The Norvians were a primarily seafaring ethnolinguistic group who traversed the Pacific and Packilvanian Ocean between 300 BCE and 700 CE, invading and raiding large swathes of territory predominantly on the western coast of Novaris and Eastern Yasteria. Their expeditions, raids, and settlements across the world had profound effects with those they came in contact with, especially for present day nations such as Bologia, Dallacqua, Lapinumbia and Fortuna who all trace their early history to these seafaring people.
Norvian history is generally accepted to start around 300 BCE in the Aspirian Isles when Marenian groups native to the islands began raiding campaigns into Codex Pontus. Their journeys northward brought them to West Novaris around 150 BCE where they eventually conquered and settled the land that is now present day Dallacqua. Entering into the Common Era, the Norvians left behind their holdings in Novaris and turned their attentions south to continue their acts of raiding, eventually pushing into the Packilvanian Ocean.
The Norvians are distinguished for their seafaring culture, having migrated across large bodies of waters aboard their platform ships. They were fairly technologically advanced for the time, but due to their general disorganization, with the exception of declared expeditions, is attributed to causing their fall as the Norvian kingdoms and territories were absorbed by surrounding peoples and cultures over time. They are still remembered for their culture of raiding and pillaging, traveling far and wide to strike unsuspected coastal villages. The Norvian language would at times be adopted by the native populations that the Norvians came into contact with, leading to many modern languages that it evolved into remaining fairly similar to each other.
The Codexian name "Norvian" comes from the Marenian name Nordven, in the modern Fortunan language spelled Nordviano, and roughly translates to "Northern sailor". Early Norvians did not refer to themselves as such until the around 100 BCE, whereupon they began adopting the name given to them by southern Marenian groups and Novarian natives. Codexian speakers would adopt a similar name entering into the Common Era for the Marenian-speaking raiders, solidifying the name "Norvian" as the Codex Empire formed and grew into strength.
Codex Pontus
With the fall of Kodekesia in 478 BCE, the Marenian people thrived in the region, allowing for them to further develop their maritime culture. Economic cooperation and trade was preferred by most Marenian groups, mainly the groups to the south, although raiding was not entirely uncommon. The practice of raiding would pick up among the northern Marenian groups, especially those settled within the Aspirian Isles. The first recorded Aspirian raids dates back to around 300 BCE with raiding parties hitting settlements along the Crencello Arc and the island of Sorentavia. During their raids of the Crencello Arc, the Norvians would begin assimilating the remaining nekomimi population into their fold, absorbing their culture and technologies. Most significantly was the adoption of nekomimi shipbuilding and navigation techniques, allowing for the Norvians to build more efficient ships and travel further than before.
With the Crencello Arc for the most part under control of Norvian families, the Norvians continued south and began raiding along the coastline of Kaoghon and the Pontuarya Peninsula where they also began setting up small settlements of their own. This would mark Norvian dominance starting in 250 BCE over the Codex Pontus and would see other Marenian groups adopting the cultures and traditions of the Norvian raiders. The Kaoghonese Norvians would stand out from the existing factions with their ability to easily traverse into Southeast Yasteria and becoming the first Norvian invaders to raid the Codex coast.
Adventuring with the potential of finding undiscovered riches developed to become a lifelong goal for many opportunistic Norvians. Around 250 BCE, Norvian bands would traverse further north, pushing themselves to the limit in the search of new lands and people. ___ of ___ would gain notoriety for being one of the first Norvian adventurers to navigate through the Medium Sea, discover the island of Eridani Theta, and reach as far as the coasts of Kelssek. Other crews reached as far as the ice caps of the north with those who returned describing extremely cold temperatures, more ice than the eyes could see, and natives unknown to them. These expeditions would eventually bring Norvian bands across the Pacific Ocean to the west coast of the Pacific Ocean, opening up a new world to the Norvians.
Realizing the potential of new lands far from the civilizations of Yasteria, a number of Norvian chiefs created a confederation to invade and settle Novaris. According to surviving records, over twelve families joined this confederation, the most prominent being the ___, ___, and Marcello. ___ of ____ was chosen to head the expedition as he had already made the journey once. Dozens of ships made the journey across the Pacific Ocean, carrying the twelve families, the possessions, and their armies, departing the Aspirian Isles in 151 BCE. Little is known about the expedition itself, although it is assumed to have been difficult for the Norvians since upon arrival to Novaris, nine of the twelve platform ships are described to have survived. Even upon arriving to Novaris, the expedition would not land until finally settling near Monticelli, naming their claimed land as Dallacqua.
For the next few decades, the Dallacquan Norvians would continue pushing inland to secure their holdings and subjugate the local populace, the Esmeris. From Dallacqua, the Norvians also began their usual naval raids or the surrounding lands in the search for new wealth. Finally settled into their new home and aware of the dangers that they faced crossing the Pacific Ocean, a fleet of ships was sent out in 140 BCE to regain contact with their homeland, bringing along with them their findings. Surprised by the success of the expedition, the fleet's arrival back to the Aspirian Isles would inspire more Norvian families to make the journey to further bolster the Dallacquan Norvians and their holdings.
The Dallacquan Norvians would see further success in their conquers. Their incursions inland finally brought them to the gates of Centellazione, the bastion of the Esmeri Alliance, which would end up being the last stronghold in the region that had the potential to endanger their coastal holdings. For the next few decades, the Norvians and the people of Centellazione would clash with each other. The Norvians ended up being shocked with the amount of resistance the people of Centellazione gave them. Once the Norvians were successful in conquering the city, the raiders slaughtered all residents within Centallazione's walls. With the last native stronghold in the region secured, the Norvians were left unimpeded in their conquest of the surrounding lands, however the massacre only further fueled mass disdain for the foreign conquerors.
A few years before the beginning of the Common Era, a handful of the Norvian families began their journey back to the Aspirian Isles. However, unlike the last journeys in the past century, the Norvian chiefs and their families did not return to Novaris, leaving Dallacqua to the remaining Norvians who would continue their conquests. It is unknown why the Norvians never returned or even attempted to cross the Pacific Ocean. An accepted theory is related to the meteor strike off the coast of Tavaris that marks the beginning of the Common Era Calendar. It is believed the effects of the meteor strike deterred Norvians on both sides of the ocean to attempting the journey. Whether it was from the weather side-effects by the strike or just superstition, the Norvians no longer dared to cross the Pacific Ocean.
Without support from Yasteria, the ruling Norvians were left to fend for themselves against a mass uprising stemmed from years of subjugation. No longer in the favor of masses and even their own armies, the Norvians were swiftly overthrown with those not in support of the Dallacquan people exiled or executed. Most of those that escaped went east, settling in Lapinumbia in the 4th century CE.
Packilvanian Ocean
No longer focused on Novaris, the Norvian chiefdoms around the Codex Pontus returned most of their attention to Southeast Yasteria and the mainland's eastern coast. The island of Codex and the Pontuarya Peninsula would be their main targets for conquest and raids. In 38 CE, the state of Lyon and the Kaoghonese Norvians agreed to end all hostilities in exchange for the allowance for Norvian bands to easily access the Packilvanian Ocean. Similar agreements were made with Codex, opening up an entire ocean to the Norvians.