The Federation of the Mirhaimian Realm (Trinter: ᚠᛟᚾ-ᚨᛁᛗᛖ ᛗᛁᚱᚺᚨᛁᛗᛖ×ᛊᚨ. Ansa: Fon-aime Mirhaime'sa), commonly referred to as Mirhaime (Trinter: ᛗᛁᚱᚺᚨᛁᛗᛖ), is a country located in Novaris consisting of thirty-eight states, two special metropolitan regions and nine islands. It shares a land border with Tedeschi, and Celannica to the East as well as a maritime border with Tretrid to the South, and Galevimland to the West.

Federation of the Mirhaimian Realm

ᚠᛟᚾ-ᚨᛁᛗᛖ ᛗᛁᚱᚺᚨᛁᛗᛖ×ᛊᚨ (Trinter)
Flag of Mirhaime Federation
Motto: ᛊᛁᛁᚾᚲᚨᚱ ᛞᚱᛖ ᛊᚲᛟᚢᚱ; ᛊᛟᛁᚲᚨᚾ ᛞᚱᛖ ᛞᚱᛟᚢ "Siinkar dre Skour; Soikan dre Drou"
"Victory through Diligence; Peace through Strength"
Anthem: ᚲᚨᚱᛖᛚ ᛖᚹᛖᚾ ᚾᛁᚺᚨᛚ

Karel Even Nihal

Our Banner Flutters
StatusUniversally Recognized
Capitalᛚᛟᚱᛖᚾ×ᚲᚨ (Loren'ka)
Largestᛒᚨᚠᚨᚨᛊ×ᚲᚨ (Bafaas'ka)
Official languagesTrinter
Recognised national languagesTribek; Aeinsar; Wotak.
Ethnic groups
94.8% Trinter (elves, humans, dwarfs included), 5.2% Others
84.8% Pantheon of Glaithon, 15.2% No religion/Others.
GovernmentFederal one-party Siinkarist semi-presidential republic
• Paragon
Anrah Witra Siinkar nar Pankow'ka Ke'hai
• Premier
Ilia Wikta Eyra nar Loren'ka
Legislatureᛊᛇᚾᚨᛞ ᚾᚨᚱ ᚠᛟᚾ-ᚨᛁᛗᛖ ᛗᛁᚱᚺᚨᛁᛗᛖ×ᛊᚨ (National Assembly of the Mirhaime Federation)
• First Unification of the Realm
0 A.U (1 BCE)
• Anarchy of the Realm
• Formation of the Trinterian Confederation
• Liberation of Loren'ka
August 29th, 1650
• Treaty of Daemir
September 1st, 1650
• Formation of the Mirhaime Federation
September 2nd, 1650
• Current Constitution
April 2nd, 1966
• 2021 estimate
GDP (PPP)2021 estimate
• Total
• Per capita
GDP (nominal)2020 estimate
• Total
• Per capita
Gini (2021)33.4
SDI (2021)Increase 0.875
very high
CurrencyMirhaime Federation Inter(s) (MFI)
Mains electricity240V, 50Hz
Driving sideright
Calling code511
ISO 3166 codeMHF; MF

Mirhaime can be traced back to the Trinterian Commonwealth, which arose about 2000 years ago. Despite previous battles with the faux Dynasty of Feldrot, which governed the Realm from its establishment to its dissolution 500 years ago, the Federation declares itself to be the sole true successor of the Commonwealth.

Following the union of the Trinterian Realm to combat a barbarian invasion, the Commonwealth was founded from a ruined assemblage of Trinter kingdoms, teyrnions, and dukedoms. The Commonwealth grew into a regional power under the leadership of a pseudo hereditary monarchy, the Feldrot Dynasty, which deployed a large armed force to aggressively expand its territory while promoting cultural values, and scientific advancements. For a while, the Commonwealth stood as a sentinel, spanning enormous swaths of territory and employing its resources to construct massive fortifications, palaces, spires, and embankments that are still in use by the modern Mirhaimian state. Despite many victories and accomplishments throughout their rule, the Feldrot Dynasty was plagued by political infighting that ranged from minor during the First and Second Eras to severe during the Third. The throne was passed from one noble line of the Feldrot Dynasty to another as a result of the infighting. The Commonwealth was disbanded due to severe inequality, administrative incompetence, and a catastrophic economic recession caused by an epidemic in the late 16th and early 17th century. Subordinate states withdrew their oath of devotion to the Drake Throne and declared independence, resulting in the Court of Heaven being defunct.

Hera Siinkar nar Lesteka Ke'sed, a figurehead descended from a prestigious line of Commonwealth generals, rose from the region of Lestek by the Donga'drah. Despite certain skirmishes, the nascent Republic established itself as a military power in the Trinter-speaking world in only 19 years. Their peak came in 1625, when the Kingdom of Naki attacked the Realm, albeit their words already hold weight in the Trinterian League of Powers.

The Republic managed to rally 23 out of 38 states into a new Trinterian Confederation in an eight-year struggle that culminated in a decisive victory in Antai. Siinkar, the Paragon of the Confederation, backed by Geith, proclaimed a Crusade for the historical capital of Loren'ka and the Greater Bay Region, which was and still is the Realm's economic and cultural heart. Siinkar's army successfully wrested control of the Ka's of Loren and Bafaas from the Aeter Imperium in only four years; any states that refused to yield soon swore their allegiance to the soon-to-be-defunct Drake Throne in the Treaty of Daemir, which saw the establishment of the Mirhaime Federation, a federal one-party semi-presidential republic with Hera Siinkar nar Lestek'ka Ke'sed ascending to the position of Paragon of the Federation that same year.

The Federation was engulfed in constant warfare with its neighbors as it sought to solidify its position in the region, and with itself as insubordinate groups sought to thwart the Saenad's newly established grip on the Realm under the rule of Siinkar and the Ansan Party (renamed the Siinkarist People's Party after Siinkar's death in 1685). Despite a precarious start, the Federation was able to achieve lasting peace in 1662 after defeating the now-defunct Venkire Republic. These valuable years of calm had benefited Mirhaime, with its population steadily increasing and its economy gradually rebuilding from the wreckage of previous anarchies.

An economic recession followed by numerous political scandals in the late 1950s and early 1960s led to the Federation withdrawing itself from regional politics, and into a period of isolationism as it begun to restructure its economy, and reform its political system under a coalition of reformist delegates led by Jalo Siinkar nar Pankow'ka who later became the Federation's new Paragon and the new General Secretary of the Siinkarist People's Party. He and the reformers executed Doika ("Renovation"), a set of free-market reforms that repealed inefficient economic policies while carefully managing the economy's transformation into a "siinkarist-oriented market economy." Under Doika, the government incentivized the private sector, deregulated the economy, and promoted foreign investments while maintaining control over strategic industries, despite the fact that the state's authority remained unquestioned. Mirhaime's economy grew rapidly in agricultural and industrial production, construction, exports, and foreign investment as a result of these reforms, however, income disparity increased as new firms developed to replace existing cooperatives.

Mirhaime is now a federal one-party siinkarist semi-presidential republic led by a paragon who is elected to authority by a majority vote in the National Assembly (also known as ᛊᛇᚾᚨᛞ, or Saenad) in Loren'ka's capital.

The Federation is a rising regional power with a robust economy, with excellent industrial production capabilities and a developing finance sector thanks to favorable government regulations. The Federation is currently reintegrating into regional affairs and attempting to reassert itself as a regional force, as seen by its increased involvement in regional trade and recent rearmanent campaign.


The Codexian word Trinteria derives from the archaic term Trinktria which was used by the lost merchant people of Ytian to refer to the people who resided in the Don'drah plains. grew a combination of wheat and rice for supplement. The native term Mirhaime, the true meaning of which is lost to time, was first documented in the 8th century Before Unification in "Codex of the Realm" written by a collection of unknown writers in Old Trinter, and was later widely used as an alternate, more inclusive name for the Commonwealth. By historical records and writings, beginning in the 1st century After Unification, educated Trinterians (humans; dwarves; and elves alike) widely referred to themselves as daoine Mirhaime (Mirhaimian people).