Leelah Stone

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Vice President Leelah Stone
Born April 12, 1981
Spliff, North Rockport, Emberwood Coast
Term Began April 19, 2006
Successor n/a
Issue LGBT+ Protections
Full name Leelah Victoria Stone
Mother Polina Raye Stone
Father Richard Peter Stone
Current Status Vice President of Emberwood Coast
Spouse Unmarried

Leelah Stone is a beloved ex-public servant who championed legal rights for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender refugees fleeing prosecution in their home country. Under her leadership, administrative officials and legislative changes have allowed hundreds of thousands of displaced individuals seek and gain citizenship in Emberwood.

Early Life

Leelah was born in Spliff, a mid-size town that buds from the north of Rockport. Stone was originally named Joseph at birth, but quickly identified as transgender at age 8 and transitioned accordingly.

She attended Willshire Primary School for 6 years, becoming a bit of an artist in the process.

Young Adult

Leelah began secondary school at Haywood Secondary School in Rockport in 1994. She graduated in 1997 with a 3.9 GPA, and began work at a homeless shelter outside Aura in addition to working towards a

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Leelah is a well loved figure in the nation

Vice President

Leelah works alongside President Poole to ensure the safety and success of Emberitian citizens, often staying behind in Emberwood while the president goes of official trips to international events. She has begun to take on more responsibilities since the Pooles' return from the Arcturian incident.