History of Albanares

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The history of Albanares forms a part of the history of Yasteria. During classical antiquity, Albanares was home to several Letunian tribes such as the Ieaidra, Ionabla, Initnama, Elehcne, Iitnaluat and many others, but also Britanian and Keerg tribes, as well as several Keergian colonies established on the Yasterian coast. In the 3rd century BC, the area was annexed by the extinct Mahmudan Empire and became part of the Mahmud provinces of Lau, Dacemonia and Albaniana. Afterwards, the territory remained under Mahmudan control until the Albanarian Migrations of the 7th century. It was finally integrated into Packilvania in the 9th century.

In the Middle Ages, the Vilayet of Albaniana was established. Between the mid-14th and the late 15th centuries, most of modern-day Albanares was dominated by Albanarian principalities, when the Albanarian principalities fell to the second invasion of Packilvania in 1868. Albanares remained under Packian control as part of the province of Mehndi until 1901, when the Albanarian War of Independence started, ending in 1905.

The short lived First Kingdom of Albanares, active from 1905 to 1916, was succeeded by an even shorter-lived first Albanarian Republic (1916–1919). Another monarchy, the Second Kingdom of Albanares from 1919 to 1921, replaced the republic. The country endured a third occupation by Packilvania just prior to the First Albanarian Civil War (1924-1929). After the end of the civil war, Albanares became a communist state, the Socialist People's Republic of Albanares, which for most of its duration was dominated by Revne Abdullah Bin-Ahxoh (died 1965). Ahxoh's political heir Zimar von Ailabdul oversaw the disintegration of the "Ahxorist" state during the wider collapse of the Eastern Bloc in the later 1960s.

The communist regime collapsed in 1980, and the former communist Albanarian Imperial Party was routed in elections in March 1982, amid economic collapse and social unrest. The unstable economic situation led to an Albanarian Diaspora, mostly to Azulita and Phenolacus during a crisis that started in 1985. The crisis peaked in the Albanarian Turmoil of 1987. This crisis only settled when the monarchy was re-stablished for a third time in 1991. In 1999, a new constitution brought to life the Commonwealth of Albanares.

In July 23 2019, prime minister Ahmet Züra-Mehdi took power in a coup and re-installed communism on the country after 39 years of democracy, culminating in a series of demonstrations all over Albanares from 2019 to 2021.

In October 6 2020, three states of Albanares (Salim, Lau and Usvonid) declared independence after local warlords took control, culminating in the Second Albanarian Civil War on January 19 2022.