroleum corporation, attacks on facilities owned by TOPEC severely affected fuel costs in Mirhaime. By January of 1967, the price of oil had risen nearly 150%, from 3 Inters per barrel (MI19/m<sup>3</sup>) to nearly MI7 per barrel (MI50/m<sup>3</sup>). Bilateral talks between the two governments of Mirhaime and Phoenixia began shortly after as the Jalo R. Siinkar administration attempted to halt the worrying rise in cost - culminating in the Oro Convention and the subsequent signing of the Orokian Agreement of 1967 on February 4, 1967.
Initially unwilling to dedicate forces to the war in Afragola, the Saekari approved an emergency military aid package worth 168 million Inters to the Phoenixian Federal Armed Forces including armored vehicles and aerial assets with the hopes of successfully. However, as the month of November and December passed by with no sizable gains and mounting casualties, the situation became untenable as rising oil prices combined with a rise in violence against ethnic-Fefsen spurred pro-war sentiments amongst the population. Following weeks of debates in both chambers of the Saekari, on February 2nd 1968 the Saenad supported the military actions in a 73–27 vote. On that same night of February 2nd, in a televised speech from the Eryas Palace, Chancellor Jalo Kairas announced to the public the final decision of the Chancellery and the Saekari and the imminent deployment of Realm Defence Forces to Afragola: <blockquote>''This military action, taken in accord with International Forum resolutions and with the consent of the Saekari Mirhaimeneg, follows months of constant and virtually endless diplomatic activity on the part of Mirhaime and our partner Phoenixia as well as many other foreign observers and partners only to conclude that the Yallo rebels were unwilling to negotiate a ceasing of violence on equal grounds. Others traveled to Afragola in a variety of efforts to restore peace and justice......''
''......With us having exhausted all reasonable efforts to reach a peaceful resolution, we have no choice but to defeat this threat by force so that law and order may be restored in Afragola. We will not fail''
''As I report to you, preparations are underway for the immediate deployment of selected military units in all service branches of the Realm Defence Forces to Afragola are underway. We are determined to defeat this threat for the sake of restoring justice and order to this territory where many of our kin reside and are being targeted in indiscriminate attacks by rebel forces - attacks which are still being carried out as I am reading this speech and they will continue unless we take action.''
''Our objectives are clear: the rebellion in Afragola will be halted. The legitimate government of the territory will be restored to its rightful place, and Afragola will once again be free. When peace is restored, it is our hope that those whose who met in battle will live as a peaceful and cooperative members of this new society, thus enhancing the security and stability of the region.''
''Some may ask: Why act now? Why not wait? The answer is clear: The world could wait no longer. Sanctions, embargoes and tireless military operations on the side of our Phoenixian partners, though having some effect, showed no signs of accomplishing their objective. Actions were tried for well over 5 months, and we and our allies concluded that what we were doing alone would not be sufficient.''</blockquote>With orders to dispatched two naval battle groups to the Afragolan Channel, where they were ready by 8 April. Additional troop transport vessels for the Armada Marines were also sent to the region with preparations for the deployment of additional Realm Guards having been. A total of 48 Realm Air Force TKC-62B from the 21st Fighter Wing at Airbase Tyreneg, Tenkir, landed in the Phoenixian territory of Belporto and immediately commenced round-the-clock air patrols of the Afragolan Channel to discourage further advances by the sea whilst acquiring information on rebel defenses. They were joined by 36 TKC-62Bs from the 36th Tactical Fighter Wing originally based in Pankow, Loren SAR. Having joined strength with reinforcing elements, the contigent flew 2,000 combat missions and dropping four million pounds (1,800,000 kilograms; 1,800 metric tons) of munitions from April 12 to April 20. Military buildup continued from there, eventually reaching 223,000 troops, approximately 1/4 of the combined active personnel of the Realm Defence Forces. Much of the material was airlifted or carried to the staging areas via fast sealift ships, allowing a quick buildup. Public opinion overwhelmingly supported the deployment.
=== Tenkir Namhaid Crisis ===


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