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Marheg is a honorific bestowed upon an individual by a head of state or representative of the head of state in the Trinterian world in recognition of exceptional service rendered to their respective realm, especially in a military capacity. Depending on the context, it is also used to refer to a type of shock infantry, or heavy cavalry on drakeback.

Prior to the Ruaircan Reformation under Iesca the Great, a Marheg was a vassal who served as a recognized fighter for a suzerain, with payment accompanying the title being property. Thus, Marhegs, in a limited capacity, also formed a part of the historical Trinterian landed aristocracy though many were also traders, travelers, scholars and religious figures. Typically, however, Marhegs were often previously landless statespeople, bureaucrat, professional warriors, and officers granted the title to recognize some meritorious achievements.

In the modern day, the honorific of Marheg is still being rendered upon recognized statespeople and military service members of Trinterian states, most prominently in Costalan, Mirhaime and Thalor.