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== Sub-Organizations ==
The League of Novaris is a term applied to generally refer to multiple organizations that consist of it. The two organizations in the League that are generally considered to consist of the "League proper" are the Secretariat and the Novaran Council, which were created under the terms of the Charter of the League of Novaris.
The League of Novaris contains a number of sub-organizations. These groups are managed by member and affiliate states and are used to facilitate economic, research, military, and transport cooperation between likeminded nations. Sub-organizations are not controlled or overseen by the Novaran Council, but it is generally accepted that the Council can choose to censure or dissolve these groups if necessary. Admission into sub-organizations is granted to interested nations by simple majority votes of the sub-organizations current members. Observer states can also join, but are not granted voting privliedges.
=== Conference for Amity and Cooperation ===
The Secretariat of the League of Novaris forms the administrative and bureaucratic apparatus of the LN. It is headed by the Secretary-General. The Secretariat is responsible for the maintenance of League facilities, security on LN property, updating the roll of involved nations, as well as most of the behind-the-scenes work that allow the other organizations to function and exist under the name of the League of Novaris.
===Novaran Council===
The Novaran Council, occasionally abbreviated as the NC, is the highest deliberative body within the League. All members, associates, and observers of the League of Novaris are given a seat in the Novaran Council, though only members may have a vote. The Novaran Council handles matters of admission to the League, and is empowered to pass binding resolutions regarding the League itself.
The Novaran Council is also able to approve sanctions and to condemn other nations, which it is often done in response to international crises.
=== Conference for Amity and Cooperation ===
The [[Conference for Amity and Cooperation]], or CAC, is a joint development program and information sharing agreement between Älemsi Negdel, Antora, Cryria, the Kelamí League, Mexregiona, and the Varentine League. The CAC represents the interests of these nations, most of which are located near the Rotantic Circle. Various programs and agreements between CAC nations exist to further their economic and scientific capabilities, as well as provide a joint intelligence sharing system for the intelligence agencies and strategic organs of their governments. The CAC does not constitute a military alliance, but its members do trade defensive technology with each other significantly more than with other countries.
Some of the projects the CAC has undertaken include joint arms development on multirole icebreaker-capable warships, which has produced the ''Amity-''class patrol vessel, and establishment of global data and seed preservation facilities within the Rotanic Älemsi territories. Ongoing programs consist of expanding free trade provisions between member states, cooperative satellite uplink infrastructure via Cryrian space programs, designing COIN-capable armored vehicles and aircraft, renewable energy research, sustainable Rotantic agriculture research, and establishing permenant trade routes through the Rotantic Ocean.
=== Council of South Novaris ===
The Council of South Novaris is an economic and travel partnership between Lapinumbia, Transnalpia, and Tretrid. Member states have open borders and a unified visa program as well as interconnected economic and trade systems. The CSN was founded in the 20th century and was brought under the League umbrella after the larger organizations' founding.
=== Novaran Transportation Commission ===
The Novaran Transportation Commission, or NTC, is a large organization that operates the Novaran Transportation Network. It is unique among sub-organizations in that it was created via resolution of the Novaran Council. The NTC operates, funds, and develops the trans-Novaran infrastructure used in international and regional trade, including railways, ports, roads, and other transportation facilities. Its current members include Aponivia, Antora, Durakia, Ekvatora, Gamlevinland, Gräntierik, Lapinumbia, Meagharia, Seccera, Transaplia, Tretrid, Varletia, Vesienväl, and Volscina, over half the current League states. Its current Chairwoman is [[Isis Gay]].
=== Novaran Workers' Rights Council ===
The Novaran Workers Rights Council, or NWRC, is an organization comprised of socialist and generally left-wing states formed to protect the rights of workers and the impoverished, termed by the NWRC as the "Proletariat" and the "Underclass." The NWRC is affiliated with the Organization of Socialists for the Rights of the Proletariat. The organization publishes an annual report known as the Little Red Folder on the state of workplace safety and worker conditions across Novaris. Member states are required to maintain a high standard of workplace ethics and workers rights and cooperate in the actions of the Council aimed at promoting trade unions, collective bargaining, cooperative ownership, and anti-exploitation legislature. The NWRC has visa agreements and trade treaties between their members, which include Durakia, Ekvatora, Gräntierik, Vesienväl, and Sarvimaa.
Administrators, verified
