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It was in this context that the Hikari would enter the 20th Century, sat at a crossroads that they knew too well, before Reform and Repression. Tensions across Western Yasteria reached a point in which the Hakikara rulers were forced to decide which side they would wish to join in what felt to be the inevitable war ahead. In this, they looked to their fellow Matriarchy, Ethalria, making moves to improve relations with the Auroran Matriarchs at the expense of gaining the ire of Vistaraland. This decision, one made with the intent of granting a feeling of security, soon placed the Hikari in an untenable position, in which they would be declared war in by the Suvan Empire in 1906, leaving the allies they wished to turn to on the opposite side, while members of the Pacific Coalition offered little support amidst the Hikari’s failure to support their cause before the Hikari were in trouble. Forces of Suvania, alongside the NMS, would take over and establish a satellite state in Hakikara, having taken advantage of the Vistari unwillingness to support a nation that had cosied up to their enemies. And thus, the last Khanum fell, and a Clerical Nationalist Matriarchy was set up in its place, under the rule of the regressive NWS under the unsteady hand of Suvania. The Ayalist Matriarchy of Hikaria
During the time of the Ayalist Matriarchy, new ideas of democracy, freedom, self-determination and equality began to influence the thinking of many within the middle and working class of Hakikara. Many now wanted to be free from the control of the Suvan Empire. The broad opposition movement had begun to secure arms from foreign powers opposed to Suvania and by raiding ArsonalsArsenals and Military Convoys. These groups slowly built their power and support until things came to a head, much sooner than anyone expected. Originally planned by the Broad opposition to begin on september 18th 1920, the Hakari army discovered an opposition hideout in Rüzatutmak on the evening of april 30th, and found with it a list of names containing every opposition member in Rüzatutmak. It was now or never, on the morning of may 1st, workers militias armed by the Egalitarian Socialist Workers League engaged the Hikari army in the streets. Hearing the news, several other opposition groups began armed resistance against the Hikari army. These groups were of many different ideologies, in the south socialist and communist groups were the majority amongst the urban working class, the north was mainly liberal and nationalist groups. This broad support and the previous efforts to procure arms allowed the revolutionaries to rapidly secure major buildings and infrastructure around the cities, eventually throwing the Matriarchy out of the capital. By 1920 Hakikara had declared its independence, the following 3 years were a war of attrition against the Suvani military, which ended with the Suvan Empire agreeing to abandon Hakikara and recognise the new government.
After the victory in the Hikari War of Independence, the opposition had to decide on a new government. The leaders of the broad opposition agreed to call elections to decide the new government of Hakikara. Elections were called in late 1923 by the Egalitarian Socialist Workers League, as they controlled the capital. These elections, however, were not what the Communists in the Egalitarian Socialist Workers League had in mind, they had achieved victory for the working class in the revolution and were not about to give up their power. Elections were called, but to the opposition's surprise new parties only had 3 days to be set up and register in the election. The Egalitarian Socialist Workers League had the paperwork to register as a legitimate party already set up so they could stand. The other parties could not organise in time for the election, many socialists joined the Egalitarian Socialist Workers League, liberals and nationalists either stood as independents or didn’t stand at all. The results were a massive majority for the Egalitarian Socialist Workers League, supported by females in the working class south and almost all males, who felt that the leftists would be the best ones to protect their rights as they had set out in their promise of equality of the sexes. The first action of the Egalitarian Socialist Workers League was to pass the bourgeois disenfranchisement Act, prohibiting the formation of new political parties and giving them a monopoly on power within the newly declared Egalitariat of Hakikara.
== Politics ==
=== Institutions ===
The highest legislative body is the Revolutionary Khural with the 200 members being elected every 5 years using first past the post. This body has the power over all Economic, Social, Environmental and Political matters, as well as defence and foreign policy. all taxation and funding bills must go before the Council. The Council would also select president, who would then select member the members of the central committee, the executive in Hakikara. The Revolutionary Khural is often considered to be very weak and has been criticised just rubber stamps anything proposed by the central committee.


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