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Revision as of 18:27, 21 December 2022 by Pox (talk | contribs) (Created page with " The '''Neuu Arfliee Company''' (NAC) was a commercial emporium founded in the mid-1500s in the city of Plevoria (Modern New Arsfly), located in the state of Afragola. The company was established by a group of merchants from the merchant empire of Wermont and initially focused on trade in the Gulf of Afragola. == History == === Foundation === === Early Colonization === However, over the course of several centuries, the NAC began to colonize Afragola and expand i...")
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The Neuu Arfliee Company (NAC) was a commercial emporium founded in the mid-1500s in the city of Plevoria (Modern New Arsfly), located in the state of Afragola. The company was established by a group of merchants from the merchant empire of Wermont and initially focused on trade in the Gulf of Afragola.



Early Colonization

However, over the course of several centuries, the NAC began to colonize Afragola and expand its control over the region.

Over the following centuries, the NAC began colonizing the state of Afragola, using a combination of deceptive and fraudulent land deals with the indigenous Yallo population.

Furthermore, the Kingdom of Arafors, which had inherited control of Afragola from the empire of Wermont in 1880s, did not like the idea of a private company trying to seize a portion of its territory. However, NAC was a shrewd company and found ways to overcome these difficulties by leveraging its ties to influential allies and among the ruling elites of the Kingdom who were willing to support the company's expansion in exchange for personal gain, and by promising the government a share of the revenues of the plantations, it obtained to continue its terrible exploitation activities undisturbed.

As the NAC expanded its influence in Afragola, both through deception and violence, the Yallos were displaced from their traditional lands and forced to work on NAC-owned plantations and other industries, where they were subjected to harsh working conditions and brutal treatment.

Dømin War

When the Federal Republic of Phoenixia succeeded the Kingdom of Arafors (1946-48), NAC allegedly used its wealth and influence to bribe government officials to gain support from Phoenixia. However, some historians point out the economic importance that the NAC represented for the newborn republic, which had just emerged from a civil war, was not willing to interrupt the company's operations in Afragola as it would have had a serious socio-economic impact on the entire nation, even if that meant supporting a company with a history of exploitation and abuse. What is certain is that the NAC was legalized and continued its activity of exploitation against the Yallos, now reduced to poverty and confined in ghetto neighborhoods near the factories and plantations.

These conditions were likely one of the causes of the First Domin War, which took place from 1967 to 1970. An extremist fringe of the Yallo community declared independence and sought to establish a communist state. The war will prove to be a real massacre for the populations of the state of Afragola; thanks to the fundamental strategic, logistic and military support of the Federation of the Mirhaimian Realm, the federal government managed to tame the secession, albeit at a great human cost, both for the soldiers and mainly for the civilians, both Klevee and Yallo, who suffered of the massacres and reprisals by the self-proclaimed socialist republic of Bours; Furthermore, Afragola was practically destroyed and reduced to ruins.

Even after the reconstruction phase and despite the relatively recent horrors of war, the community of Yallo continued to be exploited and enslaved by the NAC; to these humiliations was added the spread of discrimination and injustice against the Yallo, suffering further inequalities from the rest of the population.

War aftermath and NAC disbanding

In the 1990s, as part of a major reform of the state of Afragola, NAC was dissolved and its assets are divided among smaller but still influential companies. The goal was to

break the company's monopoly on Afragola's power and resources and to enable a more diverse and competitive economy in the region; and the implementation of appropriate ethical and labor standards for Yallos.

These efforts, however, proved to be in vain. Although NAC was dissolved and its assets divided among smaller companies, these companies still retained a large portion of NAC's influence; according to former veteran Alfeo Romandieri, the reform has paradoxically led to the distribution of the power held by the Neuu Arflie Company among many companies, instead of reducing it, complicating the situation rather than solving it.

As demonstrated by various studies published in 2017 by the International Observatory of the University of Felixia in collaboration with the Wermont Polytechnic of Technolog,

smaller companies continued to exercise significant control over Afragola's economy and resources, limiting the ability of other players to compete and participate in the market. Furthermore, NAC's legacy of exploitation and abuse has persisted even after the dissolution of the company, the Yallo community, remains marginalized and disadvantaged in many areas of society, including education, healthcare, and employment.

The colonization of Afragola by the NAC and the mistreatment of the Yallos will be remembered in the annals as a dark chapter in the history of the region.

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