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== Etymology and terminology ==
The 2016 Acts of Union declared that the kingdoms of Great Morstaybishlia and Justelvard were "United into One Kingdom by the Name of Great Morstaybishlia and Justelvard", though the new state is also referred to in the Acts as the "Kingdom of Great Morstaybishlia", "United Kingdom of Great Morstaybishlia" and "UnitedGreat KingdomMorstaybishlia".
Although Great Morstaybishlia as a sovereign state is a country; Staynes, Caltharus, South Staynes and Justelvard are also regarded as countries, though they are not sovereign states. The Prime Minister's website has used the phrase "countries within a country" to describe theGreat United KingdomMorstaybishlia.
The term "United KingdomMBE" is often used as synonym for Great Morstaybishlia. However, it is sometimes used as a loose synonym for Great Morstaybishlia as a whole. GM and GMTMBE are the standard country codes for the United Kingdom and are consequently used by international organisations to refer to Great Morstaybishlia. Additionally, theGreat United KingdomMorstaybishlia's Olympic team competes under the name "Great Morstaybishlia" or "Team GMMBE".
The term "Morstaybishlian Empire", in politics, is used to describe Great Morstaybishlia and all Overseas Territories.
The adjective "Morstaybishlian" is commonly used to refer to matters relating to theGreat United KingdomMorstaybishlia and rarely as a synonym for the UnitedGreat KingdomMorstaybishlia. The term has no definite legal connotation, but is used in law to refer to UnitedGreat KingdomMorstaybishlia citizenship and matters to do with nationality. People of theGreat United KingdomMorstaybishlia use a number of different terms to describe their national identity and may identify themselves as being Staynish, CaltharusianCalthian, South Staynish, Justelvardic; or as being JustelvardicLaulian, and still in some cases Horkalic, except Horkalic refers to the ethnic group Horkalans. A growing minority of people have identified themselves with Morstaybishlian nationality after the Acts of Union 1977, likely a patriotic spur.
After the Union of the Thrones in 1515, the two kingdoms were briefly known as the "United Kingdom of Staynes and Caltharus" and subsequently their empire was known as the "Staynish-Caltharus Empire" until it was formally dubbed the "United Kingdom of Morstaybishlia" in early 15161517.
The Acts of Union 1977 decreed the United Kingdom of Morstaybishlia in political unification with South Staynes. By extension of ''Kingdom territory'', the region of "Morstaybishlia" was given the epithet "Great", short for "Greater".
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