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Hoshi keeps a extremely modest lifestyle, often only wearing items that a middle-class Nystatinne can afford. He has stated in interviews that he wants to live a life that all Nystatinnes can achieve one day in the future, and that it's a tragedy so many in Nystatiszna are going without basic goods or services.
Despite is moderate lifestyle, his wealth has been figured to between anywhere from 25 billions SHD to well in the 650s billions SHD. Tracking his wealth has been a matter of a personal mission by a investigative journalist Nora Berge investigating the Hoshi family. Stating Ayo Hoshi has either inherited or killed and then took control his grandfather's criminal empire. This has been criticized for it's lack of clear and direct evidence tying him to the death of the late Miyake Hoshi. However Nora has published several banking records that are attached to Ayo Hoshi. To this date, Hoshi hasn't responded to requests about the records besides stating it's a on-going investigation by the Bureau's Fraud cabinet.
Another journalist Gustav Knudsen, has put forward his own theory and evidence about Hoshi's mysterious wealth. Claiming that Ayo Hoshi wealth isn't from grand father but rather from the Hoshi clan as a whole, putting forward several interviews he had with ex-hitman with heavy connections to the Hoshi clan. The currently imprisoned hitman detailed that Hoshi's wealth is closer to nearly a trillion SHD and he has the full family working behind him. When pressed about why the Hoshi family is putting forward so much resources and time into single man, the hitman explained that Nystatiszna currently too unstable and poor for likings of the Hoshi clan. It's apart of their long term plan of control the Borean underworld, first they make country stable, wealthy and has the Hoshi clan completely ingrained within society. The next step after that is to use Nystatiszna the base for further expansion to the Borean markets. They want to clean up the Hoshi name, make people think that they are the "good mafiabad guys" helping communities, templesshrines and even the government when called. Many have doubted the hitman claims however several diesdays after the interview that hitman was murderedfound hanging in his cell. ThereOfficial hasreport hasstating beenit nowas suspectsa forsuicide after a note was discovered that the murderhitman couldn't live himself after killing so many people.
=== Alleged of Organ Trade ===
During a Presidential state of address in 2019 being broadcasted across the country, his openly speech was interrupted by several men and women rushing the stage taking his mic. The senators was never identified by the senate however several underground radio casters speculated that they individuals who had their organs harvest previously. However other suggest that it's rather a false flag by the Imperial party to attack his character. What the stage rushers stated never fully recorded however the part that was recorded and passed around in the underground of Nystatiszna then later smuggled out to the greater world. The recording alleged that Ayo Hoshi was in charge of a massive underground organ trafficking involved with the [[Kæra'zna]] government, the record further detail several bank numbers attached to the alleged account. Several witnesses to the event stated that the people who rushed the stage stated that they looked unhealthy and that they was Zrei elves.
In a discovered by investigative journalist Nora Berge during her research of the president's personal wealth. She has discovered that several hospitals and private health companies across Urth have in someway received ice bags or freezers from Frossenkropp, a international ice shipping company based out in Rikevaarland, Handelvaar. Ice shipping has been nearly a completely dead industry with the exception of [[Frossenkropp]] having contracts with the private healthcare facilities. The company has received funding from three of the bank accounts Hoshi's name, one of the company founders Zho'zhyl Tsøka'sa a [[Kæra'zna|Kæran]] nationale has been photographed with the president and Hoshi was one of the guests invited to the company's shareholder meeting. According to Ayo Hoshi's former staffer Ingvar Wigen has gone on record to state that the president could get transplant organs and blood for his underlings. Using the organs as rewards or replacements if one of his underlings gotten their destroyed in someway. He further stated that the president was able to poison specific organs of his rivals or friends alike and then offer them organs in exchange for political favors. The president denied these claims stating that they fit better into a movie than reality and that he is no way involved in trafficking organs.
When [[Kæra'zna]] officials was questioned about the nature of the relationship between the government, the ice company and Hoshi's alleged involvement in organ trade. The isolated country stated no comment about the affairs.
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