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Early in their history, the seafaring Kveshi civilisation of South West Aurora began exploring much of the Azure sea and establishing numerous outposts to facilitate trade. One of their furthest western excursions led them to contact the Kormistazics in 723 BCE, where it is written they were received very well and a cultural exchange took place between the two cultures. In order to facilitate further trade with the region, the Kveshi were granted a small, sparsely inhabited region of coastal foothills shadowed by the Okrani mountains. Most of the areas inhabitants were forced to relocate, and were either fled to Kormistazm or retreated further within the valleys of the mountains. The Kveshi then established an outpost on the territory which would later became known as Oceansend and began trading regularly with the cultures on the southern coast of the Axdelian peninsular, primarily silver from Kormistazm and the Lyr Valley. Among the most historically important effects of Kveshi trade was the introduction of iron smelting technology to the region. This combined with the reverse engineering of their advanced naval vessels allowed the Kormistazic confederations economic and military power to balloon rapidly whilst much of the peninsular continued to be stunted by conflict.
Within Sekan-Aruqa, the initial economic booms led the way for the reignition of infighting between the controlling oligarchs. The conflict was centered around the Jakatei and Renequil noble families,. with almost all others swearing loyalty to one or the other.
===Iron age===
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