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'''Tretrid''' ([[w:Old English|Tretridian]]: ᚦᚱᛖᚾᚪ, ''Þrena''), officially known as the '''Kingdom of Tretrid''', is a nation located in southern [[Novaris]]. It is the second most populous country in Novaris and the third largest by area. It is situated between the Atlantian Sea to the north, the Bay of Lapinum to the south, and the Nalpian Mountains to the west. Tretrid borders [[AponiviaCelanora]] and [[Transnalpia]] to the west, and [[Lapinumbia]] to the south. Tretrid's capital is Cynebury, though its largest city is Sigested.
Tretrid's history dates back to the Threnan Kingdom of antiquity, which lasted roughly from the 1st century BCE to the Toré Eruption of 512, after which resulting famine tore the polity apart, leading to its utter collapse and much of its territory fragmenting into smaller, more isolated city-states. The following centuries were characterized by infighting among these city-states, as well as the rise and fall of Westrice, which was situated north of formerly Threnan lands.
The arrival of Ulvrikian settlers from the east in the 11th century lead to a chain of mass migration and ensuing turmoil, followed by the rapid consolidation of Tretrid into three kingdoms, a state that would last for about 200 years until Ælfric I unified the peninsula and proclaimed the creation of the Kingdom of Tretrid in 1256. Over the next two centuries, Tretrid would expand into DallacquanCelanor lands and gain more and more power in Novaris. This expansionism reached its peak in the 15th century with the establishment of [[Tretridian West Novaris]]. AfterA the [[War of the Tretridian Succession]], in which TretridianTretrid Westlargely Novariscollapsed wasinto partitionedcivil by [[Norgsveldet]] and Asendaviawar, Tretrid maintainedwould alose colony in the formmost of [[TretridianWest Northrenpynt]],Novaris and laterlose establishedits [[Transnalpia]]southern as a meanscoast to easier access Northrenpynt. However, both countries would become independent states under the Tretridian crown in the 1920s, with Northrenpynt in particular ending even its association with the Tretridian crown in 1980Lapinumbia.
Tretrid has historically been one of the premier powers of Novaris, which would often brought it into conflict with other nations. Indeed, the first 4 centuries of the unified Tretrid's history was largely characterized by its power struggles with Dallacquathe Celanor Empire, though this largely ended as DallacquaCelanor declined. During the 18th century, Tretrid fought a war with [[Ethalria (Grand Matriarchy)|Ethalria]] and waged multiple wars against Norgsveldet. However, the rise of [[Volscina]] as a regional power in Novaris and later as a great power brought it into direct conflict with Tretrid, starting in the early 19th century. This rivalry resulted in the countries taking opposing sides in the [[Great War]] and eventually culminated in the Novaran Cold War that pervaded much of the 20th century. The collapse of the [[Arkian Confederation|Volscine Confederation]] and the resulting [[Arkian Civil War|civil war]] ended the Novaran Cold War in Tretrid's favor. However, the rise and fall of [[Correva]], among other things, have reignited tensions between Tretrid and Volscina, enough to the point where most agree that the Karolingian crisis marked the start of a Second Novaran Cold War.
Despite its many issues and what has been argued to be its decline, Tretrid is still generally considered a [[w:great power|great power]]. Indeed, even though Tretrid has only the third highest military expenditure in Novaris, Tretrid more than makes up for it with soft power; indeed, its admission to the [[North Concordian Economic Forum]] and its role in creating the [[League of Novaris]] have only served to amplify this. Tretrid also largely maintains its position of power through alliances, most notably the [[Tolinsk Accords]], though Tretrid also maintains observer status in the [[NSTO|North Shield Treaty Organization]] and [[IRSA|Interregional Security Accords]]. Tretrid's system of alliances has been argued to be the main reason why Tretrid still remains the dominant power in West Novaris, especially compared to the significantly more diplomatically isolated Volscina.
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The Triarchy would meet its end when Ælfric I of Norþrena conquered the other two kingdoms and unified them into one country.
The newly-unified Tretrid had a significant amount of power, and so Tretrid clashed with [[Dallacqua]]Celanor, at that time the dominant power in West Novaris. Tretrid managed to gain a series of territorial concessions in a series of wars from the late 13th Century to the 14th Century.
The advent of gunpowder and firearms tipped the balance in favor of Tretrid, leading to Tretrid seizing all DallacquanCelanor land west of the Nalpians, and also lead Tretrid to seize ports on the coast of both DallacquaCelanorall andthe itsway to allymodern-day [[Volscina]]. Tretrid would consolidate these overseas gains under [[Tretridian West Novaris]].
Tretrid was largely the dominant power of Novaris from the 15th century to the 17th century, and it largely interfered with the affairs of its neighbors in that period, including, most infamously, the [[War of Seven Emperors]], where Tretridian West Novaris annexed a significant amount of territory from Volscina, while the King of Tretrid also won the throne of [[Kingdom of Seccera|Seccera]].
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Eadgyð I would spend the next twenty years after the war reconquering the breakaway states and reestablishing Tretridian authority, as well as [[Tretridio-Secceran War|invading Seccera]] to claim the Secceran throne. This period, which lasted from 1650 to 1680, has been named the Tretridian Anarchy by historians.
Most of Tretridian West Novaris had been lost in the war, as the collapse of authority in Cynebury caused no amount of troubles for the colonies. ItThey waswere onlyswiftly areclaimed matterby of time before [[Asendavia]]Volscina and [[Norgsveldet]] seized most of Tretrid's colonial holdings. Only [[Tretridian Northrenpynt|Northrenpynt]] was leftCelanora.
===Asatruar Wars of Religion===
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The creation of the Charter proved fatal to the Eorlist faction as it existed throughout the 18th century, as their support for the rather unpopular traditional landed nobility of Tretrid lead to many Eorlists to be voted out in the newly instated elections, while Cynists would be elected in waves due to public enthusiasm for the monarchy as a result of the democratization of Tretrid. While the Cynist faction briefly enjoyed total control of the Witan, however, they ended up splintering from infighting on the subject of possible reforms into the Liberal Party (later the Liberal Democratic Party) and the Conservative Party by the 1816 elections. The Eorlist faction's last seats in the Folkmoot were lost in 1824, though they would continue to have members in the Athelmoot for decades afterwards.
Now with a workable domestic power base, Eadgyð II was able to turn to matters of foreign policy in West Novaris. Tretrid's startedmain maintainingfocus closerduring diplomaticthis tiesperiod towas theon nationsslowly inreasserting modern-dayTretridian Aponivia,power whileto stilllevels plying a large amount of influence over Secceraunseen despitesince the Tretridian-Secceran personal union having ended with the death of Bada II in 1802Anarchy. Tretrid's mainalliance concernwith inSeccera thewas Aponiviessential regionsfor werethis, the maintenance ofas a stableprospective balanceCelanoran ofwar powerwould ashave to bestbe maintainfought theon connectiontwo between Tretrid, Seccerafronts, and Thistied mainlyVolscina presentedto itselfTretrid in Tretrida aidingway thethat activewould declinemake ofa Dallacquawar asbetween itthe slowlytwo lost territories to Lamanwasser and Tavarisdifficult. At the same timeFurthermore, the government quietly instituted a graduallarge-scale expansionshipbuilding ofcampaign thecommenced Tretridianso navythat asTretrid tocould betterseriously contend withchallenge Lapinumbian powerdominance in Souththe NovarisAtlantian.
Tretridian foreign policy was put to the test when a revanchist Celanora attacked Seccera with the objective of reclaiming Celan in 1842, starting the [[Volscine-Celanoran War]]. Since Seccera was part of Volscina, Volscina was obligated to defend Seccera, and Tretrid also declared war on Celanora due to dynastic ties between Seccera and Tretrid. The war ended decisively against Celanora, and they were forced to give concessions to Seccera and Tretrid as well as pay war reparations to its enemies. The Celanoran concession to Tretrid would be organized as [[Transnalpia]].
While South Novaris remained tense, West Novaris would remain stable until the 1840s, when a series of events occurred that would significantly shift the balance of power in the continent. Firstly, a revanchist Dallacqua started attacking its neighbors, leading to the [[First Dallacquan War]]. The war would see Dallacqua occupied by an alliance between Tretrid (and Seccera by extension), Lamanwasser, Beorhmere, New Aloysia, and Tavaris. This joint occupation would last until 1849, when a peace treaty was signed that reconstituted Dallacqua as a sovereign state, though with significantly less territory and as a constitutional monarchy.
However, this new order in West Novaris proved to be all too fragile. The King of Seccera died without heir in the early 1850s, leading to contention over who the next Secceran monarch should be. The two lead claimants to the Secceran throne ended up being a member of the Tretridian royal family and the duke of the Volscine state of [[Arlenburg|Arlenboro]]. Since Seccera was a Volscine state, it fell to the Volscine Diet to mediate between the claimants.
After much deliberation, the Diet eventually ruled in favor of Arlenboro. However, tensions within Seccera over the sucession dispute broke out in civil war, which eventually lead to a full conflict between Volscina and Tretrid in the form of the [[Schlesian Crown War|Secceran Crown War]]. Tretrid waged an ultimately unsuccessful campaign to install its candidate for the Secceran throne by force. Though the war only lasted for a few years, it would permanently sour Tretridian-Volscine relations.
Its foothold in Seccera lost, Tretrid was faced with the fact that it had largely lost its foothold in West Novaris. As a response, the Tretridian navy's expansion was accelerated to improve Tretrid's force-projection capabilities. this put Lapinumbia on edge, causing a naval arms race in South Novaris. Furthermore, Tretrid sponsored the connection of the Transnalpian tunnel to better connect Transnalpia to Tretrid, before integrating Transnalpia as a Tretridian province. This in turn better allowed Tretrid to use Transnalpia as a staging point for further Tretridian engagement in West Novaran affairs.
Its foothold in Seccera lost, Tretrid had to grapple with the face that Northrenpynt now seemed as distant as ever. Now that it was clear that Tretrid had a major rival in Volscina, it was clear to the government that the navy needed significant expanding. The resulting shipbuilding program put Lapinumbia on edge, and they started accelerating naval development too.
[[File:Naval Battle of Abtao (1866).jpg|200px|thumb|Tretridian ships engaging a Lapinumbian fleet]]
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Tretridian entry into the Great War left a lasting impact on Tretridian politics, as the Conservative Party, in power at the time, supported the war. The Social Democratic Party, already mired in infighting, fully splintered into the more moderate ÞSD (M) and the more radical ÞSD (W).
Tretrid committed a few troops in Northern Gondwana; however, most of its operations occured in Novaris itself, as Tretrid and Volscina fought in their first and only total war. For most of the war, the fighting got bogged down into trench warfare along the front between NorthrenpyntCelanora and CavellanSeccera, though in the later portions of the war doctrinal and technological developments (including the advent of combined arms assault using early armored vehicles) made the front significantly more mobile.
Tretrid would come out of the war with no gains to show for the losses it incurred for the 10 years it had been at war, at the cost of a very large chunk of its military-age population. In its later years, the war had become extremely unpopular, but efforts made by the Witan to withdraw from the war were shot down by Ælfric II.
The Great War caused a great deal of unrest in Tretrid, to the point that Tretrid was affected by an [[Tretridian Revolution of 1919|attempted takeover]] by the ÞSD (W), which had renamed itself the Tretridian Communist Party (ÞCP). To focus on putting down the uprising, Tretrid wasgranted forcedindependence to give more autonomy to [[Tretridian Northrenpynt|Northrenpynt]], and even outright abandoned [[Tretridian Southwest Gondwana]].
The decolonization of Tretridian Southwest Gondwana has been panned by historians as rushed and careless, as Tretrid's abandonment of the colony was done without any care as to the future of the colony. TheIn no small part influenced by corruption rife within Clifport, the region quickly split into smaller states constantly warring with each other.
Interestingly enough, the relatively autonomous regions of [[Union of Wessæria|Wessæria]] and [[Free City of Clifport|Clifport]] claimed to not have been dissolved by proclamation of the Witan, unlike the administration of Tretridian Southwest Gondwana. While Ælfric II demanded that the Union of Wessæria and the Free City of Clifport be recognized as part of the Tretridian crown, the Witan refused to grant them that status. Wessæria persisted until its partition and later collapse, while Clifport would declare itself a republic the next year, renaming itself [[Dræset]].
Northrenpynt remained as part of the Tretridian crown until 1953, when it joined [[Aponivia]] as a result of a referendum.
The revolution itself led to the ÞCP to be banned and spurred the creation of the Asatru Democratic Party of Tretrid (ÞAD), which sought to promote royalistic populism. As the Conservative Party had largely collapsed due to the Great War, the ÞAD would entirely supplant it even as it remained small throughout the 1920s.
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The [[2017 Tretridian federal election|snap elections]] concluded in mid-January 2017, leading Æthelstanson's ÞSD to form a government with the ÞAD. The new Prime Minister swiftly instuted sweeping corruption probes into the LDP and companies implicated in the scandal. Several leading figures in the LDP ended up convicted for various corruption charges, including Wulfricson himself.
Æthelstanson also started to re-evaluate Tretrid's global position, which had grown precarious from years of neglect. Under the early months of his government, Æthelstanson would start engaging Volscina, AponiviaCelanora, Kuthernburg, and Nacata more actively. He also continued Tretridian support of [[Nuova Volscina]], albeit with great reluctance.
===Auroran-Pacific War===
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War broke out swiftly after that, as the Bursil Alliance formed in the summit fought with the Rivendale Pact. Tretrid would significantly boster the Third Fleet, its fleet in the Pacific and in the Morstaybishlian Sea, as it ended up bearing the brunt of the conflict. Tretrid would ultimately contribute a significant amount of forces to the Pacific theater of the war, helping to combat Strataric forces and nearly having invaded Stratarin itself had the country not surrendered.
Tretrid's forces in the war were organized under the [[Novaran Joint Expeditionary Force]], which also incorporated Kuthern, Mexregionian and Nacatan soldiers deployed in the war. The coordination of the war effort through the NJEF lead to a then-unprecedented level of cooperation three countries. Under the direction of Æthelstanson and Tretrid Ambassador-at-Large to Novaris [[Æthelwine Heardson]], the Tretridian government helped launch a series of conferences meant to explore future modes of intra-Novaran cooperation. The eventual result of these talks was the creation of the [[Laegue of Novaris]] by the four Novaran members of the Busil Accords, as well as Lapinumbia and AponiviaCelanora.
<!--RIP the Atlantian theater, that was really fun. -Tret-->
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Tretrid is the second-largest country on Novaris, bordering [[AponiviaCelanora]] and [[Transnalpia]] to the west, [[Lapinumbia]] to the south, and [[Sarvimaa]] to the north. Tretrid is also bordered by the Atlantian Sea to the north and east.
Tretrid's elevation ranges from its highest point in the Nalpian mountains in its western frontier to to the shores of the Atlantian Sea at sea level.
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Tretrid is a founding member of the [[International Forum]] and the [[League of Novaris]], a member of the Global Crisis Council, a current member of the IF Security Council, and an observer state of the [[NSTO|North Shield Treaty Organization]], [[Union of Commonwealth Alliances]], and [[Intercontinental Regional Security Accords|Inter-Regional Security Accords]]. Tretrid holds an alliance with [[Great Morstaybishlia]] and with [[Kuthernburg]], and have been friendly with both Morstaybishlia and Kurthernburg since the 17th century.
Current Tretridian foreign policy doctrine emphasizes the formation of alliances and the maintenance of trade relations to act as a deterrent against any hostile actions taken against it. This is made most manifest in the [[Tolinsk Accords]], which makes Tretrid military allies with [[AponiviaArlavia]], [[Durakia]], [[Ekvatora]], [[Katyunon]], [[Meagharia]], [[Seccera]], and [[Tavaris]]. Its constant participation in various international institutions, a result of an emphasis on being a "productive member of the global community," has led to Tretrid being referred to as "the most diplomatically connected nation on Novaris."
Out of its former territories, Tretrid maintains strong relations with [[Transnalpia]], with whom they have a treaty for mutual assistance, and maintained ties to [[Tretridian Northrenpynt|Northrenpynt]] until its merger with Aponivia. However, Tretrid does not maintain diplomatic ties with any nations that were formerly part of [[Tretridian Southwest Gondwana]], officially maintaining that the area is "far too dangerous and volatile" to justify assigning any diplomats to the region. This policy is highly controversial both within and without Tretrid.
As a result of the Novaran Cold War, Tretrid's relationship with Volscina after the Volscine Civil War has been chilly, but before the Correvan crisis was never actively hostile. The rise and fall of Correva caused relations between the two countries to rapidly deteriorate, however, and their current relationship has been described as "adversarial." [[Sarvimaa]] maintains a chilly relationship with Tretrid out of the mutually fear of invasion, though the Tretridian Ministry of Foreign Affairs maintains that a Tretridian invasion of Sarvimaa is "politically, morally, and tactically infeasible." [[Mirhaime Federation|Mirhaime]] maintains relatively cordial relations with Tretrid, however.
Administrators, verified
