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== Policy ==
Countries that want to have diplomatic relations with Packilvania are expected to recognise central and western Yasteria as part of the Packilvanian Sphere of Influence. Furthermore, they are required to recognise [[Lyon]] as a part of Packilvania or to not recognise Lyon as an independent nation. Some nations practice a policy of strategic ambiguity whereby they do not explicitly state their position on Lyon while recognizing Packilvania. Packilvania has been known to leverage its economic and military might to bully smaller states. In other instances, Packilvania has used the [[Packilvanian Expeditionary Force]] to support non-state actors in meddling in the political affairs of other nations. Packilvania does not recognize many international conventions and participates in very few formal multilateral initiatives. Instead, it prefers bilateral engagements. This has resulted in it struggling to exert influence outside of its immediate territory.
== Geopolitical concerns ==
[[File:Gateway States.png|thumb|The gateway states of [[Alksearia]], [[Phoenixia]], [[Stelvania]], [[Iphelklori,]] [[Hadena]], [[Kalatya]] and [[Tennabroch]] are key to Packilvania's policy of freedom of navigation]]
Significant geopolitical concerns for Packilvania include access to freshwater, protection of its northern border and freedom of navigation in the Concordian, Packilvanian and Pacific Oceans.
Most of Packilvania's freshwater originates from the Trans-Drakkengard Mountain System. This is a system of high-altitude mountains in North-East [[Packilvania]], Northern Allegheny, Central and Southern Drakkengard, Western and Southern [[Vekaiyu]]. The importance of reliable and abundant access to freshwater has been an existential issue for the Packilvanian state since its founding the in the 7th century. Due the fact that much of its North, West and East territories are arid, water for irrigation and consumption from the rivers originating in the Trans-Drakkengard Mountain System have been crucial in sustaining life, agriculture and industry. The advent of modern industry and the immense growth of the population as well as climate change have made access to fresh water for pressing. Analysts and historians have attributed the millenia-long disputes and waters between [[Vekaiyu]] and Packilvania to control over water resources. Outside of Pax-Draconica, the [[Uliveru Mountains]] and [[Ta'lavero Mountains]] of Vekaiyu, are some of the largest sources of freshwater in the world.
For most of Packilvania's history, the north and western deserts have proven to be important barriers against invasions from those directions. However, due to the vulnerability of the South and Center (which are the most economically, politically and demographically important parts of the country), Packilvania has always had to protect its northern border. At the same time, this has presented challenges for outward expansion. Due to the relatively flat terrain of its most important parts, outward expansions to the deserts has been crucial in its defence.
Access to the seas has been of supreme geostrategic importance. As such, Packilvania has always tried to secure its interests in the Packilvanian, Concordian and Pacific Oceans through territorial expansion. At the height of its power during the Demir dynasty, Packilvania controlled territories in the East and West of Yasteria and north of Arcturia to ensure access to these seas. With the advent of global trade, access to these areas of high geostrategic significance. With most of its economic prosperity relying on foreign exports, the Arcturian Straits have proven crucial for Packilvanian control. As the system of colonisation has waned, Packilvania has sought instead to build alliances or extort cooperation from the so-called Gateway States of [[Phoenixia]], [[Alksearia]], [[Hadena]], and [[Iphelklori]]. To ensure access to the Borean Sea, Packilvania has maintained a very close relationship with [[Kalatya]]. Despite decolonising [[Sorentavia]] and [[North Crencello]], Packilvania continues to control [[Antimovo & Sarimov]] to ensure uninterrupted access to the Pacific Ocean.
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