Sea of Gondwana: Difference between revisions

Major update: 8 February 2022
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(Major update: 8 February 2022)
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[[Category: Kyon's links]] [[Category: Urth]] [[Category: BodyBodies of water]] [[Category: Gondwana]]
{{Infobox body of water
| name = Sea of Gondwana
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| volume = {{convert|710000000|km3|abbr=on}}
| shore = Unknown
| islands = [[Algerstonia|AlgerstoniaNorth IslandsUnovia Island]], [[Ashasha|AshashaWest IslandsUnovian Island]], [[NewEast GenesisUnovian Island]], [[GondwanaNagato|Gensi StripArchipelago]], [[GenesisVessarlian|Vessarlian ArcipelagoArchipelago]], [[UnitedUnovian OrderTail]], Republic[[Satō|TranquilityKyushi IslandIsles]], [[GarregUnited MachOrder MonasteryRepublic|GarregArea Mach303]], Monastery[[Unovian IslandEgg]], [[Oliean|OlieanEntry IslandsIsles]]
| trenches = >2
| cities = [[KadunaBalnakia]], [[IassathPiorunpreria]], [[AlgerstoniaChamali]], [[AshashaVessarlian]], [[NagatoIassath]], [[United Order RepublicSatō]], [[LapimuhyoNagato]], [[RijelvAugustia]], [[FódlanUnited Order Republic]], [[DagdaZemeprievadai]], [[OileanLasówkrania]]
The '''Sea of Gondwana''', also known as the '''Gulf of Gondwana''', is a sea and gulf connected at the crossroads of the [[Pacific Ocean|Pacific]] and the [[Southern Ocean]], surrounded by the continent of [[Gondwana]]. Due to geological activity in the area, many of the islands withinin the Sea of Gondwana were at one pointare volcanic. The Sea of Gondwana also includes two minor bodies of water like: the [[Gondwana Strip|Gondwana StripUnovian CanalStrait]] to the east, and the [[GenesisUnovian Sea]] to the north, and the [[Greenwood Sea]] in the middle.
ItThe Sea of Gondwana covers an area of about 3,794,610.5184 km2 (1,465,107.3120 sq mi), representing 1.7% of the global ocean surface, but its connection to the Pacific Ocean and the Southern Ocean via the [[Strait of Entry]]—the narrow strait that connects the two Oceans to the Sea of Gondwana and separates the [[Entry Isles]] from the rest of Gondwana is about {{convert|140|km|mi|0|abbr=on}} wide.
via the [[Strait of Oilean]]—the narrow strait that connects the two Oceans to the Sea of Gondwana and separates the [[Oilean|Oliean Isles]] from the rest of Gondwana is about {{convert|140|km|mi|0|abbr=on}} wide.
The Sea of Gondwana has an average depth of {{convert|1500|m|ft|abbr=on}} and the deepest recorded point is {{convert|5270|m|ft|abbr=on}} in the [[SeirosUnovia Deep]] in the [[GondwanaUnovian Strip CanalStraitl]]. ItThe Sea lies between latitudes 30° S and 50° S and longitudes 130° W and 80° W. Its north-south length, from Iasssth in the north to Olieanthe Entry Isles in the south is aboutapproximately {{Convert|4830|km||abbr=}}.
The sea is an important routebody of water for merchants and travelers in modern times, facilitating trade and cultural exchange between peoples of the region. The history of the Gondwana region is crucial to understanding the origins and development of many modern societies in the region. Out of all the countries in the Sea of Gondwana, [[Nagato]] andhas [[Oilean]] arebeen the only countriescountry to benefit the most. The countries surrounding the Sea of Gondwana from north to south are [[KadunaBalnakia]], [[IassathPiorunpreria]], [[AlgerstoniaChamali]], [[AshashaVessarlian]], [[NagatoIassath]], [[United Order RepublicSatō]], [[LapimuhyoNagato]], [[RijelvAugustia]], [[FódlanUnited Order Republic]], [[DagdaZemeprievadai]], and [[OileanLasówkrania]].
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